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Thorsten Wegner

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Everything posted by Thorsten Wegner

  1. sold one for 12 Euros ($15) a few days ago Thorsten
  2. The Puzzles: my sweet baby FAT BACK M- 45 Euros https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...t-baby-fat-back Robert Parker: I caught you in a lie NOLA M- 45 Euros https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...ht-you-in-a-lie Delcos: Just ask SOUND STAGE 7 VG++ 50 Euros https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...delcos-just-ask Harold Melvin: What can a man do ARCTIC VG++ 50 Euros https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...man-do-arctic-7 Cheryle Thompson: Don´t walk away VEE JAY VG++ 45 Euros https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...-dont-walk-away Eddie Bo: every dog got his day RIC M- 50 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/eddiebodog.mp3 Endeavors: I know you don´t want me no more STOP M- 50 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...deavorsknow.mp3 Just pm me Thanks Thorsten
  3. I have a m- for 35 Euros (incl. airmail) Just pm me if interested Thanks Thorsten
  4. Windy City - Hey Its Over - Warner Bros - £255 just sold this for 65 Euros, great, great record but was listed on our site forever.. thanks to JM it is gone now Thorsten
  5. PURESOUL RECORDS * Hamburg * Germany * www.puresoul.de Hi all, we just updated our website and added over 200 45s . Best! Thorsten, Simone & Jelso 60 s SOUL R&B Kittens - VICK, Young Jessie - MERCURY, Jolly Jax - COOKIN, Donald Height - OLD TOWN, Peppermint Harris - JEWEL, Paul Sindab - POWERTREE, Teddy Mack - MONROE, Vip´s - CONGRESS........ 70 s SOUL CROSSOVER Curtis the Brothers - BELL, Bobby Sheen - WARNER BROS, Peace Love & Happiness - ABAB, Sly Slick & Wicked - PARAMOUNT ..... FUNK BOOGALOO JAZZ.. Brenda George - KENT, Justin - DOWN EAST, Prince & Princess Buster - RCA, Salena Jones - RCA (dutch only), Spooners Crowd - CADET, Eddie Bo & Inez Cheatham - CAPITOL .... BEAT GARAGE PSYCH Arnim-Hamilton - INTERNATIONAL ARTISTS, Cave Dwellers - J-IMKO, Avengers - STAR-BURST, Pied Pipers - HAMLIN TOWN, Soul Inc. - RONDO, Front Line - ATLANTIC (UK), Smith Vinson - SIDDY ........ 50s misc. (popcorn, rockers, exotica..) The Lone Twister - ATLANTIC, Five Blobs - JOY, Al Garris - GLODIS. . ..... .....
  6. in case anybody else need a copy, i have one for sale m-/unplayed 45 Euros (around 35 GBP) + postage just pm me if interested Thorsten
  7. will do! just pm me and i will get back to you with paypal addy & total cheers Thorsten
  8. Hi John, i have a m- copy, it has a very light storage warp that does not affect play at all! 35 Euros incl. postage Just let me know Thanks! Thorsten
  9. 25 Euros + postage record has a heavy warp that does not affect play at all. vinyl is VG++ almost m- plays great!! https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/floydbeckman.mp3 Just pm me Thanks Thorsten
  10. pm´ed you! Thorsten
  11. Tradewinds: Price of love TRADEWIND anyone..? Thanks! Thorsten
  12. i only found one "beat up" copy on popsike from 2006 that went for $138, how can i find the others, can you post a link? Thorsten
  13. Candy Haynes, very hard record to find & on many want lists too, around 300 GBP i would say. Thorsten
  14. Jelso Wegner @ Puresoul Rec. (a few months back, now 19 months old) Thorsten
  15. 150 Euros (around 115 GBP) Thorsten
  16. a copy of this Carolina 45 just sold for $150+ https://cgi.ebay.com/Eddie-Holland-Rare-Car...id=p3911.c0.m14 I have one for 30 Euros + postage if anybody is interested Best! Thorsten
  17. I have a nice copy for 20 Euros (incl. airmail) Best! Thorsten
  18. Tommie Wilson & The Flying Clouds: Running for a long time HSH M- great gospel/Northern tune 30 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/tommiewilson.rm Gloria Walker: You hit the spot baby FLAMING ARROW M- 50 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/gloriawalker.mp3 Eddie Bo: Fight it BLUE JAY M- 40 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/eddiebofight.mp3 Eddie Bo: Every dog got his day RIC VG++ little wol 45 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/eddiebodog.mp3 Patrizia & Jimmy : Trust your child ALA M- 40 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/patrizia.mp3 Donna Loren: Blowing out the candles CAPITOL M- 50 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/donnaloren.mp3 Steve Mancha: You´re still in my heart GROOVESVILLE M- 25 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...emanchaheart.rm Rare Pleasure: Let me down easy CHERI nice VG 15 Euros SOLD https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/rarepleasure.rm Joe Anderson: You and i BUDDAH nice VG 10 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/joeanderson.mp3 Phyllis Hyman: Baby I´m gonna love you DESERT MOON VG++ 15 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/phyllishyman.ram Sam Dees & Bettye Swann BBIG TREE M- 45 Euros HOLD https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/deesswann.rm Gwen McCrae: 90% of me is you CAT VG++ 25 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/gwenmccrae90.rm Cozy Cole: Big Boss BETHLEHEM M- 25 Euros boss instrumental! https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...colebigboss.mp3 Johnny Almond Music Machine: Solar level DERAM VG to VG+ 20 Euros HOLD https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...yalmondsolar.rm Joe Sherman: Fever EPIC M- 25 Euros HOLD https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/joesherman.mp3 please pm or e-mail me puresoul at arcor dot de THANKS!! Thorsten
  19. some reduced, all still available! some nice tunes for 5 Euros there..
  20. A FEW ADDED.. THANKS Thorsten
  21. Odds and Ends: Give me something TODAY M- 15 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...dssomething.mp3 Dynamic Superiors: One nighter MOTOWN VG++ 10 Euros https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...ors-one-nighter Marvels Five: Don´t play no more UPTOWN VG- plays ok 8 Euros clip is taken from the actual 45 https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/marvelsfive.rm Sophisticated Ladies: Check it out MAYHEW DJ M- 5 Euros Roddie Joy: Come back baby RED BIRD VG++ wol 5 Euros Emotions: Do this for me VARDAN G 5 Euros Tavares: Too late CAPITOL VG++ 10 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/tavares.mp3 Spyder Turner: I can´t make it anymore MGM (yellow DEMO!) VG 25 Euros clip is taken from the actual 45 https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...ranymoredemo.rm Fred Hughes: Don´t let me down VEEJAY nice VG+ 15 Euros HOLD https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...yhughesdown.mp3 Latimore: Goodbye heartaches GLADES VG++ 8 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...imoregoodbye.rm Little Frankie Lee: I gotta come back PEACOCK nice VG+ (label has some h2o damage,not too bad) 20 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...lefrankielee.rm Solomon Burke: Cry to me ATLANTIC VG++ (flipside is strong VG) small wol 20 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...monburkecry.mp3 T.D Valentine: Love trap EPIC VG+ 10 Euros https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...ntine-love-trap Lou Lawton: I am searching CAPITOL VG- plays well 8 Euros https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...-i-am-searching Jo Ann Garrett: You can´t come in CHESS M- 10 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...arrettcomein.rm Jimmy Hughes: It ain´t what you got ATLANTIC VG+ wol 12 Euros https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sound...myhughesgot.mp3 Marion Black: Who knows AVCO very rare German ps issue sleeve is VG- vinyl: VG 8 Euros Artistics: Get my hands on some lovin OKEH VG- plays OK 8 Euros Embers: Why did you leave me EEE 5 Euros Anthony & The Imperials: What greater love VEEP VG+ 5 Euros Dan Brantley: I can´t take it no more SIMS M- 5 Euros Willie & Allen: Baby do a little SANSU VG++ 5 Euros Jerry Ann & The Las Vegas Cats: Go go girl RED RIVER M- 5 Euros Gene Redding: This heart CAPITOL M- 5 Euros Radiants: I´m glad i´m the loser CHESS 5 Euros M- wol Ba Ba Brooks: River Bank DUTCHESS (jamaican) VG (-) 5 Euros please pm or e-mail me puresoul at arcor dot de Thanks Thorsten
  22. Cassietta George- Don´t give up - AUDIO GOSPEL HOLD https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...-dont-give-up-0 playside is in great shape VG++ . The flipside looks VG(-) 60 Euros (incl. registered airmail, paypal ) Thanks Thorsten

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