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Thorsten Wegner

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Everything posted by Thorsten Wegner

  1. Clarence Murray is reduced to â"šÂ¬120
  2. clean demo copy of this in demander, killer funky soul! VG+ to VG++ â"šÂ¬120 (incl. signed for delivery) M- copy â"šÂ¬40 + shipping M- copy of this killer funky soul dancer! 50 + shipping M- copy, great funky soul! â"šÂ¬45 + shipping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70WYIUgpLPY clean demo copy of this classic, label has a tiny bit of wear on HOLD! M- copy of this classic â"šÂ¬35 + shipping Please pm or e-mail to reserve: sales at puresoul dot de THANKS! Thorsten
  3. This is a TX record, not sure what city though, Houston?
  4. NICE AND CLEAN DEMO COPY FOR SALE VG++ â"šÂ¬30 + shipping
  5. M- copy, has a very small edge warp, does not affect play í¢"š¬45 James Duncan: you´ve gotta be strong FEDERAL M/unplayed copy í¢"š¬20 https://www.puresoul.de/content/media/sounds/jamesduncanstrong.mp3 M- copy í¢"š¬25 M- copy of this great 60s double sider SOLD! Just pm or e-mail me to reserve, thanks!! Thorsten sales at puresoul dot de
  6. great and classic x-over soul: M- 45 + shipping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dT_TVI88mmM great 60s soul dancer M- ON HOLD! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOisSglzJ28 Please e-mail me to reserve: sales at puresoul dot de Thanks! Thorsten
  7. M/unplayed copy of this classic! 50 + shipping
  8. still have a few copies of each record left, except Frank-O and The Vanguards, i sold all of them. I also added a few more. Just pm or e-mail me to reserve. Thanks! thorsten
  9. great 2 sider : on SOLD OUT! killer funky soul: 45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70WYIUgpLPY indemand funky soul dancer: 50 awesome funky soul 50 great funky modern soul dancer! 45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7NCCtEuC78 great group sound! 15 great 70s soul dancer with amazing deep flip! 200 great x-over soul! 25 nice southern soul 45, good version of G. Jackson tune SOLD OUT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0fQpPE6Trc great funky soul! 25 nice group sound! 50 fantastic group sound! 10 classic!! 50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0ic41kba1o Please e-mail me to reserve sales at puresoul dot de THANKS!! thorsten www.puresoul.de
  10. We added a bunch of new 45s to our website last night. www.puresoul.de Plenty of great tunes still left.. Dynamics -RCA (m- black issue!!), Gino Washington- ATAC (demo), Ray Frazier - CHESS, Brief Encounter- CAPITOL, Ervin Rucker- DUPLEX, Freedom Gospel Singers- M & R.................................. Thanks for looking! Thorsten
  11. Ralph Young: Cool of the floor GOLDBAND M- 40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7NCCtEuC78 86 Proof: You ain´t about la de da BLUES UNLIMITED 45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70WYIUgpLPY Dennis Landry: sing my song SOUL UNLIMITED 15 Winstons: Amen Brother METROMEDIA 15 please message me to reserve pm or e-mail : sales at puresoul dot de Thanks! Thorsten
  12. Vision is the 1st label, pretty hard to find, has a different flip "lookin for my baby" ,killer uptempo rnb
  13. nice & clean copy VG++ (i do not use EX) 80 (incl. signed for delivery) Thanks! Thorsten
  14. M- copy 200 (incl. signed for delivery) just pm or e-mail: sales at puresoul dot de THANKS!! Thorsten
  15. 100GBP in last manship guide
  16. Hat leider nicht geklappt mit den 100 GBP, man hat unseren Plan durchschaut
  17. "books for" 100 GBP .... I payed less for mine but Nils would be probably more than happy to pay the book value..... .... Wenn du die f¼r 100 bekommst kannst du mir ein Bier ausgeben
  18. Thanks Pete! Too bad it´s not real, would have been a great deal for 5GBP. Anybody wants this for 10 then?
  19. I picked up a copy of this recently and i´m almost sure it´s a boot/repro. But it does have "virtue" scratched in the deadwax, do all repros have this? Thanks! Thorsten

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