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Everything posted by AlanB

  1. Great show, I'm going to listen again to the repeat.
  2. Four Seasons may have better vocals and production, but I think Timebox with the vibes and sharper drumbeats is by far the better northern record.
  3. I see both are listed in JM's UK guide at £45 back in 2005. You can see more recent ebay sales for them on Popsike: https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?searchtext=for+tops+ask+the+lonely+tmg+507&thumbs=&currsel=&sortord=&x=0&y=0&incldescr=1 https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?pagenum=1&searchtext=stevie+wonder+kiss+me+baby+tmg+505&incldescr=&sortord=ddate&thumbs=&currsel= I have noticed that prices for UK TMGs have jumped over the last few years, as have other UK label records of northern/mod interest.
  4. The great brassy introduction to Gary Carl - Baby Stay And Make Me Happy pops into my head at completely random times. It's imprinted on my brain from having it on a tape for many years. Unfortunately the rest of the record is messy and unmelodic, and definitely doesn't lend itself to humming or singing along. I don't think it's on YouTube. .
  5. Four Tops TMG 507 in nice condition sells in range £70 to £100. I bought a copy in Manship auction around 18 months ago for £84. So if I was to put a single value on it I would say £85. I don't know about Kiss Me Baby.
  6. I think from early 70s Phillips UK routinely dinked centres from the paper label releases e.g. the hit re-issues of Love, Love, Love and You're Ready Now were dinked.
  7. Yes, great tune. Funny how in the late 60s/70s it would have seemed so dated, but strangely seems more contemporary now. Hurt So Bad by Nancy Wilson is pretty good too.
  8. Yes, my copy has the dinked centre too. I still have my email copy of the invoice so I could check more about how I got it. My memory had failed me about some bits: it was April 2010, listed on UK ebay as a funk record, and cost just £7.28. I had been looking for Willis Wooten at that time, and bought it just as a substitute. The seller had a website (now defunct) on which he said his main interest was Northern soul. So it seems I was really lucky. Had no idea it was special till I read this thread.
  9. I'm really surprised (but pleased) that this is believed to be rare. I got a copy off UK ebay around 2 years ago. Nobody else bid and I think I paid around just £15 for it. I came across it by chance because I was looking for Willis Wooten at the time. Maybe copies are lurking in non-soul collections.
  10. Thanks for pointing this out. I tried searching ebay worldwide before I posted, not sure how I missed this copy - just saw the messy one on UK ebay. .
  11. Hi, I'm looking for a nice copy of Bernadette Castro - Get Rid Of Him on Australian Colpix (with solid centre), with clean label. I know there is a copy on ebay just now with messy label. Thanks
  12. I agree with this one. Great record. Wish it had been put out on the UK Polydor release of Deeper In Love rather than being ditched in favour of Day Tripper.
  13. Here are a couple that made their names with cover versions. Wayne Fontana & the Mindbenders - Um, Um, Um, Um Um, Um Lulu - Shout Also, The Hollies breakthrough into the top 20 wasn't Stay or Just One Look but a cover of The Coasters - Searchin'
  14. I would be interested in seeing what you played, as I collect UK stuff. Could you put it up in the Playlists section. Thanks.
  15. Gil Scott-Heron's father played football for Glasgow Celtic. (Scott was his mother's maiden name rather than being due to the Scottish connection). Too serious and sad to be considered trivia but worth noting: James Debeunere of The Appreciations was killed in the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon.
  16. Well I couldn't hear it properly above the room chatter, but using Venus for the backing it did sound from that era and it is relatively soulful for something played at a Popcorn venue.
  17. Thanks very much for this. Well, I was never going to find it looking amongst old records! Real nice I think.
  18. Can anyone please identify the track that begins at 5.52 Thanks in anticipation.
  19. In similar vein "Fiddlin' Around" - Don Renaldo. And another Mecca one (if background chant doesn't rule it out) The Gaturs - "Yeah, You're Right"
  20. Not one of the great instrumentals, but I've always liked Bert Keyes - Do Do Do Bah-ah (I also have it as Discotheque Sway by The Players). I think Bari Track is the greatest.
  21. Comin' Home Baby is one of the very few records that I can think of that was a big UK pop hit before it had any 'Northern' plays.
  22. Jamie Coe - Cleopatra ...and at normal speed
  23. It seems to be creeping up in price. Sales on Popsike: £84 (2009), £123 (2011), £194 (2012).
  24. I think the first half of this recent clip gives a good indication of the Popcorn dance style. It degenerates into general disco towards the end. This is a vintage clip (I think): It's a bit like the Carolina Beach Music style.
  25. Meant to add to the above, for completeness, the Belgian style of dancing to this stuff is quite different from Northern Soul dancing- the couples dance together like a slow jive.

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