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Everything posted by AlanB

  1. Thanks, great service. Really enjoying them, great writing style and interesting views.
  2. As mentioned earlier, it sounds very like an Intruders record, and even the gimmicky theme is like their records (e.g. referencing Tarzan, Baseball etc). I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be an unreleased Intruders recording that someone pressed up. The Intruders are still active with some original members. If anyone had contact details, it would be interesting to ask them if they have knowledge of the recording.
  3. Different groups. The first is Mike Love (Beach Boys lead singer) with support (no other Beach Boys in the line-up). The Mowest one is middle of road soul group. Included Shirley/Sherlie Matthews of Mirwood fame, and Chuck Bedford who had record on Bell.
  4. Good northern side on the US flip, UK flip not so good in my opinion.
  5. A few years ago the limit for import VAT in UK was reduced from (I think) £22 to £15, and started to be more strictly enforced. Around same time US postal charges increased and US eBay sellers. started being more rigorous in declaring the value. I used to often buy lower price range records from the US but it's not worth it the cost/hassle now.
  6. UK situation is similar. Purchases over £15 from outside the EU incur 20% tax plus an £8 handling charge.
  7. Thanks very much for the information.
  8. I've seen promos with the '7' in different positions - some on the same row as 'Sound Stage', some with the 7 raised, some with the 7 lower. Is there any significance in this (e.g. indicating a reissue)? Thanks in anticipation.
  9. The instrumental of Rolling Stone was on the flip of the Carla release of The Gallop.
  10. Could you post a link to the episode where the clip can be heard?
  11. When you said 'wrong sides' did the original demo have Karate Boogaloo and Pearl reversed, or was it different tracks?
  12. Well spotted! This is a record I'd like to have but it would be annoying to have the sides the wrong way round.
  13. I think it's Wynder K Frog's version of Somebody Help Me, from Sunshine Super Frog album.
  14. Also, The TSU Tornadoes.
  15. I have Impressions Big Sixteen Vol.2 on the wall.
  16. War (done much slower).
  17. UK originals (my biggest category) filed alphabetically by label. I find filing UK stuff quite an enjoyable activity in itself. When I have time I'm going to put them into artist alphabetical within label. Then separate boxes (random order within) for UK reissues, Northern originals, Northern pressings, Seventies, R&B.
  18. Is the song not You Don't Know Like I Know (Sam & Dave cover). Don't think it came out as a 45 in the UK.
  19. The first unknown is Sam Dees - Soul Sister. I think it's introduced on the tape with a cover-up name; can't make it out.
  20. I suspect it's Richard Blandon of The Dubs. With a bass singer doing other parts, it sounds like a group that's doing the backing. The Dubs were recording for ABC under producer Sid Feller around the same time Jo Ann Campbell was. Check out The Dubs - Just You that was recorded around a year or so later. I think it sounds like the same singer.
  21. There's a few tracks like that on it, general club records from the very early days: 1-2-3, Backfield In Motion, Turn to Stone. Just trying to have broad appeal I think. Balanced out by Bobby Angelle, Luther Ingram - Weep, JJ Barnes - Go Wild. Levanna's good in the advert. And if you watch the trailer on YouTube, it's preceded by the Shredded Wheat/Bobby Angelle advert - a double feature!
  22. Sorry to hear this, all the best to him. He's been one of my favourites going back to 1969 when I first hear Right Track. Never tire of hearing his Okeh and Brunswick recordings, every one great.
  23. Good anecdote, would be fun to know some examples.
  24. For minor clean up I would have suggested isopropyl. A simple solution for very mucky, just a drop or two of washing up liquid in some warm water then apply with cotton wool pad. Maybe use a cotton bud for run in and out for more pressure there. Then carefully rinse off, avoiding the labels of course. Repeat a few times until you don't hear further improvement. Other more elaborate suggestions have been made on here in the past, but the above has always worked for me.
  25. I remember that too around that time in Glasgow. Lot's of UK Minit and Liberty soul LPs too, as well as lot's of non-soul stuff. Hundreds of clear-out LPs suddenly appeared, stacked on the counter tops, not in the usual LP shelves. Unfortunately didn't buy any, as was more into 45s. Have thought about it regretfully from time to time since

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