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Everything posted by AlanB

  1. I like it too, have got both versions, but don't think it's in same league as Wade Flemmons. I feel Susan Maughan's vocal is a bit forced, it would have been better if her delivery had been more laid back. Can't imagine it sold many on release. Alan
  2. I've sent you a pm Alan
  3. If there is a problem I'd bet it is with the postal service. I've bought from him lots of times and I would say he is 100% reliable. Anyway if you have paid by Paypal you would have their protection to fall back on. Alan
  4. I think you might be right about Homer. In one episode he was busking as a one-man band and he was doing Archie Bell's Tighten Up. In fact he would blend in quite well, apart from being yellow. Alan
  5. I agree it's much harder to find than you might think. I got my copy around a year ago for about £40, after a couple of years looking hard for it. Rarely see it for sale. Alan
  6. Dealer told me once that the record had gone missing, probably stolen out of his box. I had my suspicions, but eBay sellers at that time could leave retaliatory feedback, so I just let it go. Your seller deserves negative feedback even if telling the truth - has responsibility to look after the record properly after the auction ends. Seller can't leave negative feedback for you nowadays. I would only have let him off if he had given a funny excuse, like Pete S's! Alan
  7. I was just about to say the same, this is a great track, very soulful. Alan
  8. Chuck Stephens.... I really like this record but I think it's too laid back to go big. Alan
  9. US release has thinner sound, Contemporaries release (only release of this mix I think) more punchy, much better. Alan
  10. Verbal agreement is a binding contact. Sue him ! Alan
  11. Lucky you! I've wanted this for years, and know others who do too! Alan
  12. I'd ask for my money back. The crap condition will always be annoying, and even if you get a discount it will still presumably be pretty expensive. Crap condition is ok if you pick something up for buttons but in a case like this it always rankles IMO. Would be interesting to hear what the dealer's response is, even if your being civil and not naming him. Alan
  13. Sliced Tomatoes Cigarette Ashes Alan
  14. A great example IMO is Escorts - You Can't Even Be My Friend, RCA (it's on Refosoul here), with its backing vocal of ShooBopDeBop. Alan
  15. Over the last year I've noted a big jump in what UK Motown TMG 500 and low 600 numbers have been going for on eBay. Crazy prices in many cases IMO. Must be more people chasing them for some reason! Alan
  16. I completely agree with this. The traditional clubs are going to gradually fade away over the next 10, 20 years. Bringing the music to younger people in town-centre type clubs is best hope for keeping the scene going. For some it might be a fad but others will stick with it. Alan
  17. I don't think "Catch that teardrop" is ever sung but it's a better title than "Don't let this teardrop hit the ground". Alan
  18. Thanks, hadn't realised that had been done. How do you tell the Phil Orsi from the 2nd issue? Alan
  19. Could anyone tell me if the Velvets - Lovin' on Borrowed Time on Number One has ever been counterfeited. I don't think it has ever been booted as a Northern side, but want to check in case it has ever been booted for any other scene. thanks Alan
  20. Records I've received recently have taken the following: Franked 31/1 received 8/2 Franked 25/1, received 9/2 Franked 4/2, received 9/2 I think 4 weeks is the maximum I've waited. Alan
  21. I think that was a freak result because at the time Craig Moerer had it on sale, and still does, for $450. Alan
  22. I got caught out like this around a year ago on a $200/£100 record. The import duty/VAT was around 20% plus around £5 for a Royal Mail handling fee - so I think you'll get a charge for about £45. Hopefully you could still make some profit on it. Alan
  23. [ Mine was BETTY LAVETTE at Blackpool...Jeez she was AWFUL! ] I was at the Blackpool event and was very disappointed too, but having seen her at a small venue in Glasgow a years or so ago, where she was fantastic, I think the Blackpool venue was largely to blame. Alan
  24. The backing band on April Silva' Under My Thumb were the Brymers who had been signed to the Diplomacy label by Bill Silva and who had several releases on that label, as did Jimmy Holiday. Their story is told in https://www.kennysinner.com/brymer-article.html ...which refers to the April Silva record but doesn't give any details. The sleeve notes of their recent compilation CD, which includes Under My Thumb, might give more info about UMT's original release. Alan
  25. It was by April Silva. I think it was a genuine record, not a tailor made, but pop rather than a soul cover of the Stones. She was linked with garage band the Brymers. Alan

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