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Everything posted by Britishbarry

  1. I grew up in Reading and had my hair cut in what our barber called an astronaught cut in 1966 . We were wearing levi's with braces ,T shirts, Levi jackets Fred Perry's , army boots etc. and a suit and tie on saturday nights . We were all into what would now be refered to as club soul and Motown as well as ska . At this time we didn't refer to ourselves as mod's or anything and it wasn't until 69 or 70 that I first heard the term skinhead , by this time I was a suedehead and I couldn't understand why all these kid's were so out of date and dressing as I had a few years earlier.
  2. Can't remember the name or too much about it, for obvious reasons, but sounds like the place , was it up London Street ?The records youv'e mentioned were certainly played there . I do seem to recall a coffee bar called The Kentucky Wheel .
  3. 1966 and I had just left school, some old friends took my mates and I to a seedy club up an alley in Reading, I was blown away by the music , things like Rex Garvin , Sock it to em , The Capitols , Cool jerk and many more . From this point on I was not interested in chart music . Come the early 70's I was heavily into the likes of Rory Gallagher (In my opinion the best guitarist ever) , Captain Beefheart and Led Zeppelin ( who I saw at Wembley in the early 70's . So those are my three
  4. Prophets , She's my kind of girl . Stephanye . Tried to upload this from You Tube without a lot of success .
  5. Ultimations - Would I do it over
  6. How about The Soul Twins , Quick change artist
  7. Now that's weird . My story also relates to the above record . We were on a cruise around the Med. and i was flicking through the list of sounds on the in house T.V./ jukebox , checked out the R&B section when I came across Charles Sheffield also found Al Wilson Show and tell . Made a great holiday even better.
  8. Mighty Lover for me . It amazes me how the same backing track can sound so different with a different vocal
  9. Now that really does wind me up
  10. How about Ray Pollard , The Drifter singing about his girl dying and drifting from town to town
  11. Slightly off topic , however , Captain Beefheart does a brilliant pastiche of a Miracles type song (Ooh Baby Baby comes to mind) on his Safe as Milk album called, I'm so glad.
  12. This was played in a lot of the clubs back in the 60 Sixties . I always understood this to be a UK production. as it's arranged by Reg Guest and produced by Norman Smith
  13. Forgot to mention I still have them both
  14. It was either Darrell Banks - Open the door to your heart or the Four Tops - Shake me wake me , can't remember for sure which , bought as a soul record in 1966 long before the term Northern Soul was invented , so does this count ?
  15. How about The Vibrations- Who's gonna help me now . Very soulful
  16. Sorry to be repetitive but mines pretty good too
  17. As a rep i called on a company one day , got talking and it turned out a friend of the owner had left a load of records in the warehouse . The chap I was talking to said did I want to have a look , I said yes then regreted it thinking I would be looking through the usual dross but by this time it was too late and it would have been rude to decline . What I found was any number of UK demos including lou johnson -Unsatisfied , Jimmy Williams - Walking on air . But the best thing was Davy Jones (David Bowie) You got a habit of leaving me - Parlaphone Demo , which I sold on Ebay for £1260.00
  18. Olympics - Baby do the Philly Dog
  19. How about The Daylighters - The Uncle Willie Jackie Ross - Jerk and Twine
  20. It was either. Temptations - Ain't to proud to beg or Junior Walker - How sweet it is in 1966
  21. Great soulful voice , love his Verve stuff , always pick it up when I find it , especially when i'ts on British .
  22. A lot of people are refered to as legends when they die , in this case it is well deserved ,unquestionably a legend R.I.P. Norman Johnson
  23. Used to go to Purley alldayers , Rio, Didcot , Dido's ,Dunstable and various other places . I particularly remember Roy Ayres Running away , Francine Mcgee Delirium , Fat Larry Centre city D.C.Larue Cathedrals and many , many more
  24. My recent 5 purchases were , The Profiles I still love you Margaret Williams Baby please Cicero Blake Sad feeling Margie Joseph I'll always love you Prophets My kind of girl
  25. As a matter of interest it is a common misconception that the black bar on a Sue label denotes a demo . This is not the case , this where Sue had preprinted the labels with the words Sue records , however when they lost the deal with american Sue and they were taking releases from other labels they used up the preprinted ones but blanked out the bit that said Sue records. The actual demos had a hand stamped A on the label

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