Darrell Banks is the best version. I bought it on it's Stateside release when it came out and it was one of the records that got me hooked on our great music.
I started collecting in 1966. All that we could buy back then was U.K. issued stuff. As a result I still have a huge soft spot for anything on a U.K. label and will always try to get a British copy of a record ,rather than a U.S. copy if I can. Just recently I have been adding to my Stateside collection with a Tyrone Davis ,Betty Lavette and The Van Dykes.
The Chymes , Take me to paradise . I was listening to this today , without this thread in mind, and heard the line "I fought the war for you". As far as I can make out this is the only reference to the war in the song. Don't know if this classifies it as a Vietnam record.
Anybody else hear the Graham Norton Show this morning , I couldn't believe it when he played Dean Courtney , I'll always need you . In the past though he has played Mel Britt and other Northern tracks I can't remember. I can't believe Graham Norton is a Northern soul fan , so it has to be the show's producer.
I am an absolute sucker for anything on a British label . I have some of the biggies , but still missing quite a few. I also am addicted to collecting British labels i.e. Sue , Atlantic , Stax , Chess etc.
For me it was always the Isley Brothers - This old heart of mine , mainly because at the time I bought it the single of the title track was unavailable as was, I guess ill always love you ,although I bought it for these two tracks, as luck would have it the whole album is comprised of great material.
I have to confess that my personal addiction is any soul on a British label,regardless of what it sounds like.I also collect British labels, again it doesn't matter what it sounds like if I need it to complete a series I'll buy it.I also collect general Northern but only if I like it and get it a reasonable price.Never sell anything on the basis that the day I sell it for a fiver it will go massive and be worth a fortune.
Rex Garvin - Sock it to em J.B.
Darrell Banks - Open the door
Tony Clarke- You're the entertainer
Capitols-Cool jerk
Billy Stewart-Sitting in the park
To this day I only have to hear any of these and they take me straight back to the 60Ts