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Everything posted by Britishbarry

  1. Wishing you all the best. Without you my British record collection would not be as good as it is. You probably don't remember but back in the 80t's, when I lived in Aylesbury, I would get a phone call from you every now and then offering me the your issue copy of a record you had just bought the demo of. Needless to say I would always buy these. Thank's again. By the way I've still got them all.
  2. Etta James & Sugar Pie Desanto - In the Basement
  3. The thing that gives it away for me is the centre hole, as far as I know the original came with a push out centre ( I know some Liberty issues came with a solid, small hole centre but I don't think the Timi Yuro did) the hole is perfectly round with no evidence of the push out centre having been removed.
  4. Thanks for that, mystery solved. By the way the B side of the Odds and Ends version Is an excellent tune.
  5. I forgot about that one and I've got it!
  6. Thank's for the response. I am going to have to listen to it again. It is probably the Barbara Lewis one. I did just wonder if it was a current version though.
  7. I was watching The Five on Sky 1 last night and at the beginning they played a female version of Love Makes the World go Round. Did anybody else hear it and know who was singing it?
  8. Mine plays say's WTGGR but play's Baby Take it Slow and has AR-1012-B (-2) etched in. I don't think this add's to the debate though.
  9. My favourite song by them is Gypsy Woman
  10. This is a picture of mine
  11. I have an Indian release of Love is Like an Itching in my Heart and the prefix and number is the same as the British release I.e.TMG 560. I assume therefore that the G doesn't stand for Great Britain but I have no idea what it does stand for.
  12. Some British Sue label records have the Bell Sounds stamp. Without going through them all I have found that this applies to The Soul Sisters ,I can't stand it and Jimmy Mcgriff, Last Minute. I alway's thought this was because Island used the original US pressing plates.
  13. How embarrassing, I didn't mean to post my picture , I'm not that vain, I've tried editing it out but don't seem to be able to. Sorry about that. On the up side I now know how to post a picture.
  14. Not a particularly rare one but whilst cleaning my copy of Honey and the Bees, Why do you want to hurt the one who loves you, which I'd had for a few years, it just broke into two!
  15. As a mod in the 60ts I would hear records in the clubs around Reading then buy them at our local record shop, in a lot of cases this involved getting them to order them in. Mostly these were thing's referred to now as club soul but also included Darrell Banks - open the door, Billy Butler - Right track, Major Lance - Ain't no soul, Gospel Classics - More love, Charlie Rich - Love is after me, Doris Troy - I'll do anything . I also bought a copy of Soul Bros. Six, blind ,from a bargain bin just because it was on red Atlantic I also bought a copy of Garnett Mimms - Looking for you but I bought for the other side back then.
  16. Can't remember which was first but it was one of the following Darrell Banks - Open the Door - UK Stateside Temptations- Ain't too Proud to Beg Junior Walker- How Sweet it is
  17. The Dells - Make sure Ray Pollard- The Drifter
  18. It should be obvious that the mod scene of the 60t's spawned the Northern Soul scene. Speaking as someone who was a mod in the mid 60t's I can go to a Northern do today and hear some of the same record's I was dancing to back in the day, I'm thinking about thing's like Chuck Woods Seven day's, Billy Butler, Right Track, Gospel Classic More Love. As for dancing to pop record's I don't know where that idea came from, I thought that started at The Casino.
  19. Whilst I can appreciate the affection for the Stateside demo's I have a preference for the look of the pink and silver MGM one's
  20. Great track from a classic album.
  21. I have a copy of Standing at a Standstill by Sherlock Holmes which has been signed by him. Unfortunately I don't know how to post a picture.
  22. The same thing happened to my UK copy of the Rumblers. When I think about it I'm pretty sure my wife at the time allowed our two year old daughter to grab it as I don't think she was too happy about my record collecting. The record still played O.K.

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