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Everything posted by Markw

  1. Picked up locally, not from a soul dealer, a 45 on UK Mercury dated 1970 by Newby & Johnson - "I Want To Give You My Everything". Very nice crossover floater very similar in style, tempo, strings etc to George Jackson - "I Don't Have The Time To Love You", coincidentally on the same label (though not UK of course). Male and female duet by the sounds of the vocals. Really is a nice tune. Anybody able to help with any info at all on this item? Anyone heard it out anywhere?
  2. Dear Bedraggled
  3. Not a bad mover yourself Winston.....but could you pass for an 18 to 20 year old?????(LOL)
  4. You're not asking for much mate!!!! Keb still cuts the dancefloor mustard (very very well!!) but you'd need to give him a wig and some Spencers........oh yeah and a substantial appearance fee no doubt!! Chris "Trickster" Harvey could do a passable 70s impersonation but he'd need to shed the Mark Lamarr 50s Cockney binman, Brylcreem quiff and James Dean jeans. There's other cracking dancers like the tall bloke from up North who's always at Stoke doing very fast spins. Also, Sammy from Wolverhampton (I think). Other than that, the Japanese kids are good dancers but might give a very authentic Wigan look to the film project!!! Good luck!!
  5. I was watching the 2nd Anniversary video only last week. Neil O looks soooo cute in it!!
  6. No. Sounds like fun though.
  7. Get a life mate................
  8. Always used to pick up nice little British label things at various locations in London in the early 80s - Rock On in Camden was good, Camden market and a cracking little record shop on Caledonian Road. My best haul though was from one of the girlie Mods who used to come to the High Wycombe nights I used to run. She told me a friend of hers had swiped some 45s out of a box in her Dad's attic, apparently the Dad used to be a mobile DJ in the 60s and 70s. Said Mod girlie recognised some of the titles from going to soul nights. She lived round the corner from where I worked, so I called round. Stone me! All UK demos, including Tamla Motown red & whites, Garnet Mimms "Looking For You" and so on. Gave her £25 for about 20 of these 45s. Tried to get her to get hold of more but her friend was scared the old man would find out. I know I shouldn't really have taken part in this on ethical grounds, but....well, as they say, needs must!! I never did manage to find out who these records came from and I have often wondered what other gems were lurking in that mystery box and what has happened to them since.
  9. Picking up on the Deon Jackson theme, why have so few people cottoned on to "When Your Love Has Gone"?
  10. Arthur Alexander - Show Me The Road Betty Lavette - Only Your Love Can Save Me
  11. This has usually been a major part of the problem, certainly in the past. I remember some dire performances in the 80s - the Ric Tic Revue @ Hinckley nearly fell apart for Al Kent until Edwin Starr jumped on stage and gave the backing band a good kick up the jacksy.... they were effing lousy. Edwin always gave good value though. I also remember Gene Chandler over-milking it doing Duke of Earl - rest of his show was good if I recall, but that bit made me shudder.
  12. I agree with Winston too. Always broke the night up too much for me. Also, and I know many will declare a heretic fit only for burning at the stake, but I find most of the acts to be quite dull in the flesh. I like hearing the recordings rather than the live versions, on the whole. Mostly, I think it's the curiosity value that attracts. Often, when there's been a live act, I've got bored and wandered off to the record bar. Sorry, soul scene - just me I 'spose.
  13. If you believe that, you'll believe John Vincent is raking over grievances from 30 years ago...................or maybe he isn't? Who knows? Who cares?!!
  14. Who killed Kennedy? Now THAT'S a conspiracy......and one that really matters.
  15. Thank you Garv. Used to go into Dick's shop off Carnaby Street in the early 80s. Wondered where he'd got to.
  16. Markw


    Reminds me of 100 Club early 80s. Always loved this.
  17. Markw


    Can't fault Frankie & Johnny for an evergreen oldie. For somebody who friends (and others) have accused have disliking oldies, I could list loads of them. Always loved the Spellbinders, "Help Me", Maurice Williams "Being Without You" and The Inticers "Since You Left". Fondest one though is Little Anthony "Better Use Your Head".
  18. Got a mate whose father used to have the Oscar Toney Jr LP "The Winners" but it got broken! He wants to get a CD copy for his old man. Can anyone help?? Cheers.
  19. Kev Roberts is wrong. Butch does deliver - try going to the 100 Club. Hippo mentioned Dick Coombes - whatever happened to him?
  20. People, I'm not taking issue with anyone liking what they like (well, not in this case - if we're talking Yeehaw! R&B, Four Vandals et al then that's different!) and like I said, I'm not anti this tune, I just personally find it a bit overrated. My issue is with the way people jump onto a tune and the price goes absolutely effing stupid. All credit to Tommy and Adey for plugging the tune in the first place when no-one wanted to know. But what annoys me is the chuffs who glaze over when you play them a tune which is either (a) not rare ( cheap or © both of these. But as soon as it starts to command a few hundred bucks, they suddenly decide to chase the damn thing. That's what I mean by bandwagon jumping in this context.
  21. This record is sooooo overrated. It's nice, but anybody wanting to spend more than a ton needs some serious therapy. Another prime example of the Northern scene's "King's new clothes" mentality, not to mention the "knowing the price of everything and value of nothing" syndrome. Just look at some of the ridiculous comments about the Four Vandals on another thread. Like Pottsy said, as soon as the dancers cotton on, the sheep move in and throw their money about. Still, it keeps Ady in beer vouchers!! Good on him, I say.
  22. Hi everyone. Wake up and smell the coffee......it's a pile of poo! You all know that really.
  23. You could put it on your next Modern Soul list Pete.
  24. Willie Hutch - The Duck/Love Runs Out - the latter, my favourite record of all time.

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