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Everything posted by Markw

  1. JJ's output, phenomonal. But those that chose him above Marvin haven't taken account of the fact that Marvin was by far the greater talent, not simply a great singer but a musical genius. A true innovator. Forget the Northern stuff. How anyone can ignore his masterpiece, What's Going On, which is more than just a soul album. It is music and poetry that can withstand the most rigourous artistic scrutiny and a piece of work truly torn from a man's soul at a time of immense introspection and turmoil in his troubled life. Think again guys. Think with your minds, your hearts and your souls, not just your feet. Phew! Sorry about that.............I came over a bit too serious there. Hope nobody takes offence. None intended.
  2. LOL! Nice one Col! Actually, no. As those who know me would tell you, I've got a progressive attitude - more Modern in main rooms etc, less R&B, fed up with DJs churning over the same tunes over and over, blah blah blah...... Just a few reasons why I can no longer be arsed to drive for hours on end. That's also why I wish more DJs would be enterprising enough to dig into those forgotten oldies like this one and one which actually has a some oomph and power about it. Pleased to see so many punters seem to agree. Promoters and DJs take note. Mid tempo, beat ballads, R&B etc are all very well but it's still called "Northern Soul" and there are dancers out there who aren't yet using zimmer frames! Though they might have to after dancing to Dee Dee!
  3. Who gives an fcuk about it being soulful. We're talking NORTHERN here!!
  4. Anything Levine used to say.................
  5. Dunno what you guys are on about. Superb record - more like this should be played. Get it on a deck somewhere Fluff!!
  6. Didn't Linda Jones do "Mark's Foot Needs a Break"? Sorry mate, couldn't resist............hope you're OK and up and about soon. Best wishes. Mark White
  7. Markw


    Who gives a monkey's nuts about the vocal to 6X6, BORING!!! Tell us about the gun being pulled on a Wigan DJ...............much more interesting.
  8. Eddie Parker - I'm Gone..........sledge hammer of a 45. Awesome.
  9. "Take it to the bridge............uhhhh!..............take it to the bridge.................owwww!............take it to the" ......OI!! BRRROWWNNN!!! for fecks sake get on with it and take it to the FECKING BRIDGE.........................horrible! Can't stand the voice and all the histrionics. "Get up offa dat thing......uhhh!"
  10. Next thing we'll see is people getting into Charlie Slater's black cab in Albert Square and they'll be saying "listen to this..........pure 100 Club"!
  11. Trying again!
  12. Hi All Mixed bag of stuff. Anyone interested, PM me. Sorry, not on Paypal, so cash or cheque please. Thanks. Here goes......... LPs:- Barbara Lewis - "The Many Grooves of Barbara Lewis" (Enterprise) inc "The Stars" £40 Darrell Banks - "Here To Stay" (Volt) inc "Never Alone" £40 Sam Dees - "The Show Must Go On" inc title track and "Come Back Strong" £40 Solid Solution - "Loving You" (Silver Spoon) inc "Think It Over, Girl" fantastic track £40 45s:- Gloria Parker - Hello Baby, Goodbye Too (LLP) £15 Irma & The Fascinators - Lost Love (Scepter) £20 The Jades - I know The Feelin (Poncello) £80 Holland Dozier Holland - New Breed Kinda Woman/If You Don't Want To Be In My Life (Invictus) £40 IAP Co - Check Yourself (Colossus) £40 The Creations - Oh Baby (Globe) £40 Gloria Lynne - Sometimes It Be's That Way (Fontana) £15 Casanove Two - We Got To Keep On (Early Bird) £50 James Phelps - Don't Be A Cry Baby (Fontana) £40 Grover Mitchell - What Hurts (Vanguard) £40 Ernie Marbray - Ain't Nobody's Business (Wee) £60 Fortson & Scott - Just A Little Step (Pzazz) £75 Marlina Mars - I'm Gonna Hold On (To Your Love) (MGM - demo) £20 Cecil Lyde - I'll Make It On My Own (Alwest) £80 Mitchell Braithwaite - You've Been A Long time Coming (Probe) £25 Philharmonics - I Need, Need Your Loving (Soulin) £30 The Rhythm Rascals - Girl By My Side (Sonic) £40 (superb record! classy) Exsaveyons - I Don't Want You No More (Smoke) £30 John Roberts - To Be My Girl (Duke) £25 Otis Clay - Special Kind Of Love (President) £20 Four Sonics plus One - Tell Me You're Mine (Sepia) £25 Mighty Joe Young - Suffering Soul (Webcor) £30 Johnny Scott - Let Me Be A Winner (Portra) £30
  13. I was in Bath on Saturday to see my boy Alex - he's a performer with the NoFit State Circus (says Dad proudly - check out their website - www.nofitstate.com - and go and see the show, it's fecking brilliant! But don't expect any red noses or animals - this is circus with attitude). Anyway, back to the subject.......parked the wagon in a multi-storey behind the bus station and saw a BMW with the registration V2 5OUL. Just curious as to whether anyone knows whose it is?
  14. It's alright, if that bluesy style is your bag. Nothing special. But it doesn't fall into the genre of early r n b that does mine and many other people's heads in.
  15. I am pleased and proud to say, I have never danced to Doug Banks, nor will I. Frankly, I would rather dance to Barclays Bank..................it's less embarrassing.
  16. Well said John...................YEEHAW!! Ewe shaow gort a purtty mowth boy..........................keep it in the Teddy Boy rooms.
  17. I don't wanna bin the whole R n B thing as there are some superb records, but so much of it is pants to my ears and sounds like Vic Reeves doing his pub singer thing............"Eeeef a ewe dun currrrmmm........weeealll........ewed bitta curlll.........."
  18. Classic example of this would be the Porgy & the Monarchs 2nd issue on the brown Musicor label with "Think Twice Before You Walk Away" on the b-side (though the song is not actually "Think Twice..." but something about "It's A Dream I've Always Had"). I stand to be corrected by better people than me, but I think this is the only release of that track? As such, I guess that qualifies as an orig and is a tune of outstanding danceability to my humble ears and one I was delighted to hear on odd occasions at the Dome, spun, I think, by Carl Fortnum...................
  19. With you there Pete. Horrible.
  20. Nothing new there. Been done before mate - Theme From Joe 90, On The Brink (theme to BBC's Play For Today), Coloured Man...............the dreaded list goes on.
  21. First heard this when Edwin used to spin it at the Riverbank, Cardiff. We put it on an anniversary CD and it seemed to pick up interest. Amongst regular DJs, I think Nigel Shaw and/or Kim Cook play it out sometimes.
  22. Doesn't match with your first post "I know of Smoke on Choc.city, havent heard of Black Smoke!"
  23. Eclectic selection.......................who the hell is Bernard Burgalat? Sounds like a wind-up or some Belgian pop singer off Eurotrash!
  24. Cash preferred, cheques accepted subject to clearance, no trades thanks:- Roy Wright - Hook, Line & Sinker (Mica) 50 The Creations - Oh Baby (Globe) 40 Gloria Lynne - Sometimes It Be's That Way (Fontana) 25 Casanova Two - We Got To Keep On (Early Bird) 60 James Phelps - Don't Be A Cry Baby (Fontana) 40 Skip Jackson - I'm On To You Girl (Dot-Mar) 80 Grover Mitchell - What Hurts (Vanguard) 50 Ernie Marbray - Ain't Nobody's Business (Wee) 75 Fortson & Scott - Just A Little Step (Pzazz) 75 Minzi Berry - Don't You Dare To Cry (Score) 100 IAP Co - Check Yourself (Colossus) 40 Anyone interested, please email me via this site.

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