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Everything posted by Markw

  1. Darrow Fletcher was lead singer in The New York Dolls until David Johansen took over and Dennis Coffey played lead guitar on Iggy and The Stooges 'Now I Wanna Be Your Dog' because James Williamson had a dentist appointment that morning.....................
  2. Thanks for clarifying.
  3. Does the Rampart release have the intro?
  4. Hilarious Pete! Sent the link to my son who's in a ska punk band (another shameless plug for Dirty Revolution; check out https://www.myspace.com/dirtyrevolution - I thank you).
  5. Saw it at Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff on Saturday night with my girlfriend (non-soulie), my son (took to a few venues inc Kings Hall about 10 years ago when he was 13/14), the lead singer in his band (non-soulie but she comes from Hinkley and was always aware of it) and Billy Jones (still souling though does more rock n roll weekenders these days). Some ex-Casino goers were in, lots of ex-Cardiff Cougars scooterists. Good atmosphere with a few of us singing along to Magic Carpet Ride at the end which bemused those attending who clearly had no connections to the scene! Not going to make any more comment as most has been said. We all enjoyed it, thought the nighter scenes looked pretty good, some cheesey moments (yes - the dance-off), some funny moments and we thought the film had a decent heart and made Northern Soul mid-seventies look genuinely exciting (as we know it was but others might not). And now, a shameless plug for my lad's band, Dirty Revolution. They are on tour for the next few weeks and you can check them out here - https://www.myspace.com/dirtyrevolution - or tap the name into YouTube and samples will come up. I thank you.
  6. Because it's so bloody boring to hear the same old, same old, over and over and over.....................one of several reasons why I can't be arsed to go anywhere anymore.
  7. Group hug!!
  8. Steve - are you referring to the dancers outside Leics Square rather than the film itself? Must admit, Keb and Chris's style of clothing next to the Mod guy would send a confusing general public message when put alongside the film and its fashions set in 1974.
  9. Stuart Maconie
  10. Tony Blair has been seen in Detroit record stores when visiting George Bush, though I understand he does pay for the security arrangements out of his own poacket.
  11. So many great tunes from this label, it's a hard one to call. Two that I love at opposite ends of the spectrum which I don't think I've seen on this thread: Bill Harris - Am I Cold, Am I Hot Kenny Carter - I've Got To Find Her
  12. The Gems - I'll Be There
  13. I went to the Ric Tic revue at Hinckley I think in 82 - seems too much of a coincidence though with Lou Ragland added on, but wasn't Al Kent in the line up too along with Edwin and Pat Lewis? I'm presuming it must have been the same line up at the Ritz.
  14. What a fabulous looking 45.
  15. It's all Greek to me..........................
  16. Probably not one for satisfying home listening and agree, defo not a great vocal and certainly not a great soul record, but I don't think anyone would claim it to be. But if you were one of those Dome regulars in the early noughties, as some have already said, this was total Northern - hand claps, packed dancefloor, the flipping lot. Very fond memories of this in the car and at the venue on those Friday nights after a long drive after work from Cardiff to London making those pick-ups on the way in Bristol, Weston and Swindon. Great times, great venue, great sounds. My thanks to Flynny for breaking this record. If you weren't there, then I can understand why you might regard this tune as a piece of crap - but if you were there, you'd get it.
  17. [ ......and to be honest, ian did a bloody superior job of fooling us all with the 4 vandals! good story attached to that...everyone remembers ginger's fracas with levine at stoke about this record but sam sussed it first. i have a photo of a handwritten note that sam placed on the decks at the ritz the same night levine was there.....it read: "THE FIFTH VANDAL MUST GO!". we all thooght it was very funny until ray threatened to take ian outside and give him a good hiding. that more or less, sent ian back into self imposed exile again.
  18. I know the Admirations - Don't Leave Me has been mentioned a couple of times, but that really is a cracking record. I've always like Liz Lands - Don't Shut Me Out too. Lovely number - fabulous production.
  19. I think I'm correct in saying that it came out on British too - Mercury I believe.
  20. Withdraw that - just noticed the thread is not about Nevertheless! D'oh
  21. What about the Crimson release? Reissue? Boot?
  22. I remember an article some years ago in one of the fanzines or perhaps even Manifesto some years back in which Tim talked about his favourite records. I seem to recall Danny Monday was up there for him but he also talked about an obsession with wanting the Velvet Satins in every format possible - all the original label designs plus all the pressings, boots etc.

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