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Everything posted by Markw

  1. Out of interest, what sort of price would folks put on a decent copy of the Presentations on AMM then?
  2. I thought it was Grapevine too flip to These Boots Are Made For Walking?
  3. Rose Batiste - 'Hit and Run' is short. Another good one for using up that last bit of tape......................Remusrom should know. Don't tell them Pike
  4. Is this permitted under Ebay rules? Pete, your the paralegal around here, what's your view?
  5. Yeah, that one was actually Roy Castle doing a bit of moonlighting.
  6. Was he quite a short lad? Seem to remember someone fitting that description and spinning lots as a regular at the 100 Club back early 80s.
  7. Thanks all. $80 for an issue in less than perfect shape seems a bit steep under the circumstances. Nice tune though.
  8. You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone - around £200 or so?
  9. Thanks folks. I'll buy from you Dave!
  10. What does this normally go for folks? Thanks
  11. What are the differences please? Thanks.
  12. If you've ever worked on the arrivals deck of a large Royal Mail sorting centre, it's a miracle so much of this stuff survives the journey unscathed.
  13. Ones that stick very clearly in my mind from my first few niters were: Tammy St John - Nobody Knows What's Going On In My Mind But Me Phil Coulter - Good Thing Going Kiki Dee - Magic Carpet Ride (c/u as Chris Clark 'Touch The Sky' I think) Billy Arnell - Tough Girl Beverly Ann - He's Coming Home Isley Brothers - Why When Love is Gone Baja Marimba Band - Along Comes Mary Not a great deal of actual soul in there, I know............ but that's how it was I guess.
  14. I hasten to addfolks that this is not to say I condone bootlegging at all. Far from it.
  15. Ref the bootlegging issue - on the one hand Ady, I agree with you, a shameful cashing in on the talent and work of others. However, the flip side is that without the bootlegging (particularly in the 70s) would many, if any of these recordings have had the coverage they have gained over the years? Probably not. On the main theme of whether the Italian folk (or anyone) else want to stop calling it Northern, well if it wasn't for the exposure of the Northern Soul scene, would they have come across all that great 60s soul music? Probably not. Are they going to differentiate between genuine 60s soul and white, pop stuff? Probably not. Does anybody in the real world really care. Undoudtedly not.
  16. Somewhat hostile......................
  17. Horrible. I'd prefer a Night In A Museum.
  18. Nice thread. 100 Club and Dome always stand out. Remember the first time I braved the dancefloor was at Yate. My 2nd or 3rd time - I'd gone my own. I knew a handful of records via the lad that got me going and one of them came on - the Crow. Seems it wasn't the most admired record at that venue at that time. Onto the floor I jumped, me and one other lad, not another soul on that vast expanse and boy did I feel conspicuous. Don't know how he felt.
  19. Odd to some but not to others perhaps...................... Bob Smith & The Boo-Kous - What Do It Mean (Boo-Kou) £25 The Measures - Girls Are Evil (Despenza) £25 Both 45s in decent enough nick, few surface marks but nothing to worry about. Recorded delivery in the UK included.
  20. Mill Evans -Aint You Glad - Kent 6ts 22nd Anniversary Single - £20 The Measures - Girls Are Evil (Despenza) - £20 Recorded delivery in UK included
  21. I don't like his voice.
  22. This is my interpretation of it. It's a mid-to-uptempo dancer, a bit funky (choppy guitar with a bit of wah-wah) but with a definite Northern beat to it. Big production, lots of brass and drums, good vocal from the singer. Anyone got a soundbite? Tried to find one on Youtube. I know John Manship had it on his site some time back, but no more (good very sign that you should buy this folks??!!!!....... ...)
  23. Selling: The Measures - Girls Are Evil (Despenza) £25 Same label as the Ivories. Sorry, don't have soundfiles etc. A few surfaces marks but nothing to affect play. Price includes postage in the UK. Best M
  24. For sale: Bob Smith & The Boo-Kous - 'What Do It Mean' (Boo-Kou) £25 A few surface marks - nothing affecting play. Price includes postage within UK. Not my cup of tea but I gather it floats some people's boats. Best M

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