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Everything posted by wendy

  1. these are probably a clapped out oldies for you lot - i LOVE dancing to Stick By Me Baby & The Who Who Song
  2. gasp! how can you be so mean about little richard. i suggest a battle royale between me n you instead. i'd cry if his arm got hurt. we can concentrate on kicks & punches instead of sissy arm wrestling, that's for girls yours sincerely president of the little richard fanclub (membership card no. 0001)
  3. hammy are pehs the same thing as yokes? or do you mean pies? oh you lot & your accents i never understand a word!
  4. brett if you were 13 you wouldnt say things like 'in the mix'
  5. thanks for the offer. but it probably wont work. music files never work on the internet for me. but the ones on this site do! would you mind terribly posting it when the site is working properly again? cheers
  6. oooh - anyone got a soundfile to share? ta
  7. northern soul isnt 'cool,' it's way too much trouble to get into it via a 'greatest hits' compilation or whatever. so everyone that is into it IS genuine, though i dont know about saying mods (or anyone!) has credibility just for being into retro stuff
  8. yay! can more people pitch up their slow tunes please
  9. hi mikey, err, they were probably playing a cd not a tape - & it's Girls ALOUD. they are top pop stunnas . I probably love all that 70s pop stuff you hate
  10. hi Mikey, what do you mean by the alternatives?? & i always get stroppy when noone plays the records i wanna hear
  11. hey, i dont think there's much hope of the 'youth of today' getting into northern. they're all off chasing funk 45s, dope beats & the like
  12. hang on, there were northern soul coasters?????? yeh gods! does anyone have a picture? that's so funny. i'd probably buy them! if i owned a table & some mugs
  13. can i ask a dumb question - why are all these enders slow? i've never been to any club or venue that ends with a slow tune, usually it's the most upbeat mental thing possible to get the crowd rocking. but with northern soul it's practically a funeral march ender. why??! ps happy new year danny! dont get too drunk this weekend & dont forget the flag - do us proud!!! xoxo w
  14. Fenman, may I please have your unwanted 100mph records, I'll also be happy to accept anything up to 140mph (max)
  15. www.deathclock.com
  16. dublin nights usually end on something teary like Baby I Need Your Loving, then Danny sneaks back on the decks when the lights go up & plays something fast like Change Your Ways. hehehe. it does me head in when a nighter ends on a slow tune, I'd prefer to give it loads to the last song & then collapse in a heap . lots of pretty tunes mentioned above though ! ps Mr Cato I've booked my flight for your birthday bash - see you at NCSC - cant wait!
  17. some boys from dublin told me this & i cant remember if it was a joke or not - the silky waifos
  18. pm'ed you christian!
  19. head north? i'm in dublin! . do you think the UK government will give me a dancing grant & pay for my flights?? i need new shoes too.....
  20. awh mark i'd love to go but i dont know how to get to dundee maybe ryanair does flights there - will check!
  21. someone should form a northern soul dance troupe & hire them out for this sorta thing!
  22. i love the lyrics to Turning My Heart Beat Up - they're so funny. But I guess that's not 'good.' anyone else like Nowhere To Run? "When I look in the mirror And comb my hair I see your face Just a-smiling there" Not exactly beautiful & poetic but an accurate portrayal of a gal gone stone mad over a boy
  23. pete - could you post a sound file of this tune? ta
  24. there's a shirelles song called Soldier boy - is it the same song?

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