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Everything posted by wendy

  1. oh, i am fine chris thank you. & you? please stop making me giggle, your irish dialect is fantastic
  2. there's loads of garage/motown inspired young bands around - eg The Detroit Cobras
  3. I dont 'get' Paris Blues. an old wigan boy told me the reason this record got big was because it had a drug reference in the title. - i guess he got his paris blues mixed up with the french ones
  4. cripes. if i thought you lot were coming over on the boat i'd fly to manchester just to join in on the skit Chris - I thought you were half Irish - it's spelt craic not crac
  5. Shane, are you implying I only use cheap batteries?
  6. hi dave, i havent tried the numark but try find an alternative to the vestax. it's a bit heavy & bulky & doesnt play too loud. it also eats batteries. is a battery portable a necessity? there's a great 'plug only' one that turns up on ebay.co.uk quite often. it's a generic 70s player called 'fidelity' - it's the best portable ever! it's reasonably light , neat & plays very loud. will try find a link if you are interested. pm me if you wanna know more, i used to collect portables - what was i thinking?
  7. y'all better come to dublin soon! ryanair dont fly to belfast but easyjet do - keep me updated
  8. ps Billy - I've taken to walking round with my eyes closed - a few more months and i'll be ready for the advanced spin tuition class
  9. what? damn, curses. having spent far too much time watching the This England footage I was under the impression back drops were properly executed in an almost sitting position with the instep of each foot practically touching the floor. arrgh. back to the drawing board then..... r.e. the one leather glove i thought it originated in the twisted wheel, the floor was cement so it was the only way the boys could get a one handed handstand spin going on.....or maybe the torch. i get confused with all these old venues
  10. that's sick that is. well, i'm just jealous cuz they dont have a matching outfit for the girls
  11. 12,000 Girl Scouts sing America's national favourites - you could sell this as a follow up to the Langley School Project thing
  12. karen - ooh - one handed hand stands - that's so cool. of course even if you could do them now you'd be frowned upon as you know, acrobatics are old hat
  13. are you gonna bother emailing the seller? hope you're not too miffed...
  14. apologies for posting misleading info about my 45 - i've got a styrene copy too. why the hell would anyone bootleg a 45 on styrene? & does this mean the styrene will self-destruct in 2 years time?? poor you trevski, i guess the 'normal' record buying population havent even heard of styrene
  15. hi billy, i guess there's more than one wendy out there thanks for the tip - actually i cant even walk in a straight line - i am cursed!
  16. billy - at the risk of seeming very stupid are you serious about walking in a straight line with your eyes closed? how does this help with spins?
  17. hahaha. me too! i'm always falling over, but it's best to blame the floor for that eg' stupid talc' or 'there was beer spilled there' etc etc
  18. thank you
  19. how do i tell the difference between styrene & vinyl? i assumed i had a vinyl copy....will check it out tonight ta
  20. hi shane, taking you up on the suggestion of starting a new thread on this topic I was surprised to see this comment in the thread asking for northern soul dancers & even more surprised to see some people agree with this. that's not a dig at shane. it's just that to me a big part of northern soul is about dancing with my friends & egging them on when it comes to a break so they'll be down on the floor throwing themselves about with all disregard for their physical well-being. is it the general consesus that acrobatics are best forgotten (sob) would love to know what you all think about this
  21. i have a vinyl boot of that tune too
  22. yeuck! that's disgusting my pal got a 45 wrapped once in bubble wrap & stuck in an ordinary envelope. surprisingly it arrived in one piece
  23. anyone got this for sale? *waves cash* i'll be at new century on saturday so i could pay for it then & not have to worry about postage n all thanks w
  24. can i add bobby garrett - my little girl - the strings & bass on that lift ya right off the floor anyone know if that's an expensive record? i never keep up to date with the value of 7s....
  25. arrgh! i was taken in by his sweetness. that cad! good luck with the rematch

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