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Everything posted by wendy

  1. this is evil music, it's making me want to kill.......or turn professional vegetarian. thanks godzilla!
  2. of course there's a connection, it's all the same thing in a way, just a refinement/progression of the drum beats.... james jamerson played on Rock The Boat, I'm sure there's heaps more connections, I'm just not good at remembering musicians' names ps how are motown and northern 'disparate strains of music' - that's bullshit. stupid lazy music journalism
  3. everything....and the dancing. this year was definitely the best I've ever seen, there were so many impressive fellas giving it socks. and it wasnt just the athletic foreign young lads. plenty of guys in their 40s doing flashy steps. boo to all of yous that say fancy stuff should go. meeting brent and jamie was probably the real highlight of the weekend though . would either of you be willing to accept a marriage proposal from me?
  4. hello, i'm a bit late so you've probably done your 30 minute spot & i hope it went well. just felt i had to stick my nose in and complain about you complaining about techno and hard house. if the people have paid in for that kind of night then they are expecting some pretty hard n heavy beats and bass. there's plenty a stomper with those elements. for instance We Got Togetherness has got to be the filthiest , teeth-gridning pre-techno tune going. and there's heaps more. i would love to go to a techno night and have a bit of soul chucked in, but only if it was in keeping with the overall music policy of the night. ie. predictable, consistant beats, with big build ups and breaks. i guess if you cast your eye over any list on soul source of the dumbest/most hated soul tunes then you'll have your set sorted. dont forget to turn up the BASS. let us know how you get on...
  5. coolio doing gangsta's paradise at the mtv awards (or something) joined onstage by stevie wonder, who possibly was singing the words to pastime paradise. very dull performance.
  6. liam - where have you been hiding???? will you be there saturday?
  7. hi coco, pah. stupid soul police. did you get arrested? I need someone to teach me the ancient art of mystic hand claps
  8. this is so cool! can someone please please instigate a hand clapping revival
  9. it's the smart move putting it up on ebay. what else are they gonna do with it? chuck it in a skip? I for one would love a portable dance floor.
  10. no light to shed on this for you Godzilla (mainly because you destroyed the pylons yet again) but anyone wants to play this record at an allnighter I'll definitely dance
  11. dance lessons are a great idea! I wish I could go. it took me 2 years to get on the floor, i was so scared at first. what some of you are forgetting is that not all of us are in the UK & dont have weekly soul nights to attend. So it takes forever to figure out what's going on. The more people that get involved the better, if people are fit enough to dance all night then it means we wont have to listen to so many beat ballads
  12. Danny Duggan is a deadly spinner
  13. anyone remember 'I Love Your Smile' I think it was by Shanice, from the late 80s or early 90s. Janet Jackson knock off tune. Pretty sure that was on Motown. hey - werent Boys 2 Men on Motown......hmmmm
  14. Hi Dave, life's too short to worry about what you look like on the dancefloor. just get out there & have fun . in another 20 years time your legs mightnt be as good as they are now so dont hold back. i usually fall over when I try spins but I dont care how daft I look anymore. isnt that one of the advantages of getting older?
  15. pah! take your nice relaxing tunes elsewhere
  16. hey chrissie, you look just like dusty springfield
  17. isnt that billy whizz, friend of the common people
  18. soul events are down market enough without having to resort to kipping in tents. i'm ready for the luxury soul all-nighters, with free solpadeine for all & a sauna & sports massuer on call for sorting out the legs & general injuries.maybe a juice bar for detoxing & comfy blankets for when the shakes set in.
  19. chrissieo I like your sass 10,000 or thereabouts doesnt seem like a lot of people. I thought there were more than that
  20. The Jewels are a class act! and Black Power is skit. I can tell you a venue that plays them every once in a while (but only when Danny's not looking )
  21. what about 7 Rooms of Gloom? was this ever a Wigan stomper?
  22. there is no such thing as a worst venue. if a club is a dump then its got character
  23. I love thumping old ska n rocksteady & sometimes a big of dub, if i'm feeling sedated. I love the skatalites & the ethiopians & prince buster & my fav lp is You Left Me Standing. I dont understand Lovers Rock Pete do you still do compilation cds? I got one off you before & it was incredible
  24. & then there's the dodgeball 5.....

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