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Everything posted by wendy

  1. I knew that! no, honestly, I did!
  2. Someone told me Friday night that oldies are being pitched down so 'older' people can still dance to them. Is this true??
  3. any idea of what the dates might be for 2006? some of us have to plan far in advance.... happy new year to you all!
  4. you've forgotten that Trevor Nelson is all about RnB and not soul there's a pretty big difference there anyway, Westwood is better - understand that!
  5. I wager it's Garnet Mimms *crosses fingers*
  6. sorry to hear you got scammed pete. this happens an awful lot, as a seller you really need to get proof of postage with every ebay transaction, ask for it at the post office, it's like a receipt only it has the destination written on it as well. i think it costs about 20p extra, it's cheap & it's worth it as people are slowly realising how easy it is to scam ebay sellers via paypal
  7. what's all the fighting about? i'm too scabby to buy my own copy
  8. hi soulgirl you stopped me n my pal pip right in our tracks at cleethorpes with your flashing belt. seriously. we had to sit down after looking at it
  9. when I start getting into midtempo I know it'll be time for me to give up.....it's all about the dancing for me, so Macca are you trying to tell me when I reach 45 that I will understand the meaning of the word dignity edited to add I think there are some impressive dancers still on the go but usually they seem to be really fit
  10. well, now I know . thanks very much for the help
  11. not knowing much about record labels n what not I was wondering if someone could be so kind as to explain why Mirwood tunes were issued on Jay Boy. Was this a 70s thing?
  12. my award goes to the christmas turkey
  13. I cant stop listening to Immigrant Song - wah HAHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAA wahhhhhh
  14. do we win a prize if we guess the right person?
  15. ta muchly
  16. hahaha - I wouldve asked for There Was A Time as well! seriously though, there's no pleasing everyone
  17. I dunno if anyone wants this, asking £10 cuz I saw it on gemm.com a while back for £40. however if it's not worth a tenner feel free to tell me to get bent. shipping is £1.50. paypal only:
  18. i cant listen right now. will i be able to tonight? is there a 'listen again' feature? sorry, we've got super limited internet here in work
  19. 3 cheers for pete
  20. wait till I get my hands on you ya scamp
  21. anything midtempo. beat ballads will have me running for the door
  22. wendy

    Sound Burger

    you should list it on ebay - you'll get about £120 for it if it's minty & still in the box. just be careful as sometimes there's 2 or 3 listed in one week...good luck
  23. haha - the link doesnt work. so i guess i'll have to listen to Sway instead ;)
  24. I'm trying my best to get over for Lynn's funeral. If anyone in the Liverpool area intends driving to Gloucester Friday morning could you please pm me. I can find my own way back but the train times are such that I cant make it in time for the mass....if I cant get over I hope to see some of you at the 100 Club anniversary where I'll be saying my goodbyes to Lynn

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