here's the skinny from the events section, as posted by Mike:
First steve has probs with his phone as in its down till next week and also thus not online
if anyone wants to get in touch email us as have his mobile number
Dublin Holyhead
Reckons bout 40 odd doing it so far
all below for sunday!!!!!
£9 return on ferrys from holyhead, you buy the tickets a hour before sailing at terminal
ferry leaves at 1430 sunday, so have to be at terminal before 1330 sunday
meeting up at pub across the road - The Edinborough Castle
it has safe parking - cost £4 ish ?
Ferry takes a hour and half
Ferry leaves at 0345 am Monday Morning
says after event activites avail
ferry back takes a bit longer as overnite so chance of kip
come on! what else are you gonna do on a sunday? come party hardy with us. sleepless nights on saturday is only 5 euros in. that's cheaper than a bag of cans.