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Everything posted by wendy

  1. Hiya, Would anyone have a copy of this for sale in EX+ or better condition please? Thanks
  2. message me if you have a nice copy for sale & apologies if I have posted in the wrong section
  3. How many you looking for? I've a spare Donny & Marie Osmond one if you'd like it
  4. I travelled over to London to check out The Supremes exhibition. The clothes are unbelievable, up there with couture, just a bit more showbiz. The black sequined mac - Oh my GOD. I have a load of pictures which I can post up - if anyone is interested? Pictures dont do the dresses justice though. I feel so sorry for whoever had to sew on all those sequins and beads...
  5. I wish they would stop using that awful bag in the promotional pictures
  6. https://www.dailymotion.com/group/ClubbedTheMovie lots of clips here but for some reason they arent playing on my computer. still - looks great.
  7. Oh my GOD. Geoff Thompson wrote this?!! F*cking unbelievable. I will be first in line at the flicks to watch it. Anyone here read 'Watch My Back' - Awesome Anderson up on screen! and a great soundtrack! Havent been this excited about a new release in a long time.
  8. Terrible Tom!!
  9. Phil just rang up to give out to me - he says he really doesn't smoke anymore - says he's told his mates that I am prone to making stuff up (!) and that he's back lecturing in a few weeks - I wish you could hear his explanation about victimless crimes, it involves chemists
  10. He still smokes on the sly and in the recent past has alluded to taking a cheetah in a scrap with one hand tied behind his back. so he must be dead 'ard.
  11. r.e. Saturday Night Fever I saw an article ages ago about it, cant seem to find it now but will keep searching
  12. Hang on.I just remembered. Saturday Night Fever was based on Wigan right? Did any of you guys complain when that came out? Did people feel so angry about Wigan Casino being used to promote the Bee Gees in a round about way? Ok, the soundtrack must have been insulting to people who really loved disco. But it had a huge impact. Is there an objection to more people getting into soul music as a result of souled out? Should we start wearing 'northern soul sucks' t-shirts? My first n soul purchase was a tape of re-recorded hits. I thought it sounded rubbish n then I realised my mistake and started buying Kent compilations. The point being, even if they make a mess of the soundtrack it will still generate interest. I think all on here that were lucky enough to go to the Casino should be proud that after all these years it's still inspiring people;that someone thinks it's worth including in a film. Sure it's not going to be a picture perfect snap shot of 1974. You might be disappointed with the dancing. But it is meant to be entertainment! It's a trip to the flicks with your girl/boy on a Saturday night.
  13. I feel I have to add to this thread otherwise I may have my membership revoked. 2 questions: 1.) is this the 1st time Mr. Darge and Mr. Levine agreed on something? It seems quite a positive thing that BOTH these gentlemen are supporting this film. 2.) a quote from the newspaper article - The boys would wear baggy trousers, usually about 28ins wide, with a four-inch waistband, made out of corduroy, or a light suit-like material. How the hell would you dance all night with corduroy sticking to you? Would love to hear any info on pants.....why a 4 inch waistband, they must have come up quite high over the waist? Thanks W
  14. I think it's alright but she should do more tunes like Bump Like This, that was deadly!
  15. https://www.vam.ac.uk/exhibitions/future_ex...emes/index.html here's a link to The Supremes costume exhibition on in the V&A, cant wait to go see it
  16. I want to see a Youtube video of Lydia and her bunny
  17. What you supply her with?
  18. - for God's sake don't ask him if he is a pirate. Ciara did and he was very very annoyed and said she was being racialist. we still haven't found out if he is a practising pirate
  19. Hi, I've tried a mobile number but it's not working. Would someone mind sending me his new number?
  20. male only? and either black or white? this is all a bit unfair.
  21. Deadly. Thanks
  22. Can anyone tell me what the instrumental is about 11 minutes in? I love the wacky piano bit. Or maybe it isnt a piano at all!
  23. Pet hates: 70s mid tempo records a nighter ending & depression setting in ('I'm never going to another nighter, what am I doing here' etc etc) Pet sounds: any tune that's very fast & less than 3 minutes long Over the last 10 years I've met so many interesting & funny people that I NEVER wouldve come across if it wasnt for northern soul...so I dont have any real pet hates. Well, not soul related ones anyway.
  24. I'm sure I'm not the only one that remembers Candy Flip & De La Soul (Reg?). So she's insulting rave as WELL as northern. Rave 2 The Grave
  25. Thank you Jo for your sensible answer. The reason I asked was because I had a conversation with my mate Pip & he reckoned the martial arts werent that big with girls at the time. Which made me wonder if girls were doing the more demented moves on the dancefloor....I guess there wasnt much room for them anyway as Billy's ego took up so much space. I'm just kiddin' !

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