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Everything posted by galaxy

  1. highlights are: VERNON HARRELL "your love" SCORE KIP TYLER ? 45 BARBARA JOY northern soul flip !!!! LEROY CRUME "funky walk" on BLACK GIANT LEROY AND THE DRIVERS "BLOW WIND" CORAL EDE ROBIN & 96.8 "Chick'n Slacks" LE CAM KIM WESTON Danger (People) Northern Soul SONNY RAYE & FANCY on JETSTREAM !!!! 45 J.STAR & CORZETTE "HOT PANTS" !!!! JENNY'S DAUGHTERS on BULUU demo BOBBY HENDRICKS on WILLIAMS RECORDS SAM FRAZIER on DARNEL demo copy !!!! ROBERT TAYLOR Sonic !!!!!!!!!! BROTHERS & SISTERS !!!!! Mill Edwards on Cutlass X-over Larry Houston "Spice" on HFMP Jimmy Mack "Love Junkie" Pawn Elizer "Freedom Says" HPR and more.... CLICK HERE!!! https://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...&sort=3&rows=50
  2. thanks.
  3. i just made a 50+ min mix for my man luxux... mostly modern... CLICK! might take a bit to load.. please be patient
  4. I offered mine here some months ago... but no takers!! asked 40 or was it 50.. listen here: https://www.soulclub.org/stream/Danny_Moore...omebody_New.ram
  5. ok lets make it simple give £20 or record w/ same value!
  6. Hi J. no price 'cause i prefer to trade! if ill put some price on em all i'll get is only cash and no new records.. email me if interested.. well sort something out.
  7. I'm after this one! If you know where i can get one please let me know! rekkid@suomi24.fi
  8. See label scan and hear by clicking the text on the Great www.oslosoul.com web.. https://www.oslosoul.com/?category=sounds&p...nds_LeeMitchell Cash / Paypal / Trades accepted. email me at rekkid@suomi24.fi

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