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carl baxter

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Everything posted by carl baxter

  1. could they be comos ?. the most comfortable shoes ive ever worn, would love to be able find a place to buy a new pair.
  2. sounds like simon soussan has made a comeback
  3. thank you kind sir...
  4. hello there. can someone please tell me the difference between the red and white and the green and white demos on motown records. regards carl...
  5. twisted wheel for me 1969 aged 14. went with fred dickinson from bolton . dont remember the first record, its too long ago.
  6. is this worth anything ? stateside ss2147 m- condition . thanks in advance.
  7. mine cost me £2. Mind you that must have been thirty odd years ago. kin-ell that was half a weeks wages then. carl
  8. hello there...I asked the same question a few months ago about garnet mimms,but did not receive any replies. have we got the only two copies? [i wish]. I have been informed that it was only released as a single in gt britain, but I have no idea of its value....regards carl
  9. roll with the punches-garnet mimms. is it worth anything ?thanks in advance for any replies. regards carl baxter..

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