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carl baxter

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Everything posted by carl baxter

  1. Can anyone remember the price that the full collection of the soul sounds records made at auction a while ago. thanks in advance.
  2. Did the record digging stories ever get published.
  3. I’m standing........rufus lumley baby boy..........Fred hughes compared to what.......mr floods party my minds gone blank.
  4. Just a bit of fun. imagine you are only allowed to have 2 records. not necessarily the most valuable,but ones that mean the most to you. mine are........baby boy-Fred Hughes Im standing-rufus lumley both bringing back fond memories of the torch and Blackpool Mecca. still love them now.
  5. Looks like this topic might be a bit of a problem. are people afraid to own up just in case the missus finds out
  6. Sorry if this has been done before,but I was just wondering with all the crazy prices around. what is the most you’ve paid for a record. Do you regret it or do you class it as money in the bank,especially with current interest rates.
  7. Thanks for all your help guys. I’m overwhelmed,it’s like having a big family at my disposal. unlike some of you people,I don’t have a very valuable collection but I have been collecting since my early teens and I am almost 64 so these records whilst not very valuable,mean a lot to me. thanks once again. carl
  8. Amp.....yes,that was going to be the next question. i dont have an amp,my record player is an old Panasonic music centre that has decided to give up the ghost and I was looking to replace everything.
  9. I am not a d.j frankie. I just wanted a good deck for home use,and was torn between the two. im now leaning towards the technics.
  10. Thats the reason I asked the question on soul source. I knew that i would get expert advice. Thanks chaps. now then scootboy,can you not be tempted into parting with your spare mk 2.
  11. The reason I am asking,is that ive been informed by some hi-fi buff that the technics will ruin my records. My reply was that it was the choice of most of the people i know and I had never heard any bad reports. He was still adament that Thorens was the better option.
  12. Bloody hell.....I’m even more confused now. thanks for the reply.
  13. I am looking to purchase a deck for home use. Thorens versus technics. Any help would be much appreciated.
  14. Watched them a year or so ago in Manchester. Very disappointed Loads of people were walking out before the end. tavares who did the warm up were pretty good though.
  15. I had a run in with the same fellow a few years back. He sent me the wrong records. When I managed to contact him to rectify the problem I was given loads of abuse and accused of stealing his records. Look at his old feedback.
  16. a mate of mine bought one last year for£400 and I called him a nutter. It shows how much I know.
  17. The fame box set has got James Barnet in it as well.there is a member on here who has bought loads and splits them up. He has made a nice few bob. Good luck to him.
  18. There's a fame 5 record box set on Amazon for £20
  19. Just made 102 euros on ebay
  20. surely his mates are running it up for him.
  21. Remember Jimmy from as far back as Bolton Palais and Cromwellian days. Even though I have not seen him for a very long time, I can still picture him with his trademark denim jeans and jacket going to the Palais. Brent I probably know you because Fred Dicky first took me to the wheel around 1969. Anyway Jimmy R.I.P Regards Carl...
  22. Hello.. Dont know if this is of any interest, but there are loads of flight cases for sale on bidspotter. The auction is Robson and Kay and the bidding starts Thursday 10th January and closes Tuesday 15th January. Hope someone grabs a bargain. Regards Carl...
  23. Did anyone watch American Pickers on the television a few nights ago ? They were in Malibu, up in the hills where all the tv and film stars live. The pickers visited an ex hippy type who had a nine acre smallholding miles up a dirt-track , with all kinds of old gear. In one of his sheds the hippy reckoned he had over half a million LPS and god knows how many singles he must have had. One of the pickers chose a random single and said Booker T and the MGS.......I dont know anything about records.so I will pass on that lot. I wonder if anyone on here knows the hippy and has been through his records. If not how many more are there like him.

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