Amazing how often that happens - at the time it was Prince Phillip Mitchell that became my nemesis! The Charles Johnson I had came from Arcade records in Nottingham for 99p - though originally I bought it for the flip side!
Top drawer Pete! Very pleased that you didn't give in to the temptation to re write history - so many do. I always loved Judy Harris, though having heard it recently it hasn't stood the test of time well. Lester Lanin - like some others played at the time was an aberration, but the scene is littered with them.
I am going to really enjoy listening to it properly when I get in from work!
Thanks for sharing!
Just had a thought, probably a Mecca spin originally, but a monster everywhere - especially the Casino in '75; Tamiko Jones "I'm spellbound"
One I had heard of (at the time) but not managed to hear until an odd, occasional revisitation to the casino and Richard played it - best record of the night!
I think in this era of ovo it is forgotten for that very reason - I have only ever seen 1 real copy, and I can't remember the last time I heard it out. Massive in its day too.
Can't remember exactly, had many bargains off Rob over the years, it would have been just after he opened the shop in Hurts Yard. It was a decidedly second hand copy, but as per sleeve note "surface marks, plays fine"...
Undisputed Truth "You got the love I need" (flip to "Smiling faces sometimes" - which is awesome in my opinion!) I think it is TMG 789, but I could be wrong?
I have many confessions of this nature, but the most painful is not flipping Bob Relf until Rob Wigley told me about "Girl, you're my kind of wonderful" - missed out on a great record for about thirty years!
Then there was Mikki Farrow, Len Jewel and oh so many more.
What a numbskull!
Hi J, hope you are well.
Always loved it, but I don't think people were quite ready for it back then! Nice to know you are persevering with it!
Richard S recently mentioned on his Solar radio show, playing an 'acetate', supplied by a Los Angeles record dealer, of the 'Bob Wilson Sounds - Strings a go-go' at the Casino in 1974.
Would that have been alright?