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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. Is it because the pressing was off centre?
  2. The second unknown is definitely "One mans leftovers" by 100% Proof. I don't recognise the first unknown track. I can confirm that the Dana Valery on the pink double sided Pussycat boot was about in '74, though for some reason it was scarce - were Columbia being a bit proactive with bootleggers at the time?
  3. It is just a hand scratched PB - looks like someone has scratched their initials on.
  4. I seem to remember first hearing it played out around '78/'79 (though it could easily have been played earlier I guess) - would that have any bearing on the re issue date? I can't say as I ever saw green copies before then.
  5. There is a nice version by Joe McBride.
  6. Same for me really, but on my first trip to the states I found myself in a Starbucks, all alone on a sunny Saturday morning looking onto a Washington DC street and realising that it was Chuck Jackson "Hand it over" on the sound system -a wonderful memory!
  7. Me too. A considerable influence on me when young.
  8. Not big or clever but I thought the Pied Piper compilation was one of the best I've ever heard - I think there was only one track I didn't like!
  9. Sold me Lou Pride for £40 and Gwen & Ray for £100 - what a guy! But, he used my toothbrush when he came round to buy some records after a nighter - and that is definitely out of order!
  10. That was from Poke too - he liked it but felt the condition was too rough to play it out - a great track though!
  11. That originally came From Poke - Jimmy bought it from him via me when I was selling Pokes stuff for him. Don't think Poke ever played it out though. He bought the Dynamic Three in the same deal - mind you he bought a whole boat load of stuff! In fact, many records that Jimmy (and Gary played) came from Poke's 'junk box' as he called it - Colt 45's began its life in there too... Haven't heard from him for a long while, he was using his mining expertise on the channel tunnel last I heard.
  12. Mine was blue and still had stickers over the numbers/label (came straight from a dj just before the purple/white ones appeared in the shop) so they used more than one colour.. Isn't the Sonny & Phylis on Soft identical except for the 'double' intro?
  13. Thanks Martyn - or for me either, but I know there is one in the conservatory (or under a bed...)- somewhere!
  14. Someone remind me who the other version was by?
  15. I have to agree with you Dave - and he really does doesn't he? - I think the song is giving as good as it's getting though!
  16. I think that's about right, though there were lots of us in Nottingham around '74 we were considerably outnumbered by those who had no idea. As I heard said recently you definitely felt you were a cut above the rest (of the divs as we rather unkindly called them back then!). It was when the daily papers started doing articles in early '75 that numbers were briefly swelled with said divs...
  17. No, it came from Gary Rushbrooke - though it is entirely possible that is where he got it from?
  18. Indeed, I kept the red copy because I had never seen another, but always used a multi coloured copy to play.
  19. Wish I had listened to it - before I sold it - what a numbnuts!
  20. I used to have a plain red label copy of that design and the sound quality was equally poor even though it looked ok.
  21. I wonder which one that is - Derek, or Ray?
  22. Just finished listening John, absolutely top drawer!
  23. Dug out the mp3 of Cresa Watson from my iTunes, but Refosoul tells me I can't start a new topic (which I presume I would have to do to upload it) anyone able to help?
  24. The copy of Cresa Watson I had, had her name crossed out in green felt tip with Rita Lee written on in the same pen. Same backing track as Robert Thomas and the Men from Macon. I vaguely recall that Rita Lee is a different vocal. I recorded it when I sold up, I'll try to put it on refosoul.
  25. He did say that everything would have a Detroit connection, ie born there, recorded there etc. He didn't say it would be a 'Motown sound' show. Given that he was playing to a mainstream audience I think they have all been ok - though I am only 24 minutes into the Detroit show.

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