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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. Warehouse where all the good stuff was, was definitely on Canal st though. Can anyone remember the huge amount of detroit class that came out of there in the later 70's (when the shop had moved to Bridlesmith gate)? Ric Tic, Golden World, Groovesville etc and in great quantity. If we had known then etc etc RB
  2. Good news on both counts then Dean. Pass my regards on to any Marriott you happen across. A proper "soul" family! RB
  3. I have to say that I was surprised by how good the Presentations is, but not surprised at all how bad (by bad I of course mean "pop") Kelly StClair is! If that doesn't make the argument for taking more modern releases seriously I don't know what does. Pleased to have found a Presentations in one of the junk boxes - presumably not sold when the rest of the collection went because I didn't think it worth bothering with. Which is good I guess. Great to know Larry is on the forum though. Regards, RB
  4. The people who decided "Hawaii 5 -0", "My heart symphony" etc etc etc were soul then? RB
  5. I could have picked up on dozens of things but I just wondered, who decides what's disco? I remember standing at an oldies do about 20 years ago (might have been more) earwigging two old fellas (well okay, about my current age) complaining that they had had to stop attending venues when they stopped playing Howling Wolf and started playing that "pop sheeet". That would make anything played from about 1969 on pop sheeet! Any thoughts on the meaning of tolerance? Regards, RB
  6. Not claiming to be an expert chaps, just trying to help. I too have had a "Help wanted" that was blue/black. It just didn't feel right though. All of the tracks like Kenny Gamble, Mike & Ike are blue/blue as well as all the Barbara Masons/Della Humphreys et al I have - always nice to hear of other people with "unusual" copies though. And of course there are always those West Coast Parkways to look to for guidance. Regards, RB
  7. In all the time I was collecting northern, I never saw a blue/black that wasn't a re-issue. Same goes for styrene. I had most of the stuff worth having on Arctic and the rule of thumb I used was that the in demand stuff should be just like the "crap" that no one in thier right mind would have booted. I did come across dj copies that were sus, but most seemed real. For a long time the word on the Volcano's "The laws of love" was that the emo's that turned up couldn't be real, because the original said "The rules of love". I had both and other than the obvious misspelling and wear and tear they were identical. Regards, RB
  8. I seem to recall in that heady Wigan period (by which I mean '74), it was a highly rated and considered more soulful version for those who weren't too keen on Wayne Gibson - I only personally met anyone who played the Stones ONLY because they hadn't got a copy of WG. I was about 17 then, so my recollection may well be defective on that point, as many pop records were regularly programmed, and it wasn't considered unusual. Come to think of it they still are! I am also fairly certain that April Silva was mentioned in the "Playing sounds like;" ads for the Casino at that time. Thanks for the namecheck Rob! RB
  9. It is great, and doesn't it have a nice instrumental of your love is fading on the flip? Didn't Jonathan pay about £250 for it? If anyone has it mp3'd and it doesn't break any rules I would really appreciate copies of both sides. Follishly when the collection got sold I didn't record either. Doh! Cheers all, RB
  10. It is great, and doesn't it have a nice instrumental of your love is fading on the flip? Didn't Jonathan pay about £250 for it? If anyone has it mp3'd and it doesn't break any rules I would really appreciate copies of both sides. Follishly when the collection got sold I didn't record either. Doh! Cheers all, RB
  11. A Masters "I need your love" on Crimson for a white dj of Rose battiste "Hit & Run" + an un defaced Malibus plus £25. Masters cost me 10p from my cousin! And, a Bobby Hutton LP ABC dj for a short bottle of Bells whisky. KenDarge was the lucky recipient of the Masters, Steve Phyllis had played it to him covered up apparently. I did once get an issue of the Gypsies "It's a womans world" for £1.38 as it was all I had on me! Last story; Keb & Guy got themselves into a bidding war for a copy of "Tenderiser" Wilbur Reynolds (£1.50 from Soul Bowl) I went straight to Manship and bought a Billy Woods with the proceeds. It wouldn't happen now would it? RB
  12. My "fair" price is starting to look like a bargain! RB
  13. My issue was Gary Rushbrooke's old copy, bought for £25 when he was selling up. Well £50 for that and Lynn Varnado. They both went about 2002 when I sold my collection. I've been thinking, and I think the radio call sign was KIOO. RB
  14. What a coincidence, I found a white/green copy of Margaret Salters in abox I was going through. So much better than I remember. I recall Ian Levine recounting in his column discovering it when he "bumped" (was he dancing do you think?) into Bill Linton, who owned the label. Do you think he might know? RB
  15. ps - just joking - I'd settle for "fair"! RB
  16. Anyone wants to make areasonable offer for a mint issue....by reasonable I do of course mean a ridiculous amount! RB
  17. Like your "note to self"! I find I Have loads of this sort of thing (I have that 45 and the LP) have no idea what any of it was worth until I went to a few modern/crossover do's. Now i'm not sure whether to have a second collection sale or not! RB
  18. What's a nice demo of that fetch these days then?
  19. It would be funny wouldn't it if the Esquires ended up being the in demand version! It is certainly better in the sense that the production is of a higher standard, something about the rough edges on Jimmy delphs though- and the fact i never had one - that makes it so appealing! RB
  20. I had an issue with a Radio stations stamp, not implying it was promotional, but inferring ownership, "WJKO" or something. I wish I had owned a digital camera when I sold up! To the best of my knowledge there weren't any demos known back then. As for one of the "worst ever sounds" - I'm a little mystified by that.... Regards to all, RB
  21. Even though I don't think of myself as a part of the scene anymore, I couldn't agree more. Bootlegging is theft, you wouldn't turn a blind eye to someone "ringing" you car would you? Oh no, I can't believe I'm participating in this thread! Regards to all, RB
  22. Counts for me! Any chance of an mp3 of "Pretty girl" anyone? When I sold the northern for some reason it was one of the flipsides I didn't record - yup - call me numbnuts if you want to! It would be appreciated, an mp3 that is, not calling me numbnuts... Regards, Richard
  23. Rich B


    Hi Mick, I am in the process of turning my vinyl into mp3, but the vinyl isn't filed I'm afraid, so I can't just lay hands on it quickly. I will be doing it when I find it though (just done "Love goes deeper than that" and "Touch me" 45's from the same LP). When I get it done, I'll ley you know. I reckon it was a class album, all the 45's I have from it are excellent. Regards, Richard.
  24. I think the fascinating thing about this thread is how everyone recalls from a different perspective. For instance, I hadn't realised Mr M's was open at the time they filmed - I'm not saying it wasn't, but I always stayed on the main floor, because I wanted to hear new sounds, so I was always surprised that it was there. It also shows just how powerful the nostalgia thing on the northern scene has always been. For the record, can anyone remember just how big the original Sounds of Soul "Footsee" was? (Anyone got an mp3 to share?). As for when it happened I seem to recall that we knew the filming was taking place, so we just didn't go. We never went on a Friday, so I'm guessing it did take place on a Saturday. Far more damaging to the scene and its validity as an "undergound thing" at the time, was it featuring in all the tabloid press in early '75 causing a mass influx of divs and daytrippers. In Nottingham these days, everyone of "a certain age" will tell you they were "into northern" - I'm surprised there was room - well I suppose on some occasions there wasn't if you were late! And as I am of a "certain age", I think I need a lie down now... Best wishes to anyone who remembers me - I expect if anyone does, there will definitely be more than one perspective.... KTF, Richard Broughton
  25. Crikey, I got a mention! Thanks for that... Andy's passing was very sad, a genuinely good man if ever there was one. He was largely responsible for getting it off the ground again in the late 80's/90's, along with John P. As for Denny, he was an awesome dj, and did sell up (and because of his sensible pricing I bought most of them!). last time i saw him he was a DHSS fraud investigator - and he loved it! One of the most intelligent people I ever met on the scene, and one of the most determined to break "new" stuff I ever encountered. I remember him playing Bobby Jason to a completely empty floor, and then announcing he was going to keep playing it until someone danced to it! Needless to say someone got out there a bit sharpish. Gary R was/is legend, and rightly so, he lives near Barnsley these days. He once called in at my office to meet me for lunch, and the receptionist (Mel was her name) said "didn't you used to be Gary Rushbrooke?" one of the funiest things I ever heard, left him highly amused - I bought quite a few of his records when he sold up too! As an aside, the Brit was for me (as it was for many local lads and lasses) the first place I heard proper northern soul. For me it was christmas '71, my older brother and his mates (who weren't even "in to" northern snuck me in because it was just a cool place to go - the rest as they say.... Very best wishes to all who might know me, Richard Broughton ps If you read this Robin S, lost your letter and therefore your address, there wil be something in the post real soon though.

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