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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. I have a dreadful feeling it was seeing Huggy Bear on Starsky & Huch that made sense of it for me! RB
  2. Is there a "real" Bunky issue? I ask because it was one of my 'holy grails' I had a white demo and issue on Constellation, but the only 'Bunky" copy I ever saw was a monarch pressing with a matrix number that made it a late 70's release at best. If anyone has a scan of a 'real' one I would love to see it! Best, RB
  3. For my money (and in this case I'm glad it isn't) there is something about honour here. We all make mistakes, and as the owner of the business, if a member of staff makes a mistake and you don't spot it it is as good as yours, and its up to you to make it right. There may not be a legal obligation but I think there is definitely a moral one. Personally I value my reputation far more than a few quid. Some asked me why I sold to my collection to John Anderson rather than give other dealers a chance - well, all I can say is I don't think I have ever heard of John doing this kind of thing, or even anything similar. I'm told he would have made a fortune out of my records, well good luck to him, because he was always absolutely fair with me. As they say, goodness brings its own reward! Best, RB
  4. And I photocopied it in the secretariat department of Mapperley Hospital. Someone mentioned it being initialled "OK" by Norm W? Jonathans was definitely marked in such a way - I wonder who spilt the coffee on it? does that make it more valuable than one without? RB
  5. To my recollection quite a few people were supplied with acetates of upcoming issues. Knowing the boys in Selectadisc quite well at the time, I was frequently offered actual bootlegs ahead of time, for a consideration of course! As those who know will already know I didn't take them up on their "kind" offer, but it was handy knowing what was due out. Best, RB
  6. We certainly did Ollie! I mean Ian... I had heard "My hang up" played covered as the O'jays somewhere or other, and literally the next day I found a mint UK copy on a local market stall for 35p! Gave it my mate when I got the album "'cos i didn't need it anymore". (Sigh). When I first heard "I'm your pimp" announced I really couldn't believe I'd heard it right, very shocking for a well bought up boy. As your tales of danger and excitement with Mr Soussan have been I might add. Best, RB
  7. Pat & the Blenders went big? Damn, I'd been playing that to people for years and no one showed a shred of interest! Leave the scene for five minutes...... Best, RB
  8. I think there are a couple of other decent(ish) tracks on there too Ian. In fact they are all good if you don't mind a bit of funk every now and then! "I'm falling out of love" is nice, so is "All of a sudden" and "Having you around" isn't bad "sofa soul". In fact one of the nicer albums that most of us just bought for "I'm your pimp"! And a great sleeve as well, that's value for money! Like the idea of a copy that I would have actually danced to as a lad though... Best, RB
  9. Only a couple of quick points; I hardly ever dj'd with my Billy Woods - but it was knackered when I sold it, lots of hisses etc - so just how bad (as Ian D says) is FW going to be? and, as I recall, Jonathan Woodliffe's had noise from a warp, so we know who has that copy, for the "familt tree" someone mentioned earlier. Best, RB
  10. Last time I saw him which is a few years ago now, he was a DHSS fraud investigator - sadistic sod (affectionately meant - obviously) told me he loved it! When it came to playing sounds though....that said he was one of the earliest proponent (is thata word?) of "oldies spots", and while his were great, it means he has alot to answer for! He did make you dance to newies though - or else! Have a good night everyone, RB ps do we know each other MAK?
  11. The copy Jonathan loaned me to photocopy (we didn't have scanners back then! and I didn't tell him I intended to photocopy it) was the usual flexible vinyl, but sadly I can't remember any of the stamps/matrix numbers. I was recording a Billy proctor on Soul recently though and the stamp was AJP(?) or that's what it looked like to me. All my recollections of the copy I borrowed was that it was just as unremarkable as any other "Soul" release I already owned. Nothing to single it out in terms of manufacture. Best, RB
  12. Crikey! What's the album fetch then? Best, RB.
  13. It has always been a great club Katy, I went for the first time in 1971 (not that I actually realised the importance of the club that particular night) but I was talking to a chap the other week who had been going there well back into the '60s. Most prominent between 1973 - 1978 in my opinion. Kev Roberts was a dj there if I remember correctly, a guy called Denny (one of the most underrated dj's ever) Gary Rushbrooke was a mainstay for a long time and very many others. It has always been very atmospheric, and if you get a few people in the place jumps! just make sure you don't park in the river. I hadn't realised it was on tonight, or else I wouldn't have arranged my diary so that it was impossible to go! Have a great time though, RB
  14. He was always a clever lad that Dave Godin! And a vegetarian like me and Adolf... Best all, and thanks for that Alex and Malc, RB
  15. Keep me posted and I'll be there for sure! Haven't had a beer with you guys for a very long time - any idea when? Come to think of it when did I last see you? Rob Wigleys 40th? RB
  16. I know what you mean Benji, I'm a sucker for cover up names. I have to confess I have never heard of Modern Blue Sound, is it on refosoul so I can check it out. Masqueraders is one of my all time favourites - definitely couldn't afford it when I was collecting - and I bet nothing has changed! Best wishes, Richard.
  17. Hi Benji, I didn't think the Masqueraders had been covered, I have only ever known it by its proper name - mind you the way my memory is now could very well be wrong. What is M.B.S. short for? Best wishes, Richard
  18. If the weather wasn't so bad you could Sean! I am very well, skint after the last seperation, but healthy (well fat and lazy to be honest) and happy, so no complaints from me. And when you work for the NHS the credit crunch means nowt! Which I expect isn't alway the case for you entreprenurial types? What about you, all good? Must get myself up to South Yorks for a 'do' sometime. Be good, RB p.s. Give my best to John Benson and the boys.
  19. The originals that were in circulation pror to being pressed had red on the label somewhere. Now I think about it, I might be wrong about the flipside (serves me right for being a smartarse!) I sold up about 9 years ago though, and I know I haven't seen one since. So apologie smay be in order.. I think the bootlegs were grey on white - if memory serves - which clearly it doesn't always! best, RB
  20. I think you're right, even years later it is fun (that sounds really geeky) identifying the cover-ups. For some bizarre reason I used to be quite addicted to knowing the cover up names of stuff. Freddie Jones etc. Wasn't Steve Karmen covered as "Black ship to hell" or somesuch? Best, RB
  21. Monster everywhere at the end of '74. Isn't the flip side an Aarron Neville track? By which I mean of course, AN is probably the 'A' side. Fetched big money before it was bootlegged. Regards, RB
  22. I always loved both the Wigan "Playing sounds like:" ads and the Mecca ones, which as you rightly point out Ian, had a pop at the bootleggers. I seem to remember you had a "personal" ad listing the stuff you could play at one time Ian - or am I imagining it? Was it with Twink? Best, RB
  23. Thinking about it (can't be arsed to dig the actual adverts out I'm afraid) the mail order mail went straight to the warehouse for processing. Very few civillians got through the doors. Best, RB
  24. Hi chaps, I'm not sure exactly when he first got it, but he was selling at the end of '79 early '80. The deal would have included a Professionals which he also rated at £25. If I remember correctly he did sell it Adam. I also photocopied the Frank Wilson he had. It had a coffee stain on one side, but I can't remember which now. I had been selling stuff to Jon for years as he was in my then g/f's little sisters class! well she had more class - but you know what I mean! And, I am only joking Jon, when it came to tunes Jon had taste in spades! Damon Fox was one of his I recall - no one else could believe it was unknown it was that good. Cost him a fiver as I recall. I have never bought off KR though so didn't see it with my own eyes. I wasn't allowed in the shop by that time, as I had found some moral fibre and had been "critical" of his business activities (is that diplomatic enough?). Oddly, I think I was ahead of the curve in collecting originals. I couldn't afford them as big sounds, and no one would sell them a spotty kid anyway. I had tried to buy a Michael & Raymeond for a weeks wages only to be told I couldn't have it (een at the full asking price) because was "nobody"! I recall the average price once booted was £1.50 - £2. I did pay more as time went on, but Denny got them off Jack Bollington, who got them from Colin C, and passed them to me very reasonably priced. Anyway Mr Hampsey, what's this about a DB7? Best, RB
  25. Doesn't surprise me Ady. As a fledgling on the northern scene I went in to buy the newly bootlegged Sweets "Satisfy me baby" and straight out of the rack in the shop, from the middle of a bunch of boots came a mint original. The guy (Nick something or other) said "It looks like your lucky day" and sold it to me for the same price as the boot would have been! That certainly satisfied me...but apparently it wasn't unusual that SS sent original mixed in with the pressings. Mel, the guy who ran the warehouse was a rock and roll collector, but "discovered" many fine northern sounds while searching for his own stuff. That warehouse had all sorts in it! As for the Frank Beverly on Sassy story, I had one of those 800, I also had a Mel Britt demo off Rob smith who let me have it for £2.50 because he had bought them wholesale. What a world it was. I had to turn down Jonathans Rouser copy of Frank B for £25 because I couldn't pay him there and then, and even though he didn't mind waiting a week, the wife wouldn't let me owe him money, Aaaargh! RB

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