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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. Evening all. Not particularly wanting to get into the middle of anything, but a soul record is a soul record is a soul record. My personal preference is always a US copy - but when things like Jeff Perry and Larry Saunders got UK release I went and bought them again just to contribute to getting them into the charts - cos then they might get to make another tune instead of going back to being postmen (not that there is anything wrong with being a postie) or whatever and therefore furthering the cause - don't tell me I had it wrong after all? I'll finish with a question if I might - I had a vague feeling that Coffee (of Casanova fame) were some incarnation of the Lovelites - or have I got that wrong? Best, RB ps Wigan did play some crap (as does everywhere at some time) but I just cannot believe they played Rock n roll pt2 - you aren't thinking of Breakaway the Steve Karmen Big Band are you?
  2. When Ian Levine was originally tipping it didn't he give it's label as Jameco? I have had all of them (including the green Carrie issue) and there was nothing about the Jameco copy that made me think it wasn't a genuine late (?) 60's release. Isn't the label design and manufacture similar to the Black Hawk issue of Roy 'C' - "Shotgun wedding"? Best, RB
  3. Poke had a copy back in the 80's - it played fine but there was a crack on the run in. It almost certainly came from Soul Bowl, and JA always used to scratch the adress off, is that the only one then? Best, RB
  4. Sean, Sean, Sean! How many copies of the darned thing do you need! I thought Jimmy Wensciora was obsessive - you've got him beat into the proverbial "cocked hat"! Best, RB
  5. Though I don't own it any more, I did have a demo, it was yellow, and though I can't recall the details it did vary from the common yellow issue. Mine was bought from Rob Marriot for £25 if I recall accurately, that said I was always very enamoured of Jimmy W's copy - Edgar Crook indeed! Best, RB
  6. Couldn't agree more Chalky, love it to bits but it's the sheep mentality that drives the prices up, dare I mention Joi Cardwell at this point? Bless Dave Godin for making sure we all knew about it around 30 years ago though! best, RB
  7. It may well be John, but I haven't got a 45 of it, just the album! Sad really.... Best, RB
  8. Thanks for that John, my memory is getting so defective! I was sure I had a Roulette copy of a tune called "Your love"! Now, finding it, that's going to be another matter! Hope you're well, best, RB
  9. There seem to have been many post along the lines of "Why is the Blue Sharks popular?" Surely people want it/it packs the floor for the same reason all oldies do (and while we are at it people hold some proper shite in high regard on here, while this gets singled out, I don't know) - nostalgia is why people like it. It was huge around the same time as Herbert Hunter etc, not too mention the BellBoys, and let's face it that isn't a patch on Jackie is it? It's just what northern is synonomous with these days isn't it? Best, RB
  10. They really should have used the Corner Boys for the US tv series "The Wire"! Weren't both sides rather good? Neptune did have it's fair share of goodies didn't it? Best, RB
  11. I love the album, "At long last" is one of my favourites, I would certainly play that one out! I was amazed we didn't hear more of "So much for love" back inthe 70's. Best, RB
  12. You know you've spelt Mansfield incorrectly in your signature don't you? LOL! Best, RB
  13. Christ almighty! How come we never heard that before? Or did we and I was asleep? I have the seventies version by Richard Parker (on a 10" acetate) but that is just dying to be played isn't it? I would have thought the winning bid would be more. best, RB
  14. Very nice Matt, can we have more details please? Best, RB
  15. Very nice, who is it by? Best, RB
  16. As my Bernie Wiliams and Billy Woods got worse I had some high quality photocopy labels made and stuck on bootlegs for "playing out". I always carries the originals to prove I had them though! Now I couldn't care less what format they are, just as long as I can put them on my ipod... regards, RB
  17. It's you baby (it's you)! RB
  18. Oh yeah, Mind & Matter (though I preferred Merlin & the Magicians as c/u names go). RB
  19. C & M's band originally played by Polk though - at CH! Covered as something, was it Mad Dog & the Pups? Elbie Parker "Please keep away from me"? a vile tune but the dancers loved it for some reason! Best, RB
  20. There are vinyl and styrene Jeanette Whites, as is the case with a lot of A & M releases. That said, never seen a vinyl 'YDMI' though. best, RB
  21. I agree with your sentiments entirely MB, but on this occasion Selecta weren't the culprits! May be someone on this forum feels like entering the confessional? I hear confession is good for the soul... best, RB
  22. The white boots are the same as the early Anderson brothers and several other including Timothy Wilson "I must love you", Dave Newman "Make up your mind", Sandra Phillips "World without sunshine" wdj plus some others. Coarse vinyl, with a ridge around the middle of the label. The Anderson brothers were even sold on the GSF sleeve. They are a different batch entirely to the clever Soussan boots with PB on the run out. Very common around Nottingham once upon a time. With the exception of Tim Wilson, which was black on pale blue, everything done was black on white to keep it simple I expect. They weren't particularly numerous in the grand scheme of things. Pete S is right, normally sold for about £8 a copy. Some friends got burnt because they believed the dealer rather than me, hey ho! RB.
  23. Blue is a legal re-issue, no surprise they continued playing it while Russ had copies to shift though! I was there the night it was first played, definitely a pink copy, because I went to ask what it was.. Didn't see a promo until later on. It was one of those tunes that seemed to be played forever, and ever and ever! Best, RB
  24. The one I had was. RB
  25. Towanda on A & M is without doubt the best vesion. As I recall the LP (in '74) was always much harder to find (it's worth finding though) and you only played the Ohio Players if you couldn't get Towanda! Once upon a time the brown issue was just unheard of, but the wdj does look nice. It was also re-issued in '75 on the silver A & M with the letters as large as the label. I run out of puff long before the end of it these days! Regards, RB

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