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Everything posted by Rich B
Hi Dave, I think you are right about that. The Sons of Moses was a Major Bill Smith thing though wasn't it?, originally issued on Soft (if I remember correctly) before Coral. I always quite liked it myself though, especially compared to all those Soussan vocal overdubs! best, RB
There were a lot of legal re-press copies of the Le Cam/Charay family of labels (Edie Robin "There must be a love somewhere" vocal to "Soul symphony"anyone?). I have had a pale blue copy (the copy that was first played by Kev Roberts- would you believe! still had stickers over the catalogue numbers), a mint green/black copy, and I had a version by Sonny and Phylis (purple/silver label)that had an odd 'double' intro. I think Kev had been in touch with Major Bill who owned Le Cam/Charay because the same night he played the Men from Macon's instrumental of 'Salvation' as well as the Chresa Watson version of the song. I hope that helps, RB
I have no idea how much I have spent. I sold my first collection between '78/'79. Started my second in '80! Whatever I have spent was well worth it, but (there's always a but isn't there?) - on reflection I wish I had spent more of my money on travelling in the '74 - '78 period. When I think of the times I sat at home instead of travleing with mates because I had spent a weeks wages on a tune. And I never spent any money on gear because I couldn't have afforded both! It turns out I got my most of the things in the first collection back for less than I had sold them for in the slump of the early 80's, as well as a lot of things I could only have dreamt of owning as a 'kid'. So it turns out records are replaceable, but the opportunity to go to WC and the Mecca wasn't....though we thought they would be there forever at the time. So what i'm trying to say is, it isn't things, it's the memories that are the really valuable part of the soul scene. best, RB.
I had a B & W demo back in the 80's - never really liked the look and 'upgraded' for a red issue. It was definitely styrene though, just like the Red & White copies. When visiting Jim Wensciora he was able to produce all three to compare! best, RB
Can someone refosoul it so I can have a listen? I have had bunch of copies of "I just wanna say" but can't say as I have ever had it with this flip. Be nice to hear it. best, RB
West Midland Soul Club Memories-Notts Palais
Rich B replied to francis t's topic in All About the SOUL
I think I was at the very first WMSC all dayer at the Palais, towards the end of '74? if I remember correctly. All sorts played, but I remember being able to go and buy Garland Green "Sending my best wishes" and the Quadraphonics "Betcha if you check it out" the very next day from Redifusion (now that's a place that sold a lot of soul in Nottingham, but is always overlooked in favour of Selectadisc). As I am a Nottingham boy I attended on a very regular basis, as did most of my friends, and as my last bus went from nearby I could stay right to the end. Mick F and Steve R sold me vast quantities of tunes for a fiver apiece, and you have to give a very decent amount for now (Connie Clark/Tony & Tyrone dj etc), as well as many new releases like the Soulvation Army band and suchlike. I suspect we knew each other back then Francis. Back in the day it was a great venue (and a great floor) coming down those stairs from the front door to be confronted by the dance floor and overwhelmed by the wall of sound and crowds of people, was just magical - just like a good venue should be. I have a feeling that WMSC also tried a midweek (Thursday) night with Richard Searling as a guest as well as all nighters. Some very happy memories of that venue, not quite fair to say that the WMSC 'opened up' the Palais to northern. The Bali hai bar had been purely northern on a Monday night for years, and had featured many respected northern dj's, later Jonothan Woodliffe would have his first residency there, Andy Lee & John Poole too. All because, and I don't think it hindered the all dayers any, Mick Knight, the manager of the place, was a true soul fan who had a great collection that he used to keep there, so he was very supportive of the whole northern thing. That said, the Palais reputation for all dayers would not have happened without the WMSC, so god bless you chaps! Best, RB ps 'accidentally' took a glass home in my bag one time, and I use it to take my blood pressure tablets now! - how things change with old age and poverty eh? -
Given that the northern scene has thrived on alternate versions/instrumentals of either, known northern, or covers of Motown etc (Hit records anyone - Jenny & the jewels etc) for the entire time it has existed, some of the comments are interesting. I heard it for the first time on Friday through headphones, and it is definitely of interest to any scene that insists on 60's sounding records. The very fact two versions exist and have been played already kind of point to that. Isn't it being given away free with the album a la Silhouettes? best, RB
When selling Poke's stuff for him back in the 80's there was one in the box, no one ever gave it a second glance - including me! Just goes to show what I know... best, RB.
Hate to be a pleb, but after listening to "If it wasn't for my baby" I thought there was another version, but I just can't think who it's by, I am sure someone here can tell me - so please do! cheers chaps, RB
Real 'old timers' thread this isn't it? As I have always had badly paid jobs, and my old man always took at least 50% of my wages for 'board' the big money records for me didn't amount to huge amounts. At the back end of '74 though I managed to stump up a fiver for Bobby Paris "Night owl" when it was still massive! It proved to be a slippery slope! best, RB
I had a feeling it was booted - long time ago now though so memory not all it should be - thought it had happened late 70's or very early 80's after it had a bit of a revival. Got an Lp for sale, incs Danny's version of "This thing called love"... best, RB
BR copy I had sounded fine - looked like it had been danced on, but sounded fine! Best, RB.
Odd isn't it, all the time I had one I assumed the Capitol copy to be the rare one. I've never seen one, and the gold/red BR copy only cost me £8! best, RB
That ties in with a comment I have just made on another thread. I never heard it played anywhere, but had heard talk of it, so when I saw one (yellow with demo sticker) I thought "well £2.50, its got to be worth a punt - and if I don't like it one of those obsessive Detroit collectors will buy it off me!". It was still in the collection when I finally sold up 25 years later, says something about it as a record. best, RB
Chris Hamilton Vs Pierre Hunt - "got To Have Your Love"
Rich B replied to Godzilla's topic in Look At Your Box
The days when I could be arsed to 'have a row' over a record are long gone chaps! One of the fascinating things about the scene in the 70's was the ability for a sound to be big in one place and unheard of elsewhere - and though some things hung around forever it seemed that unless there was an immediate reaction other things were dropped very quickly. It's just one of those memory things as well I guess, I suspect, as I've not been active on the northern scene for at least 15 years the grey cells aren't doing the job they used too! best, RB -
It was never rare - or popular when it was first played - but, what a record! best, RB
Me and Shep are cool - too long in the tooth to fall for that 'old trick' £350 sounds more like it to me - though I am basing my price on its worth to me (i.e. how much I like it vs commercial worth), but if anyone feels moved to offer the £350...... best, RB
Chris Hamilton Vs Pierre Hunt - "got To Have Your Love"
Rich B replied to Godzilla's topic in Look At Your Box
Pierre Hunts version was the first to be played as far as I can remember. The first time I knew of the Chris Hamilton version was at a Notts Palais all dayer, someone played PH, and Rob Smith casually dropped into the conversation that he had the version by CH. I don't remember anyone but Rob playing it 'out' - but then i can't even remember what it sounds like. Mind you he had done the same thing when Carl Henderson had been played "oh, I've got another version" he says - the Attractions as I recall - not the Sequins! Remember though, this is the guy who played Nabay for years in his warm up spots, only for it to be ingnored until Richard played it at Wigan - who knows what Rob has tucked away... best, RB -
Oh, only £145! Looks like I'll be keeping it then Mark....not that you'd want a played out record anyway! Best, RB
I wondered if the ever knowledgeable folk here could help me; I'm thinking of selling my Will Collins "Anything I can do" Bareback dj copy. I would describe it as vg+ or maybe even mint- What should I be asking for it? All help appreciated. best, RB
That's about right. Story as above. It was on an Audiodisc acetate and was fairly rough. There were a lot of Audiodisc discs around at the time though, so I always had a degree of uncertainty about it. Things like the Accents (which Poke also had on an Audiodisc acetate turned up in volume) were around and ended up being 10 a penny. When Poke and I had it, the artist was unknown, so Poke had called it Cleveland Wilson in fine old c/u style. Amongst other things I bought from Poke at the same time were Paul Thompson and a HDH acetate 10" of Richard Parker's 70's version of "Just like the weather" at the same time. £45 for the three - they don't make deals like that anymore do they? That said, Poke's Brothers Gilmore "I feel a song" went to Arthur for £15, now that was one I should have kept! best, RB
Later than I first thought (apologies Pete - what the hell are they doing playing oldies from '74?) as walter Murphy is the track before the one in question. Is it Bohannon "Disco stomp"? Best, RB
even earlier than Pete if they are playing the Coasters and Ronnie & Robyn. More like the early half of '74. Haven't got to the tune in question though yet! best, RB
PM me Shep, we can discuss if you wish. best, RB