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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. Nothing constructive to add to this thread but when Jon Woodliffe was selling up I had bought some records off him, and then he whipped out a Professionals and a Frank Beverly on Rouser and advised me the two could be mine for £25 quid apiece. I pointed out he had just relieved me of a months wages and he kindly told me I could owe him. The wife however took an opposing view, and I had to decline his generous offer. As it turned out I would have had the records longer than the wife so that's definitely another 'record regret' of mine! Does anyone know who did have the FB from Jon? Apologies for the trivia injection.
  2. It's only me! Hi Robin and Arthur. I thought you only paid £15 for the Bos Gilmore Arthur? I seem to recall (long time ago though...) I sold it you for the asking price Poke ahd written on the sleeve - and he was a bit cross (at the time) because I hadn't charged more! One of my biggest record regrets is not keeping that for myself! I remember you coming round Robin I also seem to recall meeting you at the Royal hotel in Nottingham to hand something over, can't remember what it was though. I had two boxes of Poke's records, his dj box and his 'junk box' out of which I bought the Colt 45's and the Excuses 'Trick bag' both of which he had played and not had sufficient response to. There were many other interesting bits too - I bought the 10" Richard Parker 'Just like the weather' acetate from him and years later when JA cam e to look at the stuff I was selling he seemed 'a little surprised' that I had it, and said something like 'I always did wonder where that had gone'...
  3. I can definitely add that the copy Poke had was split on the run in groove, it didn't crackle like the one in the soundfile though. It 'lived' at my flat for a while when i was selling some of his records - personally I love it, always have, guitar or no guitar!
  4. Apologies if my memory has let me down - I am old and it was a long time ago!
  5. Didn't Poke have one of these and Play it pre-Stafford? At one point he had several Audiodisc acetates, "Shooting high", and Accents "You better think again" to name just a couple I had off him.
  6. I like that 'Liberation' track Jocko - it's not the Ballistic Brothers, but not bad at all. Best start I ever made was with the Mighty Marvellos "Talkin' 'bout you baby" - took the roof off!
  7. I've liked every track I've heard off his new album.
  8. For what's it's worth I liked them both, you just can't trump passion. Thanks Soulsmith and Cunnie for posting them.
  9. I always used to wonder how I was supposed to know what they know - I only know what I know - I'm not that mind reader fellow!
  10. my mistake! I thought all of those styrene boots were Monarch. Just shows what I know/knew! good I stopped collecting eh?
  11. no, but the boots of both the Soul Patrol and Johnny V were weren't they - like a lot of the boots at that time?
  12. I havecertainly never seen a yellow stock copy. there asa ddj n my collection when sold in 2000. I rated it as one of the hardest I owned - mine came from Jim Wensciora when h old up about 87/88 - never even seen another one! In the gentlemanly way he had, he sold me LJR, Gwen & Ray an Lou Pride for £300 Not that any of this means anything, just saying!
  13. Sold mine about 12 years ago, so memory hazy, but I thought the bhe boots did, won't it be in the late 90's to 100 in the MR matrix?
  14. wouldn't the MR matrix give it away if it was a boot - like the Soul Patrol for instance?
  15. Gary Rushbrooke sound wasn't it?
  16. Like everyone else I am completely shocked to hear this. Nothing but good memories of Gary, just a genuinely good guy, always laughing and he made me do the same. So glad we caught up a couple of 'Just Soul's ago. Best wishes to Piddy and the family. RB.
  17. I had a (moderately) interesting story about this record and Rob Marriot, but was overwhelmed by the knowledge shown by other members of this forum, so it's back to the wine for me!
  18. I have certainly had a Today promo (same colour as the issue) back in the day. I have never seen a sound Gems copy though?
  19. Good call Dave, who'd even look at a tune by Duff Thurmond! best, RB.
  20. Anybody mention Paul Thompson "Special kind of woman"?
  21. I don't have a (northern) collection anymore, but I know for sure mine wouldn't have been the best, as when i was thinking of selling up a well known figure from the scene came to take a look and his parting comment was "I thought it would be better!"...
  22. It seems to be a sad fact of human nature, that people just can't live and let live. I don't think, really, for most of us (certainly isn't to me) it is an issue of whether Italians, mods or whoever else wish to assert thier own identity, on thier own 'scene'. However it is a shame that they can't just get on and do it without the negativity. That also applies to northern fans who don't like modern soul, and fans of modern soul who don't like northern. Who cares what other peole think anyway? Regards, RB
  23. As I have no credibilty to lose I thought I would add my two penneth. I didn't record serial numbers, but when I sold up, in my collection (on the yellow/green label design) was; Robert Thomas "Salvation" / "Soul of a man" - no mention of Six feet under as far as I can recall. Men from Macon "Salvation" / "Soul of a man" Cresa Watson "Salvation" / can't remember The Men from Macon and Cresa Watson still had the cover up damage and came from one of the Mecca dj's (though as an intermediary got them for me I'm not sure if it was Colin or Ian). The Robert Thomas was in a Record Corner soul pack. In the 70's the purple/white Rita Lee's were considered to be bootlegs as they only turned up en masse with lots of other Major Bill related cuts didn't they? So, is current opinion that all of those things were originals? i.e. Edie Robin etc? Or am I missing some irony here? Aound that time I also coveted a Pic & Bill "Talk about love" (?) on the yellow/green Charay label - anyone know whether that ever became cheap as chips? best, RB
  24. There was an issue of Connie Laverne in my collection when I sold up in 2000, and I have had a couple of issue copies of thelma Houston over the years - I thought it was the promo of that that was hard to find.
  25. I still have mine - odd when so much has gone by the way. It's a blue gents card and dated June (no year shown though it was 1974) # 1416. I'm not too sure they were meticulous with thier numbering though, MoodySoul's is a higher number but he got it earlier than I did by the looks of things - do you think they just chose a number at random? I had always been quite proud of my 'low' number, now I'm not so sure... best, RB

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