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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. Sold mine to Keb Darge in the late 80's. Malibus demo, plus a white demo of Rose Battiste "I miss my baby"/"Hit & run" and £25 in cash. Bought it for 10p many years previously, Always thought it one of my best sales!
  2. Looks like it has been stored next to the record by the Collegians, you wouldn't expect to see that on a bootleg, so it implies originality to me.
  3. I've got one without the proper picture sleeve - any thoughts on its value anyone?
  4. Not wishing to be adversial in any way Baby boy, but Chalky and Speed limit are on the money this time. Firstly if you need a poster or a label to tell you you're in the right place you probably shouldn't be there. And secondly, absolutely the best thing about Stafford was that just about anything could be played, and often was. If it feels good and all that...
  5. This was the second episode. The first programme spent more time in the states talking to the early producers like Steve 'Silk Hurley, Reese, Saunderson and Juan Atkins etc.
  6. Hi Pete, I good and I hope you are too. I can assure you that you will never see a picture of me, post by me! I think it would breach some kind of law or rule on horrifying images before the watershed! Don't exert yourself too much on the maths, I have just celebrated my 61st... born in '57.
  7. That's my problem right there Pete, my memories of people are like that - young! When people say hello to me these days I always end up thinking 'who's this old geezer?' And even more surprisingly, 'how the hell do they know who I am?'
  8. Everybody had it shortly afterwards Chalky. Poke had it first because he worked there and had hours to play through 'all the crap' as he once said to me! It was his job, once the potential was recognised John monetised it. I would imagine it was true of many things in the earlier days at Kings Lynn. For instance the Colt 45's came from Poke's 'too crap to play' box, but he left it with me one weekend and Gary R. heard it on a tape in my car. Once he had bought it from Poke and started playing it, everyone wanted one. Who gets the credit for that? Poke for owning it or Gary for being the first to have faith and play it out?
  9. Rain was first played at the Pier by Poke. It was covered as Joan Moody "I'm coming home". The actual copy he played was an incorrectly pressed copy of Vickie Anderson "Too tough for Mr Big Stuff" on Brownstone. Poke worked for John at Soul Bowl at the time so of course, it too, came from Kings Lynn. p.s. Knowing Poke he wouldn't give a monkeys about the credit, he would have just enjoyed the buzz of introducing people to a tune that became so popular.
  10. Good point, well made!
  11. I know what you mean Joey, 3 or 4 titles a week back then - I have never heard 'Let's spend the night' - L.A. Power and Light wasn't it? - just Soussan being a bit cheeky I reckon! Here though is the Detroit Land Apple's - now this is a forgotten/under rated tune..
  12. Nearly Joey, covered as the "Detroit Shakers" early 74? Mr Soussan must have been very impressed with that cover up name, here is the Rainbows, also bootlegged around the same time as...
  13. With 40+ years of hindsight me too Chalky. As for 'at the time' I would put it down to a couple of things; 1. Being 16 and very enthusiastic - but ultimately a little naive, and my taste/ear wasn't as developed back then. 2. The 'older' lads holding those opinions - and they seemed to know what they were talking about and they didn't like you talking back to them back then, also I don't recall seeing pictures of these artists to clear the matter up definitively. You may recall that artists like Billy Harner were also thought to be black during that era. 3. My internet connection was really slow back in 1974. Other than that, no excuses, my bad as the young folk said back then.
  14. Never heard either played out as 'newies' but I seem to think that people thought Susan Barret was a black artist so it always seemed to have more kudos.
  15. Following my embarrassing faux pas with the Edwin/Doni poll I thought I ought to listen to them this time! And having done so, Dusty everytime for me!
  16. Personally I think it's a fantastic track. Only heard it played once (Colin Curtis, Peterborough all nighter) and though I love it, he/it was soundly boo'd by a section of the crowd!
  17. Wigan wasn't it - I have feeling it appeared on the iconic "playing sounds like" adverts.
  18. You are right on the money there Pete!
  19. I have to confess that I voted for Doni - based really on my memories of hearing it out - but after taking the time to listen to both properly, clearly Edwin by a mile! Definitely got that one wrong. But what a pair of double siders they are!
  20. I don't remember Guy playing it at Stafford, but there are plenty of copies of a Soussan origin backing track + strings about. My old copy came from the owner of Selectadisc's garage, when Stigger was clearing it out for him (Stig's wife at the time worked for Brian). Credited to the Detroit symphony if I recall. Backing track plus tweaks of Sidney Barnes "I hurt on the other side" on the other side. I'm sure it was from Soussan, because there were quite a few Black Magic related acetates there too. Including a 10" "Love you baby" that was credited to Lorraine Chandler, and the discs were all identical.
  21. Another of Soussans "Audio Arts Strings" from the summer of '74; No knocking the quality though is there? Strings were most definitely the thing back then!
  22. I am quite curious about the Betty Brooks version (107) that I have seen/heard on YT. Don't recall encountering a copy in my collecting years. The backing is the same 'short' intro as the Coral release of Sons of Moses - as opposed to the 'long' intro of Ede Robin and the Soft issue of SoM. Is this a more recent discovery?
  23. Don't overlook the excellent flip side...
  24. Just re reading this thread and I realised that it wasn't an issue of Connie Laverne that I had owned but a Blanche Carter. Apologies for that error.
  25. Sorry I think this picture sleeve distracted me; Though I also came across this pic; A testimony to his song writing I guess. Just about anyone who is anyone has recorded it.

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