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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. Ha! Yes that sounds like Jack all right - I don't know what became of him - he burnt bright for a couple of years, I've not seen him since about '77.
  2. I always enjoyed dancing to stuff I didn't have - once I'd got it the urgency kind of wore off - is this common or do I need help?
  3. Does that mean I should move my 'overflow' out of the conservatory?
  4. It was Jack Bollington, from Derby. I knew him because he came to the Brit on Friday nights. Though when you think of emi's at that point Pete's name is bound to crop up isn't it?
  5. I reckon end of '74 begining of '75 - I remember someone (who I won't name) getting a copy at the pier for the purposes of cutting emi's - about Feb '75? I think he got a 'Ton of dynamite' the same night. Took me until the miners strike when a friend very sadly had to sell his collection before I saw one for sale.
  6. Anecdotaly as a very young man I went to buy "Satisfy me baby" from Selecta back in early '74 and whoever it was behind the counter (I think it was Nick K) popped up with a very un bootleg looking copy and tells me "Looks like it's your lucky day, it's a real one" and sold it me for the bootleg price of 75p - talk about things not being valued once the bootlegger had done his work! Didn't play the flipside for about 25 years....
  7. Absolutely right, I remember touting it around for years - no one would give it air time - or a second look.
  8. I had one of those too - mine must have been a demo 'cos it was the same both sides! I am sure the artist is simply given as Total Eclipse and the lp is "Symphony for soul" - it's in the conservatory - I'll look in the morning!
  9. Fair to say we are loving this cd - but what I want to know is what is Stuttering Sam saying!
  10. Now where is that thread about Simon Soussans tailor mades...I'll get my coat!
  11. Personally I think Gil Elvgren is/was an artist with great vision....the tune was ok too.
  12. I'm with you on that. Top drawer tune!
  13. Listening to it right now (up to track 11) - I haven't been so excited about a 60's compilation for ages. Absolutely top drawer!
  14. I hope I'm not confusing the issue here, but to clarify, the copy I had with the sticker was an Orange Carrie copy. Which I think is the hardest to find of the bunch. Given the number of labels it appeared on, was it a hit or did they just believe in the tune and keep pushing it?
  15. Thanks Bob - my memory for that kind of detail isn't nearly as good as it used to be...
  16. It sounds like the label owners got wise, as it were. Love the record though, and I had all the variations over the years. I seem to recall the orange copy that I had (from Soul Bowl) had a typed sticker attached adding the name of a group - though I can't recall if it was the Arabians or something else.
  17. Not one to stick my head above the parapet but I bought a green label copy (as per the scan) from Selectadisc in Nottingham in early 1975 for £1.50 - is there a later green reissue?
  18. . Thanks Mark
  19. what's the flipside called?
  20. Great record though - and isn't the flip worth a listen too?
  21. Personally I think Dave Newman is pretty scarce on an original - sometimes the company it's in will give you a clue - were the rest in the collection high quality originals? Not always true of course, but it can be helpful.
  22. I always thought the issue was significantly harder to find.
  23. That's right Kev, "Doomsday" "Weak spot" all of those early things he did.

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