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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. Not familiar with this on Pride - does anyone have a scan of it?
  2. You know, I think you might be right Pete - apologies for adding confusion.
  3. The Sound Plus would be a legal reissue too wouldn't it? Just earlier - Like Bob Wilson "Suzy's serenade" and Little Richie? I seem to remember there was a black & white boot, on a styrene press? Late 70's?
  4. Sorry, couldn't resist; Not sure if this is applicable. Steve Phyliss had played Keb the Masters "I need your love" Crimson, covered up, and Keb wanted to buy it.Steve says Rich might sell you his. Now I like Keb, but I can't understand him most of the time. He manages to make it known, but the records at home, so I kind of say " No, I think I'll keep it". Gary (Rushbrooke) say's "I'll run you home to get it". So Keb gets his swaps box out; and I stand the ones up I'm interested in thinking "well, if I give him the MAsters and some money...". Settle on either a white demo of Rose Battiste "Hit & run" or a mint undefaced demo of the Malibus. Can't quite decide which though. He comes back, takes a look at these two records and says (Steve P doing the interpreting) I suppose you'll want some cash too, and offers me the two and £25. Well, we're in Gaz' car before you can say "but it only cost me 12p!"...he clearly mistook my hesitation for negotiation skills!
  5. I was mooching around the Wintergardens, disconsolate because I had no money, and looking through boxes anyway, and I came across an original of the Gypsies "It's a womans world" (issue) the first real one I had ever seen. The chap only wanted a couple of quid too. I looked in my pocket and had to tell him "Look, I want it but I only have thirty seven and a half pence". To my absolute shock he replied "Go on then!". Speechless!
  6. May well be the case that the Palmer copy has the same fault (never been lucky enough to have one) but I seem to recall someone at TOTW with one to sell telling me it didn't. If my memory is unreliable I can only apologise. Even those nights at Stafford are 30 years ago now!
  7. Isn' it "Eating beans by the pound" ? and thereby blowing up?
  8. Isn't there a fault in the mastering? I seem to recall that the Palmer copy plays as intended.
  9. Snowboy put together a pretty decent compilation of the Go-Go sound called imaginitively (or not ) "Meet me at the go-go" that's worth a listen. Fopp had loads at a £1 a time..
  10. Mine went back to JA around the Y2k (maybe 2001) - anyone know who has it? Just curious like!
  11. I was chatting to JA just after I had bought one from Manship (£70 about '84/5) and he told me he got 5 Billy Woods at the same time as he picked up several other things in 5 counts. He didn't mention leaving any behind though.
  12. Wasn't James Fountain played/sold for loads well before Gwen Owens was first played? I remember hearing JF at the Pier and hearing JM had paid £175 for it - don't remember G.O. until much later. Though my memory isn't all it used to be...
  13. I heard that Steve Phylis 'cured' Gary Rushbrookes by applying weight to the tone arm and rewinding it through the section that skips - risky but apparently sucessful. At any rate I bought it from Gary and there were no jumps. I'm sure Steve is on here perhaps he can confirm the story?
  14. Nice one Dave! I'd never heard of it before this thread but I think I'm starting to like it!
  15. I love this forum! People on one thread moaning about Gwen Owens, bunch of people moaning about Bob Sinclar on another thread. We are happy campers aren't we?
  16. Is the point that we are supposed to hold opinions (presumably negative) on fans of other types of music? The truth is surely they are pretty much an irrelevance to most of us, as we would be to them. If that is the point the questions are irrelevant, especially when you see the vitriol between soul fans on here from time to time...
  17. it sorta is - I'm more virtual now though, don't really add to what is already making the dining room, bedroom and conservatory so untidy!
  18. Haven't you already got enough records cluttering up the house Martin!
  19. I've also got one of those BBE 12" found in a random record shop in Leicester when searching for obscure soulful garage, princely sum of £1. It also has the BBE no. written in felt tip, long version one side and I thought the normal 7" version - certainly not leaving my armchait to look for it!
  20. I do now - but when they were playing things like Connie Clark (and suchlike) at the Casino every hour I was perfectly fine with it!
  21. and as an aside, I noticed the 'Big Arctic package' that was talk about on here a while ago, is available via Spoitify for the more casual/delinquent listener - which includes said track as well as some I hadn't heard before.
  22. Lou Johnson - Reach out for me
  23. the two 'Iceman' lps are fanastic!
  24. The taxman might think it does, and I do know someone it happened too, you may end up paying tax unless you can convince them that you aren't.
  25. I'm surprised you weren't 'ribbed' more for that comment! ps Absolutely love minidiscs!

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