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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. When I had that dilemma I kept the Gamble copy based on me growing up wanting one, and expecting that if I was ever lucky enough that is what my copy would look like - and not knowing about the sassy copies until much later. It's a bit subjective though.
  2. Rich B

    R I P Darondo

    A unique style ( I would never have heard of him if "Didn't I" had been featured on Breaking bad) once heard, not a voice you would forget. Take it easy D.
  3. Didn't he used to be 'Little' Charles (of Little Charles and the Sidewinders)? I definitely know his new cd is pretty good.
  4. Nowt wrong with a wedge - I've got one in my wedding photo's!
  5. Very sorry to hear this news -saw her at Rock City while ago and it was a great night. Best wishes Shazza!
  6. Couldn't agree more - £2.50 from Rob Smith! He did have 5 at the time though...
  7. It's all about the 'connection' isn't it?
  8. Quite agree, it doesn't really matter does it, as long as they're having fun? On the other hand who hasn't watched and thought "they're listening to a different tune to me!"
  9. I didn't realise "Wash and wear love" was played as early as '74? I know "Second hand love" was known, but I can't recall hearing "WAWL" until much later, after Dave Godin had mentioned it in his column. Who was the dj playing it in '74?
  10. Only met them as a group once - at Stiggers' gaff the morning after a Stafford all nighter. Intimidating, in a friendly way, if that makes any sense whatsoever?
  11. Very sad indeed - we gonna hear some Stairsteps at Just Soul Sean?
  12. I was using the fact that I had learned of an issue copy for the first time that very day to illustrate how much knowledge, possibly as a result of the internet and the passage of a few years, had grown Jordan. As Dave P says it is very rare and not thought to exist at one time, so if you have an 'issue' it's either a re-issue or very rare indeed.
  13. I know Richard "Dimples" Fields had some 80's hits, but didn't Ian Levine mention his records being distributed through RDK's own nightclub in the 70's?
  14. Surely there's no such thing as "Too often" for an O'Jays track Sean? Especially that one!
  15. I think the knowledge base has improved enormously, simply being able to get to the states easily has changed things massively. In '74 I could have imagined going to the moon as easily as going to the USA. As Patto points out, most are middle aged now, with 30 + years of experience, there is the internet etc. And not all dj's actually knew as much as we thought they did back then - they just had better records than most of us! Even in the last 10 or so years since I stopped collecting so many things have turned up - exotic foreign copies thanks to fans overseas (ex pats or otherwise) and the internet to easily share that info. We now have some of our 'heroes' (as in artists/producers) even contributing to this site, who could have predicted that? And, though it might be a predominantly ovo scene, compilations and as a result, all of those previously unissued recordings made available for reasonable money. In fact you would have to say all this extra knowledge must have made the scene a much, much better place. thanks to a thread on here I saw my first 'issue' of the Volcano's "You're number 1" today. When I had my demo it was reckoned never to have been issued at all - so there's an example. Unfortunately, as Toad says, the majority of people just want to hear what they were listening to when they were teenagers and first on the scene, so how much benefit has all this additional knowledge and development really been to the majority? I think ID's "98% wanted to listen or dance" point probably is still quite near the mark.
  16. Mines a demo - got it for a half bottle of Bells whisky in the 80's - possibly the most unusual deal I can recall doing!
  17. I had forgotten just how good that track is, thanks for putting it up.
  18. Top drawer bud, thanks for that.
  19. I can only ever recall hearing it at the Pier (and the Brit) - though I think it was a Levine 'want' at the time - only known on Met then of course.
  20. Mecca warm up - or cool down for sure, circa '75
  21. Not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing, but I first heard "Working on your case" on the Dave Simmons r&b radio 1 show played by his guest, Pete Waterman no less! Would have been about 1973 - loved it from that day to this. And without wishing to be contentious ( I have owned a copy) the Generation doesn't hold a candle to the O'Jays for me.
  22. The intro (well all of it really) to the Salvadors - no matter how many times I've heard it!
  23. And the PR that would have been a giveaway had been transformed into something else - so I don't feel too bad! But there were several things of that calibre that were done around the same time, some people probably still think they have originals of some of those things i.e. Anderson Bros/Dave Newman too I thnk.
  24. I was taken in by a green Salvadors boot - but it was one of the headline dj's so I thought it would be ok! But some years later someone tried to have me over with a YUM Yums - he thought it was a boot and I wouldn't know the difference, but I knew better, and Rob Smith was there with a real boot for reference - so that made up for the earlier error...£7, that will do nicely!

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