It's probably happened to all of us at some time or other - £3 for the Velour's on MGM special products back in '74 - still burns!
And we have all certainly paid a bit more than we should have for something I bet...
Sorry chaps, there you are being all helpful and everything - and my post was a feeble attempt at humour! Though it turned out, if I'm honest, I was thinking about the Cybermen when I typed from the hip! doh!
Don't know about that but in the very early 70's (72/73?) I heard Pete Waterman on the Dave Simmons R & B show on R1 - he played a couple of O'jays - "Working on your case" was one...
It's funny to see the page titled as 'Northern Disco Sounds'!
I bought the United Four & Nat Wright off that list though - had to get my mum to get me a Postal order...
The UK 45rpm issue is certainly longer - more sax at the end and suchlike - still rather have a US copy though. Incidentally I bought mine the week after hearing it at the Mecca and it was a pink label. So I'm thinking both designs were used from the off.
Crikey Pete, that must be hard, I didn't realise it had a 12" release. I don't suppose there is a soundfile posted anywhere is there? I would like to hear that!
Personally I love a good instrumental - and so do the producers of cooking programmes it would seem - I heard more northern instrumentals on Paul Hollywoods show yesterday than there have been on this thread!
Some nice tunes Mark - Groove Junkies always top value - got a fabulous mix cd of their stuff. Asaph had one of his tunes mixed in Nottingham I seem to recall, by the DIY crowd? Is it on that 12"?
And anything with Big Brooklyn Red is going to be worth a punt eh?
Ha! I did like that comment! Some firsts in this thread for me i.e. never thought I'd see a Madonna video posted on here! Great pop tune though.
Lots of great 12's mentioned, if I had to save one (and I do have 000's it would have to be Sam Dees "After all" ..
I have to confess as my Bernie Williams and Billy Woods became too worn to use, I did some scans and stuck them onto an Eric copy of BW and a boot of Billy Woods. They were very convincing. If I wanted to play either tune in a set I would made sure I had the original with me (by way of an excuse...) and of course I gave them away when I sold up.
I did hear someone had put the Bernie Williams to nefarious use....