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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. Really enjoyed it - currently working my way though the earlier podcasts. Not every track is to my taste, but they are always interesting.
  2. It's probably happened to all of us at some time or other - £3 for the Velour's on MGM special products back in '74 - still burns! And we have all certainly paid a bit more than we should have for something I bet...
  3. Love the Esquires! Can't think of a duff one by them off the top of my head.
  4. Sorry chaps, there you are being all helpful and everything - and my post was a feeble attempt at humour! Though it turned out, if I'm honest, I was thinking about the Cybermen when I typed from the hip! doh!
  5. Y You mean they weren't from Preston?!
  6. I loved the Clifton hall - and the Preston street dancers too! Nicely told chap!
  7. I like that! Just goes to underline the "always play the flip side" ethos!
  8. That is spot on - love the lyric!
  9. Very sad news - got me on the floor many times over several decades.
  10. Flippin' vantastic mate - top drawer!
  11. Don't know about that but in the very early 70's (72/73?) I heard Pete Waterman on the Dave Simmons R & B show on R1 - he played a couple of O'jays - "Working on your case" was one...
  12. It's funny to see the page titled as 'Northern Disco Sounds'! I bought the United Four & Nat Wright off that list though - had to get my mum to get me a Postal order...
  13. According to Discogs 4:35 long with the Rimshots on the flip. Nice!
  14. The UK 45rpm issue is certainly longer - more sax at the end and suchlike - still rather have a US copy though. Incidentally I bought mine the week after hearing it at the Mecca and it was a pink label. So I'm thinking both designs were used from the off.
  15. Crikey Pete, that must be hard, I didn't realise it had a 12" release. I don't suppose there is a soundfile posted anywhere is there? I would like to hear that!
  16. Derek Allan had a great show on Radio Nottingham (Soul over Nottingham was its name...) when Rob Smith was his guest it was absolutely hilarious!
  17. Which is why I don't go to oldies nights (as a rule) Ted! Horses for courses is my rule....
  18. Not heard this before and I must say I quite liked it - but anyone who plays it as a northern record needs their head examining!
  19. Personally I love a good instrumental - and so do the producers of cooking programmes it would seem - I heard more northern instrumentals on Paul Hollywoods show yesterday than there have been on this thread!
  20. Very sad news, such a talented guy.
  21. Couldn't been more eloquently put than that - what a record, what a vocal!
  22. Some nice tunes Mark - Groove Junkies always top value - got a fabulous mix cd of their stuff. Asaph had one of his tunes mixed in Nottingham I seem to recall, by the DIY crowd? Is it on that 12"? And anything with Big Brooklyn Red is going to be worth a punt eh?
  23. You don't need to know much more than that Peter! Hope you're well, RB
  24. Ha! I did like that comment! Some firsts in this thread for me i.e. never thought I'd see a Madonna video posted on here! Great pop tune though. Lots of great 12's mentioned, if I had to save one (and I do have 000's it would have to be Sam Dees "After all" .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLE9PKwCQ2U
  25. I have to confess as my Bernie Williams and Billy Woods became too worn to use, I did some scans and stuck them onto an Eric copy of BW and a boot of Billy Woods. They were very convincing. If I wanted to play either tune in a set I would made sure I had the original with me (by way of an excuse...) and of course I gave them away when I sold up. I did hear someone had put the Bernie Williams to nefarious use....

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