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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. A truly sad day, as an earlier poster pointed out, it has come far too soon. Frankie was a creative genius who did much to advance the cause of not just house but soul music too I had the privilege of meeting him once (while shopping for clothes in Nottingham can you believe?) they say you should never meet your heroes but he was charm personified, seemed to me to be a very humble man for one so talented. RIP Frankie, you will be missed.
  2. Wasn't this only released as a result of UK demand? "Scrub board" must have been at least 3 years old by the time they put out HBTN - I remember Colin playing what I thought was going to be "Scrub board" one night and thinking "Why is he playing this?" - and being very surprised when the vocals kicked in! edited to add; p.s. Nice video!
  3. Not really a contest for me - though I am on FB I only log on to delete all the notifications! Soul Source - well, whenever I turn the laptop on, I pop in to see what's going on. And don't even get me started on how much knowledge the members of this site have between them! I wish it had been around when I was still collecting that's for sure. As has been said already keep up the good work and thanks for all the effort it must take to keep it running. best, R
  4. I seem to recall the sound quality is very poor on those "test pressings". In addition to L.E.T, Subway Riders & the Silhouettes they also did Timothy Wilson "I must love you" didn't they?.
  5. A big 'ditto' to all that's gone before - absorbing and awesome.
  6. I thought I really liked it until I listened to the YouTube clip - now I have to agree, a bit ho hum really - just really expensive ho hum!
  7. This has been a very funny thread. I can't imagine anyone's collection being wrecked by a reissue. Maybe if you were a top dj and your biggest tune came out it would still only be darned annoying. As long as its legal who cares what a company puts out? Its their cash being wasted if no one wants to buy it - and if people didn't buy them they would stop putting them out wouldn't they? Most of us started our collections with reissues and boots before making the decision to collect original vinyl - and I have seen some very surprising big name jocks playing emi's or reissues and even bootlegs - I know, its unbelievable isn't it? So surely then it is about personal choice and not having someone dictate to you what you should listen to - which is why I rejected the pop music I heard in the early 70's and travelled all over to hear northern. So reject people telling you what and on what format you must listen to it from, do your own thing and if that includes a reissue now and then, so be it.
  8. Len; it was 197... whatever - had the red one from Soul Bowl. Had the white one (from Colin, when he stopped playing it) nice, but once you know the vocal exists....
  9. I get the northern fascination with instrumentals, and in some case they work, but Jesse Fisher without Jesse Fisher? Lew Kirton without Lew Kirton? c'mon guys! Liberty without Liberty though - no brainer as Kev Bacon would say! ps" I miss my baby" vs. "Bari track"? When you hear either, as you step onto the dance floor it's like throwing yourself off a cliff - exhilarating!
  10. I'm thinking legal re issue if they had access to a different mix....and an instrumental.
  11. it was very early 70's Bob, can't ever remember it not being about. ( I started collecting in '73)
  12. Kindred spirits Dave - was going to post exactly the same thing! Never quite got my head around how the two version came about though.
  13. Its a very long time since I heard it, but isn't the styrene reissue a different mix? Got an organ on there that isn't on the original?
  14. Sorry Kev not sure what you mean? I was just letting those who hadn't heard it know where they could. What I intended to convey was to the 'not knowing the origins' was that of the series of Lost Soul compilations that appear on Spotify.
  15. Can be found on Spotify; The Babysitters "You'll have to wait" Lost Soul (vol 4) no idea as to the origins of the series on there.
  16. That is a shame! His debut (or at least the first album of his I encountered) still gets regular spins at my house. A great talent.
  17. Thanks for that, at least I didn't imagine it!
  18. Are there issue copies of YCS? Can't recall ever seeing one. I also seem to recall hearing something with the same backing track - or am I imagining it?
  19. Interesting to hear Tony Stone and Craig Woodard's version but they aren't a patch on Jeff Perry - Dave Godin would turn in his grave!
  20. Isn't the Vicki Nelson/Starfires on the same Discovery label Pete S mentioned earlier?
  21. I have to agree, I don't think I ever saw one that was a definite stamped original.
  22. I had a UK issue copy, no middle and very second hand, but in the words of Rob Smith (he sold it to me if I remember correctly "plays ok". No idea what it would be worth now though...
  23. Fairly certain I had a Val Palmer Twin Hit - and not a styrene boot!.

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