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Rich B

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Everything posted by Rich B

  1. It's an interesting question, but I think it is more about the overall throughput rather than the capacity on any one night.
  2. P.J. "TLC" on Tamla is the only one I can think off the top of my head - though I would be surprised if it was the only one. Bootlegged about '74, came from Selectadisc so Mr Soussan is probably in the frame for this one.
  3. Thanks Tony, I thought it may be. The only record I ever found worth having from a junk shop!
  4. Which Skullsnaps are we talking about?
  5. Who is he? And why do we care?
  6. That is sad - Henry has been responsible for so much music and discovering so many acts it defies belief!
  7. Well done for reminding us Mick! Andy was a huge character, and his passion for northern soul (or occasionally jazz funk) was never diminished. It was most certainly matched by his enthusiasm for curry though! A good lad all round I reckon.
  8. Sorry Ian, it was a mixture of my chronic understatement, brevity and being a bit glib for the purposes' of the post. Like you, everyone I have spoken to in person has thought it was most enjoyable (if parts of it were overdone, and too many celebs) with the exception of one guy - who in fairness to him has been there and done it - at great speed if you know what I mean!
  9. That is sad news, like most I was introduced to Idris' work (by Hector) via "Could heaven ever be like this" - awesome stuff! RIP Idris.
  10. Crikey this has been a busy thread! I only have a couple of things to say; 1. "I thought it was alright" (but what do I know?) and, 2. To paraphrase Ian Levine, "It's got a bit fractious!"
  11. I lke the Richie Havens version - but I love Spyders!
  12. Always sad when an artist passes. I too loved this record, in fact it was a monster back in the day. The Finger copy used to be pretty hard to turn up too. RIP Marboo.
  13. Points well made Gareth, I 'get' that the Salvadors may well have been from and performed in St Louis, and that they travelled to Chicago for the recording session, but like ElCorol, given the proximity of Chicago and St Louis - why press it in both places? It's not like the old East coast/West coast thing surely?
  14. Thanks for that Mick, definitely the first time I have even heard of a title for the b side, so I'm blown away! But being greedy, now we know there is a b side I want to know if its any good!
  15. That scan does have a certain something about it - what's on the flipside?
  16. '75 for sure - couldn't give the Hi-lites away back then! Always fascinating seeing old lists, thanks for taking the time.
  17. I don't know if anyone else would be interested, but I would really like to hear the story of how this 'First press' was discovered, as I was completely unaware of its existence before this thread. Who discovered it, where, etc. Some decent scans would be nice too as the thumbnails on JM's site don't really show it looking any different to the 'second press'. I was once lucky enough to have three Salvadors at the same time - the thicker copy turned out to be a PB pressing, the other two were identical. In addition to that, the sound file sounds a bit quick to me, or is that just me?
  18. It might not be of any interest (to anyone) but my recollection is that though the cream/black pressing was clearly intended for Selecta disc, it was never on general sale through the shop and in relative terms not many of them escaped from the warehouse at the time. We knew the guys in the shop who gave various reason why this should be the case, the fact that they were illegal being the obvious one! More may have got into the wild when the shop/warehouse stock was disposed of later.
  19. Some might be Steve, but mine was the real deal - I think mine was the only demo in the pile - never even noticed at the time though - just wanted to get it home and play it!
  20. I know just what you mean Pete - Poke once told me that they had so many Chandlers at Soul Bowl that if one fell on the floor they didn't even step over it!
  21. Other than the ones Rob smith had, neither have I Pete - is that because that initial quantity was just swallowed up never to be seen again? Mine was in my collection until I sold up in 2000. I am guessing those lucky enough to snap one up did much the same.
  22. I think I ought to qualify my "You've got loads" reference earlier and give it a little context. It would have been about 1980 ish and in truth he probably had 5. Now these were the only copies I had ever seen - so when you see 4 or 5 copies, to my mind alarms ought to ring. Probably in quite an unfounded way. But Rob would have got them wholesale, so if some had sufficient copies to sell wholesale they must have had a few. I should add that I have never seen another for sale (in the flesh as it were, never bought off the internet, I always got mine from other collectors, dealers etc). It does remind me though of my dealings with Spot from Goole in the mid 70's. He frequently had multiples (4-5) and I once saw someone try the "You've got loads, I'm not paying that much!" approach and his response, along the lines of "I've got 5, when they're gone, they're gone, so suit yourself" saw the chap put his hand in his pocket, albeit reluctantly. Now at that time, 5 of something you have never seen an original of looks like a lot - but I bet everything there sold and is worth a lot more than a £5 now! The point being there probably weren't that many in the grand scheme of things, but over 30 or 40 years our memory tells us there were indeed relatively speaking loads, but even 500 copies of a decent record will disappear into collection and its scarcity will be re asserted over time.
  23. That is a true story (how Mick remembers all this stuff I'll never know!) and he had multiple copies at the time - hence the "I'm not paying a fiver, you've got loads!" attitude. For the record it was as mint as you could get and a promotion copy. I also did get a mint Tomangoes from Rob, that had been sold to him by Shaun Turner from his collection though.
  24. Top drawer! Great piece of film, thanks for sharing.
  25. Surprisingly frequently in my case. Ever since I heard it in '74 I have found myself repeating it at regular intervals - in truth I probably ought to see someone about it!

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