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Everything posted by Vynilhound

  1. Looking for a clean copy of Fred Hughes I Keep Trying on Exodus, Stock or demo. Please PM with condition & price Thanks Andy SORTED NOW
  2. Thank you very much, only just seen your post, appreciated.
  3. looking to buy a clean copy ( demo if poss) of the o jays Working on your case/ hold on on Minit 32015 please pm me if you have one for sale at a reasonable price. Thank you.
  4. great tracks Ian, got the new CD but not been a good enough boy to open it yet!!
  5. After seeing this thread I opened mine to find 1 missing & 1 duplicated but all play fine, agree the four tops looks a bit strange on the vinyl but plays fine. Real shame they are having problems as this is a great set of singles. Andy
  6. In my humble opinion it was pretty fair, but the attraction for me of the soul scene ( northern has nothing to with it, as its just a label) was that it was not mainstream, we had our own sub culture and rules that only those that loved it knew about. As Pete said we all had to do our apprenticeship and learn about the music, which without computers and mobiles took a lot of dedication & leg work. Although as others have said we should welcome the youngsters into the scene, if only so there's some one alive to sell your record collection to! With so much publicity everyone jumps on the bandwagon and wants a part of the action it just takes away its exclusivity, what next, come northern soul dancing on bbc1 with Anne Widicombe in a circle skirt!! Having said that, Paul mason was pretty good and genuine, a 3 from me, but no more publicity, keep it quiet I say!! Cheers Andy
  7. Hi looking for a nice clean copy of the Furys on original Keymen label please ( diamond symbol on label) Please PM me with details of condition & cost. Thanks Andy
  8. Hi Steve, Good old lads you mentioned there! yes it is strange how a town that was so small back then had such a big following, however not that many travelled as much as we did. Possibly because we wanted to get of the place more than anyone else, as Simsy said, it could give you "the fear" even back then so there was'nt much else to be scared of further up the motorway!! It also got you away from god awful discos with pre booked punch up, and chucked out at 10.30 no buses, not many taxis( that you could afford) and the chip shops all closed, Ah the 70's no mobiles or computers you had to make arrangements and stick to them to get anywhere. (Yoof of today etc etc blah blah,back in my day.) The Bedford soul scene is still alive and well mainly thanks to Hammie & Geoff & Ady etc and of course us punters that still love the sounds. Be interested to hear of any other provincial towns with a large fan base as far away from the, what was then, center of things.
  9. A very big thank you to all who attended the Memorial Charity Night For Chantel Bateman At Bedford Athletic Rugby Club on Saturday 27th April. The final amount raised was :- £ 1,480.00 with the only expense deducted £ 50.00 for the special extended late licence leaving a total donated to Sue Ryder of £ 1,430.00 (Please see attached certificate from Sue Ryder) Thanks go to all who donated prizes for the raffle including Roz Mc Guiness, Nicola, Sian, Ady Potts, Dave Hayden, Paul & Trish Murphy, John Manship, Ady Croasdell, Richard Searling, Ian Dewhirst, and many others who I forgot to write down on the night, sorry to those I missed !! but thank you all the same. We received many donations from people who couldn’t make it & those who did including, Sara, Jennie, Andy Anderson, Nicola & Gilly, Dave Greet, Winslow Ford & staff, donations via Theresa, Andy & Jo, Chrissy Benson, Steve & Linda, Dave & Sandra & many others, so again sorry if I missed you out. Thanks to Dave C for doing a great job on the flyers and to all the DJ’s who all gave their services free of charge, Hammy & Geoff for providing their decks etc. Nicola & Michelle who were on the door did a fantastic job. Bedford Athletic Rugby Club also provided the venue & staff free of charge so thanks go to them. It was a great night in memory of a great lady, thanks to you all for your generosity. Cheers & well done to all who came & gave so much. There were some unclaimed raffle prizes including first prize, so with the kind permission of Ady Potts these are being re raffled at Stewartby Soul Night on Saturday 18th May, pair of tickets for :- Blackpool, Rugby Allnighter & Lifeline plus a brilliant little collection of 20 45’s in a vintage case with a Melvin Davis greatest hits CD. This should raise another good sum for Sue Ryder. Thanks from us all, Kev Bateman, Panch, Pete Hullat, Taff, Andy Rix, Geoff , Andy & Hammie.
  10. Second that Hammie and for anyone who is coming the event has been very lucky to have some great raffle prizes donated as follows; A pair of tickets to the Blackpool Tower Weekender 8 - 10th November 2013 kindly donated by Richard Searling. A selection of Kent CD's kindly donated by Ady Croasdell of 100 club & Kentrecords fame. Latest edition of John Manships price guide kindly donated by John Manship. Selection of Backbeats CD's kindly donated by Ian Dewhirst. A pair of tickets for St Ives reunion 23rd September 2013 kindly donated by Dave Hayden. Plus a selection of other soul related books, Dvd's etc to be confirmed on the night. The venue was very kindly donated free of charge by the Bedford Athletic Rugby Club for which we are very grateful, this means all money taken on the door, by raffle and collect will go to Sue Ryder. Final amount will posted after the event. And don’t worry there will be no break in the sounds for the raffle just a quick ticket number shout out and then will write it on the board. Be good to see all Char's mates and celebrate her life & love of the soul scene. cheers Andy
  11. Nice words Petegroover, be good to see you there. There are some really great donations for the raffle details to follow shortly. Please post your thoughts or attendace at the event or even not being able to attend to lift this further back up the board so anyone who has missed it can see it before the event.
  12. Thanks Theresa, good post & nice photo. PM'ed you regarding tin shaking. Andy
  13. Please feel free to add any of your own memories of Char and Kev on the soul scene. My earliest memory would have been at the Casino early seventies then lost touch after we got married but ended up living opposite each other at Northdale Close Kempston. it would also be good to get some indication of numbers that are coming either on here or via the event listing. This is for a very good cause and ALL money raised is going to the charity. Thanks chalkie.
  14. Chantel’s Memorial Soul Nite Saturday 27th April 2013 from 8pm until 2am @ Bedford Athletic Club, Wentworth Drive, BEDFORD, MK41 8QA Chantel was a spring baby, born on April 22nd 1958 in London, later moving to Watford and then Hitchin when she was in her teens. She grew up to be a bright and attractive young woman, with a warm lively personality and a way with people. This stood her in good stead in the various retail jobs she did throughout her life. All of them involved managerial responsibility, but more importantly, she had the gift of being able to bring out the best in the other people. In 1978 she met her future husband Kevin at a Northern Soul gig and discovered the love of her life. They married in 1980 and in the fullness of time their two sons were born, Barry and Neil. It’s probably fair to say that nothing meant more to Cha than the three men in her life, then along came Barry’s two sons and she took great delight in becoming the devoted grandmother. Chantel unfortunately lost her fight for life on the 11th December 2011 and a group of her friends along with Kev decided that it would be a fitting tribute to put on a Memorial night in her honour and at the same time raise some money for the Sue Ryder Trust. So the Memorial Soul Nite has been arranged for the 27th April 2013. DJ on the night include Andy Rix, Kevin Bateman, Andy Felts, Hammie, Taff, Panch, Pete Hulatt and Geoff. I have been asked to write a few words about my wife Chantel Batemen.... After much deliberation I decided not to bore you all by saying what a wonderful, loving, kind and fun loving person she was because everybody who met her would already know this. You would also know how much she loved her music and to dance and this love started at a very young age when she went to soul nights with the Letchworth crowd and then at the age of 18 to her first allnighter at St.Ives. This love stayed with her for the rest of her life.... I would like to recall a couple of stories for you. I remember Chantel telling me about a dance competition she entered many years ago, I think it was Norwich. Anyway she won first prise and it was a grand prize of £50.00, which was and still is a lot of money. She went up to collect her winnings and they paid it to her in 50pence pieces, as you can imagine she wasn’t happy about all the change but took it all the same. Needless to say I don’t think she entered anymore competitions after that....that is until Cleethorpes 2003. On the Sunday night at the weekender they had a fancy dress competition and Chantel decided that we should enter. When I say “we” I mean Chantel, myself, Panch and Winston. Great now all we needed was a theme and some outfits. Of course it wasn’t just a case of going to the shop and hiring one, no Chantel wanted to make one! Now at the same time the Kentucky Fried Chicken advert had just come out, the one with the backing track Bobby Garrett — I Can’t Get Away. Well as you can imagine the light bulb lit with Chantel and the plan began to come together in her mind... I wasn’t too sure about it to begin with but after a while I could see it coming together. So we went about making the buckets and with the help of Panch and Ann they were ready in time for Cleethorpes and all we had to do was keep them under wraps until Sunday night.... It was worth all the hard work as we had such a laugh and won the competition. It wasn’t easy doing anything in them buckets, you only have to ask Panch because he found out when he dropped his moustache.... Another good story is about a friend’s wedding. Chantel had been asked to be Dean’s best man when he married Marion and of course she was honoured and accepted. Well Chantel wanted to do something special that was funny and memorable and so the thinking cap came out.... The plan came together at the services after we had been to Stoke or Keele alnighter, there was a few of us and the conversation turned to what would we get Dean and Marion for a wedding present. After a few silly suggestions someone said I know why don’t we get everyone to buy them a toaster. Chantel then said I know what would be funny getting everyone to buy them a toaster, of course we fell about with laughter at the thought of them opening numerous toasters but the plan was made and as many guests were asked if they minded buying a toaster (putting the receipt with the gift) for the newlyweds. Chantel and I made a poster and everything was set. And so the to the wedding reception and in the evening just before the soul night was to start, Chantel took her place to do her presentation. Yes as you may have guessed Dean and Marion received over 20 new toasters and a loaf of bread! Yet another plan that Chantel had been a big part in putting together and it was received with the response that she always wanted to achieve, yes everybody was in fits of laughter, even Dean and Marion. Would you believe that this story was told on the local radio, the Sun Newspaper and also Anglia News. Well there are a couple of funny stories about Chantel. I expect she is up there on that big old dance floor smiling down. In her words “Look up into the starry night and you will see her dancing wild and free”. I hope to see some of you on the 27th April. Kev Bateman
  15. Chantel was a spring baby, born on April 22nd 1958 in London, later moving to Watford and then Hitchin when she was in her teens. She grew up to be a bright and attractive young woman, with a warm lively personality and a way with people. This stood her in good stead in the various retail jobs she did throughout her life. Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  16. Charity Northern Soul Night In Memory Of Chantel Bateman Please see flyer or events for details Sat 27th April 2013
  17. Thats comforting as they can all mix into one if your not carefull !! We were at the front and managed to shake hands with 1 or 2 of the band. As I said we printed our own tickets by copying a real one which was very difficult before scanners and computers.
  18. Wanted a nice clean copy of Little Dooley Please fellow Soulsourcer's. Please PM with cost and condition will pay pal or send cheque. Cheers Andy
  19. Great list of records there Steve, bet it was a good night. Cheers Andy
  20. noyhing wrong with a bit of snobbery........................now & then!!
  21. Thanks Mick, I have already agreed on one as was looking at PM's rather than the thread sorry but thanks very much for your offer. Cheers Andy Now sorted

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