Hi Neil, great spot. Thanks for the Marvin Gaye track. Hope you enjoyed yourself as much as me, Ang etc did. Lovely to see you again. Gonna try and get piccies put up when I can work out how to do it.
If I added up all the times I'd got 3 numbers ...... oooops sorry I'm going off topic again aren't i!!
Still can't remember what that Lorraine Silver records was? Oooh yes I can 'Lost Summer Love' complete shite
Just had last goblet of bubbly stuff - do you feel better now? Just think when you're tucking yourself into bed humming those good old remembered tunes the rest of us will just be starting out for TGIF!
We have a second had playstation games shop in sunny Stafford and the manager is a soul nut - it's great I just stand outside and listen to the tunes in my lunch hour
The man (sorry Paul!) I shared my life with I'll certainly say hello to t'other Paul (ringing him tomorrow). Wasn't that funny the night you broke (was it broke?) your leg at Toddington Services
You shall be missed - immensly by me if nobody else Cooorrrr didn't we used to have some laughs - miss those days (even with Paul!) don't you...
sorry didnt' mean to go off topic drank far too much bubbly for one person in one night
Them there jelly beans used to make my feet sweat
Which Paul do you mean? I'm talking of fantastic dancer Paul from Sheffield. If you mean t'other one he hangs out with that Cruze bloke from Wigan - so say no more :angry:
Joe, what's the best record (but obviously the worst) you've heard at Brighton Beach when I used to come over with Paul? I remember getting very excited at the Jelly Beans
I have a very good, lovely friend in Blackpool called Ian who goes to a lot of soul nights/niters - to be honest I'm not sure how old he is - someone once told me that he was almost 60 (I'm not sure that's right though) - he's a great dancer and is on the floor all night - all I can say is I hope I've as much energy when I get there as he has
(By the way are you watching King Elvis at 11.30pm - '68 comeback special - I love Elvis and don't care who knows )
Please don't laugh - 'Moonlight, Music and You' - Laura Green - can't explain it but have always loved this tune probably just a good memory thing. My bessie mate's fave is Lorraine Silver - that crap can't even remember what it's called