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Everything posted by Mandy

  1. Does anybody please have a contact number or email for Stan (formerly of Preston) now living/working in Barcelona? Thank you.
  2. Mandy

    mandy's mugshots

    soulsville june 05
  3. Mandy

    mandy2 019

    From the album: mandy's mugshots

  4. Mandy

    mandy2 016

    From the album: mandy's mugshots

  5. Mandy

    mandy2 013

    From the album: mandy's mugshots

  6. Mandy

    mandy2 009

    From the album: mandy's mugshots

  7. Mandy

    mandy2 008

    From the album: mandy's mugshots

  8. Mandy

    mandy2 007

    From the album: mandy's mugshots

  9. Mandy

    mandy2 004

    From the album: mandy's mugshots

  10. Mandy

    mandy2 003

    From the album: mandy's mugshots

  11. Mandy

    mandy2 001

    From the album: mandy's mugshots

  12. Hi Brett, love the programmes but I thoroughly agree with you ... all the stuff on TV about soul is about things that we all already know and love. I live in the midlands and late last year we had a programme on central TV about soul as it is today ... GREAT I thought when I saw it advertised .... the guy making the programme (can't even remember his name) was in Derby at an 'oldies' night and talking to some guy (and this is NO detriment) wearing bags and a baseball/bowling shirt - again something that everyone has seen from years gone by. My dad (only 65 and a big music fanatic) always says to me "can't understand why you go those soul nights - they look like they're full of old people and nothing new is happening ... need I say more! Why don't you, as a confident, bright person, contact the BBC/Granada whoever your local studios are and talk to someone who makes the 'small programmes'. I have a mate who used to work for the BBC and she would have done an excellent programme on semi- or unknown-artists had she not been made redundant whilst she was thinking about research etc. Maybe we should all write/contact our local studios and get somebody to research all these fantastic vocalists/bands etc and come up with something new and exciting. As stated above I do love this programme but I've seen it all before. Mandy x
  13. oh how I needed that laugh
  14. He has more come backs than my lamb bhuna on a sunday morning
  15. I believe Derek does some radio work but unfortunately can't get it where I live. Both top DJs - always have been and still will be when we're very old
  16. I've had this and White Horses in my head all week ended up mixing white horses tune with white bull words - not bad at all janine don't tell anyone else . when all the copies are gone and you haven't got yours won't you be sorry
  17. Mandy


    Very much so a character - watched him on the screens at Stafford Revival recently. Last time I saw him was at Ormiskirk Cemetery - never seen him so quiet (again, nowt naughty he'd appreciate that )
  18. Mine too Karen but thing is ... if it goes too big then everyone will be after it and it'll end up on ovenchips for silly pennies
  19. Mandy


    Why? Don't get me wrong - never speak ill of dearly departed and he was a mate but seriously .... a hero!!
  20. Another venue been and gone that I didn't actually get round to going to Joe I'm sure that wherever your next venue is you'll do tops .... so long as you don't play tommy Steele or laura green
  21. Mandy

    Im Gone

    Somebody I once lived with had one about 10 years ago and think he still has it - never sold any of his records - only mine :angry:
  22. See, turned out quite good after us girlies feeling a bit embarrassed about commenting on how good he is At Lea Hall, Rugeley last christmas KT did a great spot and then like said above he joined in dancing and drinking etc with the crowd saying how much he loved northern etc. Really genuine bloke AND got my piccie with him which adorns my bedroom table
  23. I missed last saturdays too but imagine my surprise when my 85 year old grannie said she'd taped it and I can borrow it!!! If you're stuck Jamie I'll send it up to you after I've watched it
  24. Yeah right ok then Sort it out when I next see you - another couple of years probably
  25. have taken myself round the back for a good kicking link

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