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Everything posted by Mandy

  1. Each to his or her own. What's yours then?
  2. No that crapie one that everyone raves about ... that good I can't even remember who it is Oooh you know the one I mean ...
  3. Yes come on Pete what is a "soul snob"
  4. Many moons ago I had some minor surgery on one of my eyes but really wanted to go to Greg Pollitt's 40th and then on to Blackburn I think it was ..... had to keep my sunglasses on due to the not so pretty site of my eye.... couldn't see a bloody thing and the pain in my eye wasn't very nice ..... doctor's had advised not to go into smokey atmospheres for a couple of weeks after the surgery ... needless to say the eye took longer to heal than it should have
  5. How dare you Only heard this one in the last 6 months and it's one of my favourites tunes I've heard this year .... absolutely fantastic ..... so there
  6. tee hee another one is that expensive shite that Kenny Burrell paid about £15,000 for - can't stand it
  7. When I was young and stupid I swapped a Jerry Naylor for can you believe .... a tape!!!!!!!!!! Something to do with the coider I'd had at the time. I think I swapped it with Billy Jones from Cardiff. I'm sure Col Kidson has Carol & Gerri - I think it was in his sales box at the last Rangers .... he is on here, well Gaye is "Coral Kid" .. try there
  8. Sorry I can't whittle it down to just one ... I'll get my coat
  9. How long have you got There's loads that should but don't .... September Jones Al Wilson (any of them!) loads but can't think off top of my head ... I'll have a think and put up a list
  10. Mandy


    I bought Jimmy Thomas "Above A Whisper" in terrible playing condition (only a tenner at the time - but scratches everywhere) hoping to replace it but never have yet
  11. So glad to see more of you passing over to the dark side .... welcome
  12. Guy Hennigan used to play it, heard it the other week the first time in ages and went all girlie on the dancefloor
  13. For me it has to be "Some Day" ... don't know what it is but just makes me shiver and cry all at once
  14. I think you should have sorted it with the said person first and see what was going on before coming on here about it .... lots of people make mistakes on ebay (i for one don't use it) ...... think you should of waited for a response first and then if not happy with reply or lack of reply then have a bit of a moan. No need really to say it was a big DJ unless you're going to name them ... gives a lot of DJs a bit of a nervous twitch I'm sure!!! (Not saying they've all done this) I just think you should have given the person a chance to explain themselves first
  15. I've decided as I've got to stay in at the weekend I'm going to my dad's and spending a few hours looking through all his old C&W albums ... I'll let you know if I turn anything up
  16. Have you gone and won the lottery or something I can let you have a bag of bon bons if you're interested
  17. Tis a bit C&W (and she is a C&W singer apparently and obviously ) ... still love it though ... have it on a CD off Paul Havekin from Greatstone ... superb CD
  18. £100 oh my I certainly don't think I'd pay that for it .... didn't that lovely northern bloke only pay half that tis for sure a lovely record though
  19. I've heard it goes for about £50 now, it's not that terrible Pete, obviously me and Dawn love it ... and we're girlies so therefore we have better taste than you male species
  20. Dawn, I'll fight you for it Been after this one myself for a while but just can't seem to locate one. Keith Williams sold one not too long back to a very very very very nice handsome charming witty gorgeous bloke up north
  21. Ian, baffled by that too i think you've maybe wet the baby's head too much too - congrats by the way
  22. Steve , this is the most sensible question you've asked all week ... I obviously can't answer it ... but I'm sure there will be some explanations/rants on this .... well done (love you)
  23. I'm completely baffled by all this ...... Shane please come to the diary room .... I think we may need to discuss this member's posts
  24. Oh blimey yeah, what a pair, how awful that I'd forgotten about those two performing together. Not heard anything about them for a long time. They used to make me chuckle
  25. Oh what a good time was had by all in Weatherspoons apart from those wanting to watch the X-Factor

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