Maria, I had words with him on the phone the other day .... how many chances does he think he's going to have (obviously thinks he's a bloody cat!!), this is the third warning he's had .. hopefully he'll take this one seriously
Judi Collins - Send in the Clowns .... don't know why but have always had a tear when I hear this.
Frank Sinatra - My Way .... my grandad's song
Soul records ..... quite a few but main one is
Clydie King - Missing my Baby - someone knows why!!!
Had a call from Nige this morning and he's in great spirits ... or rather he was drinking them Sends his best to all and can't quite believe how everyone has rallied round for him ... big thanks to Lyndsey, Jason and Nige ... he'll know tomorrow whether or not he'll be in for a by-pass and will be moved to Bristol Royal Infirmary if he is to have one. Nige can get on SS some evenings as the his hareem of nurses let him use the ward PC .. I personally think he's just having a rest
The lengths some people will go to to get near a nurse Hey up Nige hope you're soon up and running ... or staggering which is the norm My mum rang and told me this morning ... see even she knows everything that goes on in the strange world of northern soul ... she'd been to make sure you're mum and dad were up and dressed Hope you're OK mate and if there's anything you need from your sunny stafford just give us a tinkle
Ryan sends his love and says as soon as you're better he's gonna give you a game of footie
Take it easy
Mandy & Ryan
We used to have two fish called Marvin and Tammy but they both died on the same day We now just have one called Silly Billy (don't ask me why - the 5 year old named him), we also have a hamster called Skippy ... little lad wanted a kangaroo so we compromised
Not this piccie you muppet ... I know who dickie and danny are .... I meant the one in your "profile" ... looks like the Mayor of Lowton or somebody oh by the way ... i like the "Queen Bee" can I please have a badge and matching jumper to that effect
Thank god for us girlies Joan ... bloody plonka!!!!
Fantastic news ..... shame it didn't happen years ago .... Dave would have been a happier man for a longer time .... Sarah, you've done him the world of good ... never seen him smile that much for a long long time... CONGRATULATIONS to you both
Mandy and Mr & Mrs Shute
why does everyone put their sales on ebay and then come on here to let us all know ... I never buy off ebay - too many problems with paypal etc. Why don't people put them on here as well/instead of ..... :angry:
Shute's had this 45 for a very long time and has been "assured" it's a proper one for a long time now ... must be gutted if it is a boot ... hope it's not Kev
Do you really want mine
Who are the people in your profile piccie Ian ... surely not your mum and dad ... you can't possibly come from such an upstanding family
Here's my latest newbies collected at Prestatyn:-
Barbara Mason - We got each other (but had for the flip - Make It Last)
Bobby Foster - Where do you go
Barbara Lewis - Pushin a good thing too far
Betty Green - Lonely girl
The Impalas - Think it over
Maxine Brown - One step at a time
I always wondered why you followed men around the halls with your nose out in front of you Karen
Angela and I used to have a little ritual of always going to the Wimpy Patio in Stafford for a spicy bean burger on a saturday afternoon before heading off to wherever on the evening .... yummy only bit of food we had for the weekend
If you report this to the police and get a crime reference number then the bank can investigate this and hopefully you won't be liable for the money taken out. It's a bit of a long process but worth it if it's a substantial amount of money