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Everything posted by Mandy

  1. Didn't Mick Lyons and his crew take over after Guy, I honestly didn't know Scotty had taken it over, thought he and Lynn just did all the running. Probably about 1992 if memory serves me right maybe a little later ... very vague I'm afraid, obviously to do with all the lemonade I drank in those days
  2. Missed all those great tunes Sorry I was busy decorating the bathroom and I do have a note from my mum and she was doing all the work
  3. Do you think I'll be able to pick it up down here in Sunny Stafford Can never get any good radio shows down here
  4. how dare you, Mak is a lovely little mover on the floor
  5. This is absolutely disgraceful Had a conversation with another SS member the other day about his records "being taken out to sell for him" and the Bas...rd tried to keep money back and records that weren't sold - what on earth do these people think they're going to achieve - obviously want a short life on the soul scene for a starter :angry: Neil, I hope you get your record back and moreso hope that you get the twat for doing this and definitely name and shame him (i presume it's a he!) on here. He won't be able to do it again will he cos I hope he'll be banned from venues
  6. Hiya and welcome to the mad house! If you're serious then none other than Paul from Sheffield ... best male dancer I know ... Although as Baz says above, just do what you feel comfortable with on the floor, everyone has their own style
  7. Phil PM me your address and I'll send you a copy (have a couple of spare ones from the first night) Hope you and the family are well. I've not seen you since The Griffin!!!!!! Mandy (formerly of Manchester)
  8. Had a CD on from the Motherfunka's night in Stafford. Can't get past tracks 6 and 7 though (keep re-playing) I've Always Been In Love With You - Daddy Maxfield Thinking of You - King Sporty Superb!!!
  9. Only just found this due to Angela (Mrs Shute) ringing me up and telling me to watch it .. she was laughing her head off ... but more so to the posts on here that took it all too serious Loved it ... wish they'd come to my works ... brilliant
  10. I tracked down Gladys Knight to the Lowrie Hotel last Wednesday, before seeing her at the Manchester Apollo, but her big bouncer wouldn't let me see her cos she was asleep!!! Does that count
  11. I'm exactly the same as Shane ... I perfer to do other things in the summer (although I don't get to many nighters anyway) but given the choice I'd rather go away to the seaside for the weekend than, like Shane said, spend it cabbaged on a sunday
  12. Nowt to do with the track ... but went to see Gladys last week in Manchester .... the woman is fantastic and also for her age she's stunning, quite jealous actually ... looks good, moves good and can still sing extra extra extra good
  13. Fabbbieoulous version, used to have this, great tune Oh Nick by the way, thanks for getting me and Angela our cakes at Nige's "leaving party"
  14. Last I heard Mark had married a dutch girl and moved over to Holland or somewhere like that. Andy was a good mate of mine and my ex - used to have some great nights out with him - mad as a peanut butter and jelly sarnie
  15. I know .. sometimes I think they just don't read the thread titles .... must be the heat getting to them
  16. Thanks Pete Be nice to meet you at last although the circumstances could have been better
  17. Thanks for the info Pete. Can you put up postcode or something for the Crematorium please?
  18. Just want to add my own bit from yesterday too, to say what a great day it was, the turn out was absolutely fantastic, standing room only and that was outside too!! Nige mate, I hope you were looking down on us ... we were looking up at you! Linda, Lisa, Nettie and Nige B - you were all so very very brave getting up with your little stories of Nige, lots of tears but also lots of laughter for a man who gave us both!! Keep smiling Nige Mandy & Ryan xx
  19. I got a call from Tim Fletcher to tell me this sad news. I went out with Paul for a while and he was a really nice bloke, wouldn't hurt a flea. He and Tim were good mates and go back a long way I'm sure Tim will miss him loads. His parents will be devastated, I always remember when he used to ring them up when he was living in Torquay and always told them he loved them, not a lot of men would do that when the new girlfriend was there! They were a very close family Rest in Peace Paul
  20. I first met Nige when I was about 10/11 years old, he was engaged to Karen and my sister was engaged to Karen's brother, Phil. He was a "lad" then too Can't believe 30 years on I still kept seeing Nige all over the place, be it at soul nights or even just shopping in town or the local pubs. Nige used to run a soul night in Stafford on a Tuesday at The Grapes whilst I was working as Assistant Manager opposite at the Apollo Cinema, guess where I was when the films were on He used to threaten to go and tell my boss unless I had a dance as nobody else would get up, the fact that the place was empty might have had something to do with it!! Lots of chats with Nige over the years about all sorts of stuff, the weather, my son, his children and his sad loss of Dom, records .. anything at all .. but always had a smile and some daft joke to give you See you later Nige, rest in peace mate Mandy xx
  21. No!! Still dance the same as I did years ago, but now and then slip in the odd sort of slow spin, better when had a few though!!
  22. The Motherfunkas are Shute, John Fisher & Gary Belcher. Their nights are at Perkins Social Club in Stafford. Last one was Friday just gone. I think it's a monthly night but you'd be best PMing Shute and he'll be able to give you more details. I went the first night and heard some fantastic tuunes and the CD is superb
  23. I have spoken to Linda today and she has asked me to pass on the following arrangements for Nige's funeral, as stated before it's on Tuesday 27th June. 1.00pm at Stafford Crematorium, Tixall Road, Stafford ST18 0XZ and afterwards at Stafford Rangers FC, Marston Road, Stafford ST16 3BX. The family have requested that all the men who have them, please can you wear "loud" shirts, for obvious reasons! They have requested family flowers only but if anyone would like to make donations these will be going to the Air Ambulance Appeal, this is such a worthwhile cause as they operate on public donations only. Linda also said after consideration of where the very generous collection made at Cleethorpes would be best going, they would also like this to go to the Air Ambulance fund. If anyone needs anymore information or directions etc then please PM me and I'm sure Nige Brown won't mind either. Mandy
  24. Linda has been in touch today, absolutely shattered, shocked and so very very sad. They will be bringing Nige back to Stafford on Tuesday so that he will be near his family. The funeral will be held on Tuesday 27th June at Stafford Crematorium but a time has not been arranged as yet, I will post up as soon as Linda has confirmation. The Crematorium is on Tixall Road, Stafford and is a couple of miles out of the main town. I will find out the post code and put this up with the time when I have more details. Nige's parents would love to meet you all and everyone is invited to celebrate Nige's life.

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