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Everything posted by Mandy

  1. Mandy


    From the album: Mandy's Piccies

  2. Mandy


    From the album: Mandy's Piccies

  3. Mandy


    From the album: Mandy's Piccies

  4. Mandy


    From the album: Mandy's Piccies

  5. Mandy


    From the album: Mandy's Piccies

  6. Mandy


    From the album: Mandy's Piccies

  7. Would be great Mark but only if it was at the same venue - those revival nights are never quite as good at different venues
  8. Droylsden was and always will be my favourite nighter. We got lost everytime we went - an hour to get to Manchester then another 2 to find the place Was definitely ahead of itself with the music - Gary Spencer/Carl Fortnum/Butch - absolutely superb stuff. Made many good friends there and met the love of my life too (only I obviously wasn't his ). Superb venue, brilliant atmosphere - miss those nights so much - no other venue has ever come close to it IMO
  9. That's quite funny
  10. How many times do we have to have this debate ... oldies are oldies and they enjoy being oldies ... leave em alone
  11. I try and join in too, don't know half of what they're talking about but I do learn a few bits so my conversation next time will be a bit more interesting Haven't got a clue about labels/demos etc but just nod when they do and they'll think you know what's going on
  12. My dad moaning about having to paint my ceilings Wish he'd shut up ... just been sent Kenny Thomas' new CD to review for the site and can't hear any of it "shut up dad"
  13. Kev, there's a couple I want - I'll ring you later when my dad's finished painting for me (owe him dosh so don't want him to know I'm spending it on vinyl )
  14. Mr Pitt and Mr Fletcher - you both need to go to SpecSavers Of course it's Tim and Butch ... even my 6 year old knew that
  15. I've seen him hit the floor too - when he's had too many beers
  16. Mickey Cruise is still around - alive is another question Saw him at Nige Shaw's funeral and have to say Mickey looked better than I've seen him for a few years - lovely piccie of him too in events at Netty and Azza's wedding looking very smart Heard the story about the flying fish off Paul Hamer a few years back Joan - really funny!! Spent a few nights/days with Pete many years ago ... can't remember much about them though !!
  17. Mr Anderton - one of the nicest (if not the nicest) bloke on the scene!! And one of the best record collections IMO Unfortunately I can never get this show to listen to
  18. That's Tim Asebendie (can't spell it!) and Butch in the background so I presume it's a little crowd from Stoke is it? Don't think either of them come on here but you're bound to find Butch somewhere
  19. I have a very good friend called Ian from Blackpool (although he works in Manchester and lives there in the week). I'm not quite sure how old is he, I would say middle/late fifties and he's out every weekend and on the floor for a lot of the night. He goes to many of the weekenders too
  20. Yep, Mike Warburton from Manchester (Hide Away of late), used to always go the Ritz too. Really nice bloke when you got to know him. Used to see him around Manchester in my lunch break when Iived up there ... think he was an accountant or an architect - something like that. Not seen him for a while but that's cos I've not been out
  21. Lovely tune Andy wish I mine back
  22. Have I missed something here ... don't understand the liver stained legs
  23. Tried opening this but just got a load of lines ... is it me

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