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Adi S

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    Rush & Gross - City Of Soul

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  1. new mix out of Braunschweig, don't let it be to late and give it a spin: https://www.mixcloud.com/The_Brunswick_Soul_Society/dont-let-it-be-too-late/
  2. had the pleasure to spin some records at the MCSC in Detroit. Thanks to the MCSC-guys for that great night! Sets were recorded, so mixcloud links included. Dorothy Williams - The Wells Gone Dry (Goldwax) The Fellows - She's Always (Solid Hit) The Sweethearts - Beauty is Just Skin Deep (Kent) The Mighty Marvelows - I'm So Confused (ABC) Rush & Gross - City Of Soul (Radio City) Hollywood Flames - I'm Gonna Stand By You (Symbol) The Triumphs - Workin' (Okeh) Charles Spurling - She Cried Just a Minute (King) The Rosebuds - Say You'll Be Mine (Tower) Fred Hughes - Don't Let This Happen to Us (Brunswick) Bobby Jones - Talkin' 'Bout Jones (Expo) The Volumes - I Just Can't Help Myself (American Artists) Major Lance - The Matador (Okeh) Detroit City Limits - Ninety-Eight Cents Plus Tax (Okeh) https://www.mixcloud.com/motorcitysoulclub/mcsc-adrian-small-rare-northern-soul-set-1-jan-17-2015-st-ceces-detroit/ Tommy Ridgley - I Want Some Money Baby (Johen) Johnny ‘Guitar’ Watson — I Say, I Love You (King) Lester Young - Wobble Time (Chase) The Gay Singers — He’s Calling Me (Checker) The Faithful Wonders —Ol, John (behold thy mother) (Checker) Bobby Lee Fears — Exodus (Forward) Camille Bob — Got To Get Away (Whit) Brenda George — I Can’t Stand It (Kent) Bonnie & Sheila — Keep Me Hanging On (King) Little Gary Ferguson — A Mother’s Love (Mother) Mark V Unlimited — Gone (Sagport) Peaches & Herb — We’re In This Thing Together (Date) Billy Butler — Nevertheless (Okeh) Bobby Moore — Give Me Your Love Right Now (Checker) https://www.mixcloud.com/motorcitysoulclub/mcsc-adrian-small-rare-northern-soul-set-2-jan-17-2015-st-ceces-detroit/ all sets from the night for your listening pleasure here: https://www.mixcloud.com/motorcitysoulclub/
  3. GoGo bar is definitly worth to pop in, had a nice evening there with great music and really good food too. Thanks & Cheers to Daniel for serving me good music and cold beers We will see us next time Samatha, if i'm in melbournce once again, will come back for sure
  4. Hi, looking for acopy of Nat Hall - A Tuff Piece Of Stuff on Mony Thanks a lot!
  5. Thanks Samantha, will definitly pop in to GoGo-bar tomorrow evening.
  6. Many thanks for the lot of information, guys! I'm really looking forward to go there now. Cherry bar and GoGo Bar sounds great for thursday night. I'm sure i will pop in there. Will be in Melbourne one week for work and will add the weekend ( September 27./28.) for the record shops and some tourist things. @Steve: I'll let you know, what i have found, Road-trip sounds nice.
  7. does somebody have some recommondations for record shops, clubs, bars or other interesting places in melbourne? Or knows, if some events going on end of september? Thanks in advance!
  8. new mix with some northern, r'n'b & funk, hope you enjoy https://www.mixcloud.com/The_Brunswick_Soul_Society/destination-anywhere/
  9. a new mix out of Braunschweig is online, hope you like it! https://www.mixcloud.com/The_Brunswick_Soul_Society/now-i-think-am-ready/
  10. Thanks for these infos! Will definitvly check this out. Seattle could also be an option.
  11. Thanks! Got a lot of my records from Craig Moerer too, but always thought it's "records by mail" only. Maybe a ood idea to contact him.
  12. Hello, although the mixes are not 100% new anymore, it's good place to share them. https://i.mixcloud.com/CwpSJ https://i.mixcloud.com/CB3yFJ New ones will follow. Hope you enjoy! Feedback welcome, Regards from Braunschweig!
  13. Will be in Portland OR for one week, does anyone have some good tips for record shops or bars, clubs there? Thanks a lot!
  14. Hi Dave, thanks for your tip. The bar in Ikebukuro sounds good. Today i get my shedule and only have to stay in Seoul this time, but will keep this bar in mind for my next visit. Maybe we can meet once there for a pizza ;-) Cheers, Adrian
  15. Does anyone know if there is a soul/funk scene in South Korea? Have to go there for work by end of march. Maybe there are some record shops or dates of soul-events in Seoul, which somebody knows. Can imagine, thats maybe worth to have a look for records, because of the US army deployment. If somebody knows some soul-events in Tokyo/Japan during this time, please also let me know. Thanks & cheers, Adrian

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