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Everything posted by Raremusicdirect

  1. There are obviously still traditional Northern Soul functions (often now labelled Oldies do's) and these were increasingly supplemented with a growing emergence of 2nd rooms where other styles were explored in more details such as R&B, rare and underplayed and funky type soul........ Lately I have noticed that the rare and underplayed crowd had either moved into funky edged soul or back to more traditional Oldies venues............ Has the Rare Soul Scene shrunk / been squeezed ? What I am getting at here is not necessarily venues that play the top 500, but venture in to the rare and underplayed without focusing that much on R&B or funky edged.................... Perhaps some suggestions of venues that still pursue this style / ethos ?
  2. Always took it to mean leading or cutting edge in terms of soul music, a progressive mindset from promoter and djs he/she selects............. By default that would exclude most well known tunes - least place them in the minority of tunes played. No oldies night can be upfront................. These days seems to sit with the funky edged crowd or the more mellow 70ts and crossover types................ All "just" labels - but many use them, don't seem to do any harm........
  3. and Trading wise, I wouldn't see him lasting very long at all these days. Communications are immediate and a bad name travels very fast globally now. That's a good thing
  4. Been looking awhile myself, search contuinues .....................
  5. Got a copy, maybe that one in 2006 - its doesn't seem to turn up often
  6. Personally prefer the discipline of OVO as there are indeed thousands of 45s out there to be played. It helps maintain individuality, a reason to travel and for me adds authenticity and credibility. I fully accept I am a dying breed. I don't care though..........I don't intend to twist my passion and principles for others........... At venues it used to be a given that events were OVO (apparently) - I have stated before I no longer think that's the case now. I urge those who still run OVO events to put it on the flyer, advertise as such, because the key to me is that events are as described, you then take your choices. Many promoters and djs have argued its not necessary as people "should know" ; well many don't - especially newcomers ; so it would help set these events apart............... I also see some OVO djs allow it to be left unstated on events they run, as a cover for other djs on the rosta who play whatever they like................... I see loads of do's playing cds etc ; and that's fine (to a limited extent in that playing reissues and boots does undermine rare soul originals) - its their thing, they don't care and they seem to enjoy it......................live and let live (to a degree), but I don't see why lovers of 45s should be always be branded as "soul snobs" just because they like original vinyl, after all (ironically) some original 45s are worth less than the high end bootlegs ...........and the price range for originals is £10 upwards..........
  7. Was indeed another fantastic weekender at Skegness; great variety of sounds throughout the day and night - really enjoy the Room At The Top................Maz, Bob Snow, Steve G, Soul Sam, etc etc..............brilliant.................................
  8. Milton Wright – I Belong To You / Like A Rolling Stone - Satiron EX copy GBP £ 500 ono PM to sort, will be listed elsewhere, PayPal as Gift (or your fees please)
  9. Epsilons - Mind In A Bind - Hem GBP 300 ono VG+ ; Plays fine, judge from the file here : https://www.filedropper.com/epsilons-mindinabind-hem1m32s PM to reserve PayPal as Gift or your fees please Thanks
  10. Hoodoo 1st Set - 28/02/2015 Bobby Bennett – Alone With My Tears – V-Tone Cliff Nobles – My Love Is Getting Stronger – J-V Determinations – You Can’t Hold On To Love – Important Four Sights – Love Is A Hurting Game – Shy-Soul Mel Britt – I’ll Come Running Back – Fip Bernard Smith – Gotta Be A Reason – Groove Wesley Bright – Tell Me – Hi-D-Ho Demands – Say It Again – Clem (request) Lovers – Without A Doubt – Frantic Ruby – Deceived – Gold Token Paulette – Love You Babe – Contact Constellations – I Didn’t Know How To- Gemini (request) Andy Fisher – My Hearts Beating Stronger – Fat Fish Roy Robert – I Know What To Do – Tina Servicemen – Are You Angry – Wind Hit Cautions – No Other Way – Shrine Blue Jays – Point Of View - Jay
      • 4
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  11. That did well, but overall, nothing on the wow scale imho ..............maybe the mix of tunes.........
  12. The comma isn't very clear...........Two Thousand ..............
  13. Having viewd the auction as a whole, thought the prices were maybe "dipped" a little on previous histeria auctions............ a blip or tide turning ?
  14. I thought it did ok, thought it was currently in the £ 600 - 800 bracket ?
  15. "You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.”
  16. No, will take either release ........
  17. Please pm price and condition (most conditions considered) Thank you
  18. Please pm price and condition Thanks
  19. Thanks for share, nice genuine film...........
  20. Sounds great out, played it at Empty Bottles and I know Dean has played at Go Go, Bristol ............
  21. James (Mr Soulfingers) Arnold - Your Chain Of Love Labels water damage / stained but Vinyl Please EX GBP 65.00 including UK postage Sample not mine, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79q_xqZpSEg
  22. With research they may have found that its not necessarily a scene conducive to or equating to good health for the most part..............especially heart related campaign........... :-( Guess its jumping on a trend ............
  23. Thankfully I heard a clip and didn't bid, saw the same :-)
  24. Good point Mal, edited :-)
  25. Wade Flemons - Jeanette / What A Price To Pay - Ramsel Ex condition Price : GBP £ 450.00 Sold Postage : UK £7.50 for special delivery ; Elsewhere at cost PayPal as a gift (or your fees please) or bank transfer accepted. Please PM to sort

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