Personally prefer the discipline of OVO as there are indeed thousands of 45s out there to be played. It helps maintain individuality, a reason to travel and for me adds authenticity and credibility.
I fully accept I am a dying breed. I don't care though..........I don't intend to twist my passion and principles for others...........
At venues it used to be a given that events were OVO (apparently) - I have stated before I no longer think that's the case now.
I urge those who still run OVO events to put it on the flyer, advertise as such, because the key to me is that events are as described, you then take your choices.
Many promoters and djs have argued its not necessary as people "should know" ; well many don't - especially newcomers ; so it would help set these events apart...............
I also see some OVO djs allow it to be left unstated on events they run, as a cover for other djs on the rosta who play whatever they like...................
I see loads of do's playing cds etc ; and that's fine (to a limited extent in that playing reissues and boots does undermine rare soul originals) - its their thing, they don't care and they seem to enjoy and let live (to a degree), but I don't see why lovers of 45s should be always be branded as "soul snobs" just because they like original vinyl, after all (ironically) some original 45s are worth less than the high end bootlegs ...........and the price range for originals is £10 upwards..........