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Everything posted by Raremusicdirect

  1. Ian D Thanks for sharing all your views and experiences so openly with us. I wasn't around or there at the time and it provides a very good insight and helps maintain some of the scenes history I read for around 1 1/2 hrs striaght through. Riverting to someone who enjoyes learning about what went before............ Cheers krh68
  2. Real genuine guy, when asked about people covering songs so refreshing to heer he celebrated because it meant he had done his job and the songs could be heard for longer, with all the millions of songs out there. And also found it interesting he did write specifcally for people, rather than pick the artists after Good interview.................
  3. Can anyone tell me anything about the artist, the 45 value and any other discs by the artist please Thanks
  4. I agree entirely with this its either destined for a display case as a trophy for a non music lover or at the headquarters of Universal or in the collection of a Motown Artsist etc............
  5. Hi Ian Presumably there were female press plates, destroyed ? Further a 7" and 10" acetate for reference and file. Have these been confirmed or not, do you know, as destroyed ? Then the 6 copies, ordered destroyed. Think these were the ear copies, ie to artists, producer and file etc ? I thought that most wdj copies were pressed by the hundred and it was this later (first)press that was to be destroyed ? Intended for plugging by stations......... So as many as 6 could exists, but have indeed never turned up, bar the 2 known.......... I wouldnt rule out them ever surfacing personally as records are still turning up particulalry as rather than thrown people now know they have a value........... A great piece of history for sure.
  6. Its an interesting note - I have been more tempted buy the Make An Offer button recently ; it gives me a chance to offer what i think is a fair price (or a nice price to me). In my experience, if you make it a fair price, the Seller will often come back say 10% higher and we can both be happy. He has a done sale, and I have a 45 just above where i thought a great deal would be had. Working this way seems to work If you go silly low, they are just insulted, rejected and I guess eventually would ignore such offers..... Best krh68
  7. Hard to say. Maybe a lot of folk are thinking more along the lines of "I wonder what these are worth" as they clear out having heard all about the biggies on ebay. Before they may have thrown them out or to the junk shop. Now they get assessed first. Its not that different to here in the UK for items that once went to the tip or school jumble sale or car boot, all now get pre-screened.......... One view anyhow :-)
  8. Few of my choices for 2009 would be......... Frank Lynch - Young Girl - My Records 2101 Echoes - Million Dollar Bill - Pulse 20770 Chantells With Aqua Lads - I'll Never Know - Aqua 8755 Little Joe Cook - I'm Falling In Love With You Baby - Two-Jay 1003 Stereos - Dont Let It Happen To You - Val 56720 Best krh68
  9. It sounds like its best to have it in your hands !! krh68
  10. Hopefully someone may have ascan of the boot............thanks for reply krh68
  11. Any difference also for issue (yellow stock copy) or demo Also be useful to know if booted, thanks Thanks krh68
  12. I am a somewhat dis-organised and scatty collector :-( I enjoy collecting items by artist, by label and by style BUT i'm always off on a tangent dependant on what I have heard / read / thought of that day !! I hardly ever finish anything..........but start lots of different things........ lol It also depends what pops up, where and for how much. Always admire those who achieve the full cataloging and recording, it would certainly save me picking up things two or three times..........and I also sadly like to see and issue and demo, guess we all have the odd irrationality to our collecting...... I have become a lot more patient when waiting for 45s, which generally helps lower the price ; but its always good to have somtehing pass through your hands.......... So as which type......ummm neither of the two you mention, prob not a very good one is closest !! Cheers krh68

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