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Everything posted by Raremusicdirect

  1. Could someone advise on the current price of this please, have seen wildly varying values from £ 175 - £ 300 Also what are the label colour variations - anyone have scans please ? I have the red label and black writing one, but also a pale blue label ; is this a second issue or boot ? Thanks
  2. Superlatives - I Still Love You - blue copy for sale Graded VG+ - plays through just fine Seems to book between £ 65 - £ 75 Will accept any reasonable offer, please pm on here Payment PayPal (as Gift with you accepting fees) or UK drawn cheque. Postage £ 2. Just in case, this is the tune, but its not my copy Superlatives
  3. Ditto Chalky am in same boat, have volumes 1-3..............
  4. How many copies do you think are around Pete ? It may well be that even if its 20 - 100 ? it will still be rare and expensive just due to the high demand worldwide...............?
  5. I think i tried to ask last time for opinion on how many might be out there or if the rumours about some being found could be substantiated - perfectly valid to ask in my view - and was promptly shot down ............... Odd as the forum header included : A place for all soul fans into soul on vinyl. Vinyl facts, rumours, legends, selling, hunting, tips, questions, stories be good to hear what people genuinely feel on numbers around and hence rarity, regardless of the personal taste on whether liked or not............
  6. Personally, I always honour all verbal deals, those who know me will never have saved a record that I haven't paid for, sometimes late but always with some communication. Its a trust between buyer and seller and as in law the guilty till proven unreliable should in my mind be the way to operate. If sellers black list buyers or move then to cash on account (i.e. remove credit terms) ; its the same as normal business practice and who can complain. I would recommend never sending a record until paid in full. I bought Turley Richards, Need To Fall in Love in 2 x £50 installments - the second of which is still due, but I wouldn't let them send the 45 until paid in full - although they were happy to do so. To me, primarily as a buyer, your name and credibility is important ; so naming and shaming those not so honourable is important ; allowing for emergencies and genuine errors...................
  7. Well its not the 1937 version by Paul Robeson...............
  8. My views on the subject are primarily generated from being a Buyer as I have not personally sold any records on Soul Source. Are records on here overpriced ? Seems to depend on the seller, as it does anywhere, internet, EvilBay or direct. I get the feeling the prices are slightly above the norm, maybe because the seller knows that people on here are ready and keen buyers i.e. part of the speculation is removed, because if your looking to buy and make an enquiry you will, in all probability want the item. Maybe sellers are feeding off this desire and starting with higher prices. There also seems to be a culture of "make me an offer". In this type of selling scenario, its very likely the seller will start high as he will almost certainly have to come down in price. Personally, it just means, for me, that stated prices on Soul Source will all eventually become subject to "make an offer" which is a bit of a shame and insults those that do price genuinely and at fair values. Maybe sales lists should be clear, "This is a fixed price list, discounts for quantity and for repeat customers" ; "This is a list priced but you can make an offer on any item". A bit like EvilBay has Buy It Now and Make An Offer facilities. Grading Grading and price are without doubt linked. One thing I did recently was open a box of uncirculated 1970s records that were all in company sleeves and unplayed. These were stone cold, 100% Mint. It reminded what Mint is. Maybe we all need one on our desks to remember what Mint really is. A universal Soul 45 Grading system would be useful if everyone worldwide would subscribe, but that unlikely. So the USA and UK systems are likely to continue, with others using their own hybrid system. To me the key thing is that the grading system is declared so I can soon get a feel for how the individual sellers grade against them. Dealers I go back to tend to slighly undergrade items, so that I recieve an item for a fair price and am not disappointed by the grade. It sort of contradicts the desire for intially accuracy, but is perhaps more realistic ! Buying in person at events and fairs is best, if the portable deck is on hand, because then there can be no doubt. A good seller reacts to your feeling on grade and may negotiate accordingly. I have bought lesser grade items, where the price has come down after a quick play and as both of you are present, its hard to dispute after wards. As to whether others should comment on prices in the forum, the answer to me is a clear yes, without doubt. Its a forum open to free posting by members. If its a private matter, then the discussion should be off forum, either via the pm system or off list altogether. I think the discussion are indeed handy, because they assist in establishing what prices are fair and reasonable at the time (that is they increase information) and they help root out good and bad sellers, which surely must be good as a whole.
  9. Liked that a lot...................
  10. Thats kinda why I was asking for information Ken
  11. Apologies if requested before : Did this make a 45 release anywhere in the world ? I think its LP only ? What other versions are there that did make a 45 release, please ?
  12. There were rumours of a few having been found ? Anyone have any details on this - a box of up to 25 ? I have no information at all...............................but if the ones for sale are all Mint white demos could be something in it and I am presuming that the matrix and run out grooves are thoroughly checked ? Has anyone any further or better or contrary information ?
  13. Yes indeed................... spare from your box ?
  14. Here's my fairly recent experience ............... Popcorn Weekender
  15. on Lanie, first issue, multi-coloured label : Mint- or VG++ please please pm if you have one for sale tia
  16. Has any one any information on diluted Ammonia say 1 part ammonia ; 9 parts distilled water A collector friend of 25 yrs been using it with lint free clothes and swears by it Just wondered any one have any experience or science to that ?
  17. Indeed lol No, I think most will be in agreement that its no fun having folk fall into people, fall over, etc etc so we are taking extremes but these people should be very obvious and should be suggested they take a seat or a few waters ideally by their friends or the door staff if they think problems are occurring......... I was at Lifeline and someone walked right across the floor to and from the bar, which must be very irritating to the dancers ; so i think some etiquette helps everyone - things maybe you shouldn't have to spell out but seem to have too........ The person who walked across the floor was a first timer and just didn't know it wasn't the done thing. So a friendly word and it was understood.... In terms of when you let them in, I don't think you can tell if they are there just for the bar.......
  18. Personally I have no issues with bars being openall night - but can see why shutting at say 2am is sensible to avoid peoplegoing "just" for the all night bar, similar in some ways to cricket now, whichwith all day drinking attracts some followers who go with no intention ofwatching any cricket. I have been to events and stayed sober throughout, others just had a few,others been very merry, others been drunk (and left when I knew I had hadenough). I choose dependent on how I feel and the circumstances of whereI am. Am I driving or staying via Taxi. Its actually quiet nice for me personally to have a few drinks and listen to the music I love. Its very relaxing. I like to have full bar facilities available so I can choose. I also like a snack bar selling non-alcoholic drinks and coffee all nite. The venue owner will usually want the bar open as long as licence allows tomaximise his/her return ? This is turn allows some nights to operate (a busy bar take) ? Of course you want people to come for the music ; but I think its verydangerous to start dictating behaviour to finely. Big events, Alldayers and Allnightershave, generally, door staff and surely after a warning - ejection is fairlyeasy ? Isn't it there job to keep aneye out for that sort of thing ? Anyone who isn't sober enough to stand / behave / talk shouldn't really be letin....... I think variety and individualism is key to the scenes"feel"........and we need to be careful about alienating anyone whowants to give it a go - particularly the youth and many of those like a drink..............
  19. It went for £ 210
  20. LOL, I wasn't and aren't too fused about where is and what constitutes THE Watford Gap, my point was more that many of the events are actually in the Midlands....as well as the North................
  21. Lifeline, is in Wolverhampton = West Midlands, therefore Midlands and not the North, is that correct ?
  22. I always feel the North was defined of old when Londoners (and the South) did indeed think Watford Gap and beyond was truly North. However if you look at the regions : Regions East Midlands Derbyshire Nottinghamshire Lincolnshire Rutland Leicestershire Northants West Midlands Herefordshire Worcestershire Warwickshire West Midlands Staffordshire Shropshire North East Northumberland Durham Tyne and Wear Tyneside North West Cumbria Lancashire Merseyside Greater Manchester Cheshire Yorkshire North Yorkshire South Yorkshire East Yorkshire E Riding South West Cornwall Devon Somerset Dorset Wiltshire Gloucestershire South East & London & Greater London Greater London Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Berkshire Hampshire Surrey Kent East Sussex West Sussex East Anglia Bedfordshire Hertfordshire Essex Suffolk Norfolk Cambridgeshire The East and West Midlands combined cover a vast expanse and it can be argued (?) are at least as important as the North East and West combined.
  23. Thanks for feedback thus far
  24. Thanks Rob, especially if Pat not a member..............

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