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Everything posted by Raremusicdirect

  1. I asked about the Marvin Gaye - Hangin On ; see if was original Jobete Acetate and it wasn't........... I would have needed to ask about 50 questions to ascertain if was anymore value and as some are listed as boots / reissues and some not, it would only be worth a "pot luck" bid in my view............Maybe the buyer will strike lucky, but something tells me not........
  2. THE LAW RELATING TO CHILDREN IN PUBLIC HOUSES The Licensing Act 2003 updates the law relating to children in pubs. The new law aims at closing the loopholes and inadequacies of previous legislation, while allowing under-18s access into licensed premises in a safe, family-friendly way. The legal drinking age remains 18 years of age. The only exception is that 16- and 17-year-olds can drink beer, wine or cider with a table meal while being accompanied by an adult (a person aged 18 or over). Under the Licensing Act 2003, it is an offence to: Allow children under 16 on relevant premises that are used exclusively or primarily for the supply of alcohol, if they are not accompanied by an adult (and the premises are open for the sale of alcohol).Allow an unaccompanied child under 16 to be on relevant premises between the hours of midnight and 5am, when the premises are open for the supply and consumption of alcohol. Other offences under the Licensing Act 2003 include: Purchasing or attempting to purchase alcohol for consumption by a child (with the exception of purchasing beer, wine or cider as part of a table meal).Buying or attempting to buy alcohol by a child. The prohibitions on unaccompanied children aged under 16 also extend to beer gardens and outside terraces, and not just the bar area. Where a publican is found to have committed an offence of selling alcohol to children, they may have a defence if they believed that the purchaser was 18 or over and they took all reasonable steps to establish the purchaser's age, or that nobody could reasonably have suspected from the purchaser's appearance that they were under 18. A second defence would be where the purchaser looked exceptionally old for his age. A reliable proof of age card can make the job of checking a young customer's age easier. The Government supports the PASS (Proof of Age Standards Scheme), which approves and accredits proof of age schemes in the UK. It is backed by major retailers and representatives of the licensed trade and its continued promotion and development is encouraged. Temporary events notices Temporary events notices (TENs) can be used for the temporary sale or supply of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment or the provision of late night refreshment, at premises which are not authorised by a premises licence. The licensing authority and the police must be notified of the event at least 10 working days before the event, and the following conditions apply: A personal licence holder may use a TEN up to 50 times per year.The number of times a TEN can be given in respect of particular premises is 12 times per calendar year.The length of time a TEN may last is 96 hours.The maximum aggregate duration of the periods covered by TENs at any individual premises is 15 days. The scale of the event in terms of the maximum number of people attending at any one time is 499.
  3. Could somebody post up the actual Laws in this area then, that would be worth me knowing .............well may well bore me rigid, but would give a base to the arguements...............
  4. Allnighters different to Alldayers and Weekenders. At the later most accept that children maybe present at some point, as they maybe in any other bar / restaurant with due parental control / supervision. It may well facilitate the attendance of some people at these events, in whole or part. In my experience I have never seen any problems caused by children attending, and that experience is primarily limited to Karen and Lottie. As long as the parent takes due control and supervision and above all responsibility and the child acts sensibly. If events have a strict policy, just make it known and pop it on the flyer. Will also be clear for those that attend. I guess the law is the law and that must override and whilst a "blind eye" is maybe shown to the odd one or two, if it was indeed 20 or 30, then that would be different. The law doesn't tend to do grey mind........ I was in a bar at 14 / 15, so don't wish to be too "holier-than-thou" ............
  5. PayPal as gift, just sent here : keith@soulsearcherrecords.co.uk Thanks krh68
  6. Offer sent via PM.............
  7. Nice blue issue copy for sale pm me an offer, its a duplicate to go (PayPal please) Thanks for looking On EvilBay later
  8. Seldom seen 45 out of Detroit............. Helen Gilbert - Without A Real Man I'd call this a mid tempo swinger.................... Not listed in most guides or JM. Condition is VG++ , plays real nice. Burnies Label was sub of Peacock. 18 piece Orchestra under direction of Choker Campbell ! Payment by PayPal please : krh68@raremusicdirect.co.uk Price £ 100 including postage within UK. Thanks for looking............ Will be on other sites later today, so reserve the right to sell. PS Other side is by Frank Taylor and called Jewell.
  9. Then you changed [Lee Ivory, Wm. Stevenson] publ. Jobete Sammy Ward; 05/64*; prod. Wm. Stevenson Jobete acetate
  10. pm sent Gary
  11. Thanks RnB Rookie, Tim Smithers and Dante, pm sent...........
  12. Please pm me with condition and price ta
  13. pm sent on a couple.........
  14. please pm price and condition thanks krh68
  15. Please pm with price, Mint please Thanks krh68
  16. pm sent.............
  17. Thanks for price feedback guys............
  18. Your price opinion Pete ? Appreciate quality varies............
  19. 03/02/2010 GBP 262
  20. Not fully up on prices, and not researched this yet, £1200 sounds over money for this.............views welcome............ 29/06/2008 USD 1007 11/04/2009 USD 545 24/06/2009 USD 205 12/09/2009 USD 700 26/09/2009 GBP 311 Thanks

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