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Everything posted by Raremusicdirect

  1. Besides all the above interesting information I would just add that people should be a little careful, the outgoing government sold off the reserves, spent all the income the country had, then in desperation printed money.........now as the Coalition tries to balance out the mess, Tax Inspectors NEED to raise every penny they can. Thats their dictate ! Expect Ebay investigations, increased customs duty checks, examination of private traders v business traders and the avoidance of tax paid etc.................. Its not a cheery subject prior Xmas, but I think a touch of caution and not highlighting the issues (drawing attention) to them might be sensible.......[ I know I am fuelling the fire a little!] .................who knows who is on here under alias' or even anonymous user.........I remember learning after many years that a Tax Inspector socialised in my company but never declared it, case he created enemies lol...............Of course those who are whiter than white in every complete aspect have nothing to fear, but maybe thats not so many of us........ (Simon Hunt excepted) If you want to know how intrusive such investigations are I could also write quiet a verse, but I closed mine out some years back and all I can advise is, don't lay yourself open for such an event it is indeed a nitemare...................
  2. Thanks..............
  3. No defence offered lol.....................I obsess about all things vinyl and related, hope you never get the affliction lol
  4. I came across the warning on Ebay so thanks for posting on there - I don't think EBay have a section for known trouble makers / conmen.......they pretend to get it sorted and it never repeats Its about as effective as the PayPal refund policies ................... Maybe if every UK buyer emailed every French seller on EBay on a day of protest to say "i would have bid on this 45 if the fellow conman from your country.....name and shame.............refunded x amount to y" then at least they might all be made aware of the issue too......... Fair to brand all French sellers with same brush...nope.......but that's also what happened in Belgium............ Until this guy is dealt with makes it very hard to trade / buy from France for any higher value item............................
  5. Had a browse on Jazzman, because I use plain white card (outer) sleeves at present and want some inners......... I note the "Archival quality olive green paper sleeves of superior quality." Are these in green only? i can try them when open hours come around.............but wondered if anyone knew Ideally I wanted about 6 diff colours because i was intending filing by style ; Northern, Rnb, Female Lead, etc Also unsure about labelling on the outer white sleeve ; considered a Dyno writer......... ?
  6. Not really interested in the records featured in this list ; any merit as pointed to in top 20 Northern Soul tunes (by known value)......unless its been done already ? Not a rarity by value debate, just a pure list of 20 by value paid
  7. As its an open (moderated) forum and a free market its my view that a Seller should be able to list any item at any price at any time. It was nice of the Seller to consider and ask in the circumstances Its actually quiet a small and specialist market and remaining friendly and acting with integrity is important
  8. Ebay only care about fee income......................you only have to look at recent changes to feedback system, move towards Ebay Shops and there none effective policing of fraud to get the gist ................still I use them all the time
  9. CITY 014 Whatcha Gonna Do by Phillip & The Faithfulls from Goldwax Until The End Of Time by The Additions from Dave Hamilton's Topper productions. Mint only please Please pm
  10. Thanks for the copy article, great read.............
  11. Mint original required Please pm price and condition to me - thank you
  12. I thought so too Ted............
  13. Thanks the Payment For and To seems to hold up............thank you
  14. Hi Johno Thanks for that, Been there but doesnt say if the payments sent are Gift or normal payment for Services / Goods I think you can only tell by FEES taken ? Best Kevin
  15. Hi I made a payment last few days for a record, sure I sent as Gift but maybe wrong How do I check the TYPE of payment sent - GIFT / Services etc ? I can't see where or how to check back Help appreciated Thanks Kevin
  16. Agree, haven't read the rules for postings here ; but surely this is just a one line website link ? With no prices and condition guide, tis hardly worth the post............ postage rates etc
  17. Thanks Nige Will check................
  18. Ideally original and Mint Please pm me price and condition Thank you Kevin
  19. Still required, please
  20. PM SENT TO nick hackett Thanks
  21. Original wanted please. Please pm me price and condition of label and more importantly vinyl. Thank you
  22. Recommends for best web based dealer please - to fit inside standard 7inch card sleeves Thanks

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