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Everything posted by Raremusicdirect

  1. 1059 - Sunny & The Sunliners - We Can Make it Together / Get Down 1060 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Arrullo De Dios / La Preferida 1061 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Carinito / Sin Ti 1063 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Arbol Saco / Yo No Me Acuerdo 1065 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Los Enamorados / No Voy A La Luna 1067 - Sunny & The Sunliners - La Estrella / Ya Nos Volvio Amanecer 1068 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Palabritas / O'Vivir Sin Ti 1070 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Andale Mi Amor / Con Golpes De Pecho 1076 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Amor De Mis Amores / Ay No Digas 1077 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Greater Greater Greater / I Love My Friend That's the one's I could find.............
  2. 1078 - Sunny & the Sunliners - La Rueda / Olvidate
  3. 1040 - Sunny & the Sunliners - Mi Chullta / Sobras
  4. 1032 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Rosita Bonita / La Pecosita
  5. 1011 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Que Miedo Tengo / Cantar Llorando
  6. 1001 - Sunny & The Sunliners - Dias Tras Dia / Lagrimas Del Alma
  7. I have one for sale will pm..............
  8. Post wasn't explicitly clear, records were all originals for sale Apologies
  9. My observations are that there at two distinctly different groups of soul nite / nighter (grouped together for ease) attendees. The main group prefer a predominately Oldies based set, often described as top 500 but is broader and includes many rare tunes (because some are) and of course littered with underplayed. Attendees typically attend Hinckley, Nuneaton, Loughborough, Stoke, Skegness (Main Room), Torquay Main Room, Rugby Main Floor, Wellingborough Main Room, RSG etc They are in my view the majority. The second group prefer Rare and Underplayed and more progressive elements (in the variants, such as RnB, Funk, Latin etc) - funk coming to the fore at the moment. They will frequent Lifelife, Bidds, Rugby Second Room, Groovesville, Gloucester Second Room, Southampton 2nd Room, United Sounds Of Soul, Move On, Bournemouth Railway Club, etc They are in my view the minority. Some like both and move between the two of course, trying different things, but most people I have met tend to sit 80:20 in one camp or the other. I don't think either is right or wrong, its personal choice. Is it a split scence (think was original question) - can only talk in recent history terms, I'd say there are two main different strands under the same Northern / Rare Soul banner. It makes knowing the venue music policy and djs they have selected all the more important in my view. That's my own opinion based on what I have experienced / seen for myself. I have attended all the example events mentioned over the last 5 years or so.............
  10. Hope you get some positive news and ideally recover your 45s................
  11. Many thanks for the link, looks very useful.............and reasonable cost..........I know that for a current insurer who isn't a specialist (Zurich), it was £ 75.00 for £ 30,000 of cover, so on the face of it £ 75.00 for £ 100,000 looks good........ Will be worth examining the small print on security issues, travel, left unattended, theft from vehicle and so on................. But thanks for link
  12. For Sale Artist : Aalon Butler Title : Got To Be Somethin' Label : PKC Vinyl Condition : VG++ Label Condition : VG- (worn) Price : £ 80.00 £ 70.00 Postage : £2.00 UK destination, standard mail - anywhere else please ask Payment : PayPal as Gift within 3 working days or longer by agreement This YouTube is of the song, but is not my copy and therefore for reference only : Artist : Truetones Title : He's Got The Nerve Label : Soulville (1st label) Vinyl Condition : VG++ Label Condition : VG++ Price : £ 65.00 £ 55.00 Postage : £2.00 UK destination, standard mail - anywhere else please ask Payment : PayPal as Gift within 3 working days or longer by agreement This YouTube is of the song, but is not my copy (item shown is on the later Josie label ) and therefore for reference only : Reserve either item via PM, first come first served.
  13. Boba, Just a point that confused me ; You commented that "A "G" record can play mint," - don't see how that can so. Isn't a visually graded record - one with surface marks, scratches and visible groove wear - hence G - by definition not going to be Mint when played ? Isn't that the point of grading ? If I missed the point, let me know For the Sensations record sold, as the Seller did a sound clip, he could have done a label visual grade and a vinyl PLAY grade...no real need for him to do just a visual Best Kevin
  14. Ghetto Soul, Southampton - 30/04/2011 Playlist (part) - 11.50pm - 12.50am Not in play order. Sitting In My Class - Ronnie McNeir - DeTo Its Got To Be Someone - Aalon Butler - PKC That's The Same Thing - Masquaders - Soultown You Gotta Be Strong - James Duncan - King Diamonds And Pearls - Universals - Cooking [mic credit given to Kev Spittle who introduced me to it] Why Did You Call - Eddie Wood - Perico Lovin - Rachel & The Headhunters - Beat Set Me On My Feet Right - Hollidays - Holliday You Don't Know - Paramount Four - Southern City Dance By Yourself - Justin Jones - Flippin I Need You Babe - Rico Barr - Bosstown What About Me - Sonny Herman - Utopia Good Things - Toni Washington - Kon-Ti I Know What To Do To Satisfy You - Roy Robert - Tina Baby Be Mine - Venturas - Daniels Daddy Don't Know - Marva Whitney - Forte Danger - John Steel - Third City Thought I Had A Good Thing - Penny North - Luau Why - Willie Mason - KaLaMa Change Will Do You Good - Louis Paul - Intro I'm Yours - Betty Wilson - Dayco
  15. Great set Tim.......... I enjoyed the Johnnie Mae Matthews / My Destination as a 'new to hear out" and the Little Stanley / The Stran in particular
  16. Worth a browse of this guide : popsike
  17. I agree with Matt, history is great and all, but wouldn't it be so refreshing if they focused on a current club, with current attendees and just showed the dancers who were there, many of whom just do their own thing and haven't been trained or look beautiful (yeah I maybe jealous lol) - ok it might not be "pretty" tv ; but would give a fairer "current" impression
  18. Bearsy, wanna buy a second hand car..........
  19. Thanks Dave, yes RareMusicDirect on here - will pm Dave direct...............
  20. Independant record shops on the rise..........BBC Article here : BBC-Independant Shops
  21. Great topic Always thought of cover ups as part and parcel of the scene and although I am only embarking on my journey I would if I felt I had the right 45, cover it up for fun and as Russ and Dave already stated, allow it to remain exclusive a tad longer than otherwise and prevent some djs just buying it without the "effort". Its increasing hard to do, as an awful lot is known, but its still possible. I suspect I'll be rumbled within seconds with my first lol, lets see, but some of the fun traditions are worth maintaining I think for set balance; well knowns, rare and unplayed, different mix of temp AND a cover up all blend to make great sets. When djs do it I think they have made an effort, rather than just play the guaranteed (unless its that type of event and that's all the whats described, in which case fine too). Long live the "odd" cover up
  22. This is a great resource site too.......... https://www.seabear.se/ Although server timed out when I tried just now.......
  23. Hy-Tones - You don't even know my name - SOUTHERN ARTISTS condition and price please via pm

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