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Everything posted by Raremusicdirect

  1. The feedback system isn't very effective anymore..............especially for small sellers. Every one has noticed they really want high volume corporates......... Sellers shouldn't be bullied by EvilBay, and low feedback should just be allowed to exist so people buy from them less. Giving everyone 5, which is what has happened by defualt, means feedback now means less than it did............. Trouble is they have never much cared for the customer, just the revenue streams.............. PS I use it every day :-)
  2. In fact I was rather bolder stating "if this don't get Bearsy up dancing nothing will and further I will even shave off all my hair to become bold as......." Glad you danced..........
  3. Its purely personal choice ? I've been to events and not danced once and had a great time, been to events and danced as much as I desire and had a great time too. I am no great dancer by any shakes, but I do what I want as its my own free time. I don't spend time with any one who might mention more than once that "you havent danced come on" - I left 6th form years ago.................suprise, I am an adult and can and will make my own descions........... Of course the importance or travelling to me is to hear new sounds, sounds I love and that would normally get me dancing - but I cant "blanket" dance to any old tune that comes on easily.........Its also to experience new places, people and venues...................so a mix. The key is the music though. Having a good time means different things to different people, so we must celebrate the difference........... :-)
  4. The other point about the future of vinyl surely has to be the future of technology. If and when they stop making players things will fade further into the specialist corner..............and those new markets we forecast (China) might just be happy with mp3 ?
  5. A large swath of slow and midtempo tunes in the classics bracket are not currently in vogue as they are "too nice" ............not raw or funky enough...........and therefore being passed over......sure they will come back at some point.................imo
  6. Mint is around £ 300, so as a Guide £150 for this copy............... ?
  7. Offers welcomed on this 45, condition wise is worn would grade VG, plays through fine. Its a tough Pa tune to find. On JM here for sound file............... https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/d/193437/ALLEN,_MEL_VENA Other side is The Bigger Your Heart PM please Payment by PayPal as Gift Cheers
  8. And I applaud them for doing so..............
  9. Isn't this whole thread just an insult to 40 somethings who could have more or less knowledge, collections or taste as any 50 something, 30 something or 60 something............ Lets have equal age rights for 40ts somethings please, least until I am 50
  10. Top set Dean, not heard this in a while talkin bout jones-bobby jomes Hope kangaroo part 2-abraham and the casanovas got a reaction................
  11. Royal Robbins - Something About You Sends Me - Tru-Glo-Town 506 wdj VG grade ; Edge chip but thankfully doesn't effect play...........copy looks very worn but does play fine....Mint books at £ 900 - £ 1,000 .........this is not that standard by any means, but is a chance to own a rare record that plays out fine............. Sample not from record : PayPal as Gift please. Please PM offers PM me your email for soundfile and pictures from actual 45 :-)
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  12. all fantastic tunes.......... Hytones Magnetics and George Lemons Anyone wanna throw there's away to me, feel free
  13. Thanks Kev, I must have missed it
  14. Were these publicised on here ? Maybe I missed the ad............. I dont think that auction house was the best placed to sell them, hence prices would have been low............
  15. Should Sellers who use the feature (Reserve Not Met), place they reserve amount in the text to save us all time ? After all they won't sell until we go past it and I am sure many of us have used Contact Seller to ask the question............wouldn't just make more sense to state ?
  16. Please give them away to someone who will try to sell them or pass them to someone who may like them..........loads of people will collect records from you for free to recycle..........
  17. Living Room Soul Club
  18. I looked for it a while too, last price I saw was £ 228 ; so it probably doesnt turn up often................
  19. Blisworth Hotel, Northants must have been one of the smallest, held 6-10 people ? Least that was the floor I witnessed in the back room.
  20. I recall receiving a 45 that was taped between a gatefold Lp and the LPs were included. Bizarre, added weight but did protect the 45...........[i paid a fixed $ 6 postage]...............
  21. Thanks Jason, all good here Des has kindly answered and it was Des I first heard play it at Glouscester. Came across someone with copies recently who kindly threw one is as part of the deal...It could do with a US centre mind :-) Cheers
  22. Can anyone please tell me about the 45 (recent issue) and anything about the group etc......... Thanks
  23. Excellent article Chalky and thanks for posting up............. This line might also be pertinent on some other threads "when a handful of British clubs began to host marathon, pill-fueled all-nighters of soul singles by artists who'd been long forgotten in the United States. For deejays, the trick was unearthing great tunes that nobody else owned, that couldn't be heard on any other dance floor. The scarcer the record, the better."
  24. ITS HIS EMAIL ADDRESS : joedunlop@btinternet.com Thanks
  25. Have emailed Joe, but anyone know if he has a PayPal id ? and accepts payments in that method ? Thank you

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